October surprise: CDC says McDonald’s quarter-pounders are sickening people, and Biden says to lock Trump in jail

A.I. generated image.

Just two days after Donald Trump staged a campaign event by working a shift at a McDonald’s franchise, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued a warning about McDonald’s.

“This is a fast-moving outbreak investigation. Most sick people are reporting eating Quarter Pounder hamburgers from McDonald’s and investigators are working quickly to confirm which food ingredient is contaminated. McDonald’s has pulled ingredients for these burgers, and they won’t be available for sale in some states,” the CDC said in a statement.

The burger chain had received enormous publicity following Trump’s visit, in which he scooped up servings of French fries and greeted customers at the drive-through window, while wearing his classic red tie and a McDonald’s apron.

Donald Trump waves from the window of a McDonald’s drive-through in Feasterville, Pennsylvania.

Immediately, the CDC attacked McDonald’s.

“CDC, FDA, USDA FSIS, and public health officials in multiple states are investigating an outbreak of E. coli O157:H7 infections. Most people in this outbreak are reporting eating the Quarter Pounder hamburger at McDonald’s before becoming sick. It is not yet known which specific food ingredient is contaminated,” the CDC said at its website.

“McDonald’s is collaborating with investigation partners to determine what food ingredient in Quarter Pounders is making people sick. McDonald’s stopped using fresh slivered onions and quarter pound beef patties in several states while the investigation is ongoing to identify the ingredient causing illness,” the federal agency said.

Also on Tuesday, President Joe Biden surprised the political world when Trump must be thrown in prison.

“If I said this five years ago, you’d lock me up: ‘We gotta lock him up,’” Biden, 81, said a Democratic campaign event in Concord, New Hampshire.

The audience in the room applauded for several seconds before Biden evidently tried to put the toothpaste back in the tube: “Politically, lock him up — lock him out, that’s what we’ve got to do.”

Meanwhile, Kamala Harris took the day off of campaigning to prepare for a pre-recorded interview with NBC, to which Trump labeled her as lazy, since there are just 14 days left to go in the general election. The mainstream media then attacked Trump for using what it said was a “racist trope.”

By racist, the Los Angeles Times and other news outlets mean that blacks are sometimes labeled as lazy. But in this case, Harris is not remotely black, so it’s unclear what trope the news agencies are referring to.


  1. “Politically, lock him up”

    What happens when your alzheimers patient loses his filter and says out loud what the rest of you Leftwing psychopaths are thinking….

  2. Trump is a convicted felon, and has several outstanding felony charges against him. In the words of Beretta, “Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time!”

    • Anyone with the ability to think logically knows this was political persecution. The bogus charges were judiciously dismissed by the federal courts, then weaponized into lawfare by blue state officials who had a grudge against President Trump for defeating Klinton, their chosen one. She subsequently used her Party of Rats to falsely charge him with collusion. This is the modus operandi of a banana republic. Unless changes are made in our judicial system, the total collapse of our republic is inevitable.

    • Yeah, convicted felon.
      Convicted using a “novel” application of a law that was never intended for the purpose.
      Convicted by an obviously biased judge that should not have presided over the trial because of a known conflict of interest.
      Convicted by a Judge that did not allow the defense to call witnesses that refuted the prosecution’s claims.
      I would bet if you, or someone you know were to have been “convicted” in the manner Trump was convicted your opinion about the trial would be vastly different.

    • You might want to do some research on alternative news sites. Squishy James 454 million dollar fine lost in New York appellate court. Prosocuters begging in their closing statements not to be sanctioned for bringing forth this case. 😒

  3. I was going to write an ironic comment mocking the cdc.

    Instead I am going to marvel at how fast a government agency can burn their credibility forever in four short years. Today’s political hack job (cause that’s why their agency was constituted?) aligns perfectly with the transitory needs of the democrat party. All so their constituency won’t feel so butthurt in this hews cycle after getting owned so badly by the orange man’s mc’ds stunt.

  4. Does anyone doubt that our federal agencies are corrupt? How do we dissolve the agencies employing all these unelected scum bags?

  5. The political left has lost their way.
    They sound just like many communist leaders and Germany before ww2.
    Keep pushing and see what happens seams to be the normal to see how much they can get away with.

    • They let Trump in McDonald’s once, no hair net no gloves, touching the fries, 2 days later there’s already e.coli in 10 states and their stock is crashing. Everything this guy touches dies. #Blue tsunami, #Shake it off

      • Yeah… Because one campaign stop at a McD’s that was not involved in the e.coli outbreak is proof that Trump was instrumental in the decision of McD’s to purchase infected onion slivers.
        Yeah. Killing people by not being involved.

        • CBMTTek – The Trump administration gutted FDA & USDA budgets, the two agencies responsible for enforcing and inspecting food production regulation and facilities. These budget cuts caused food safety inspection to drop by 33%. He also relaxed regulations on processing speeds, especially with regard to poultry and pork products – allowing more animals to be processed at a faster rate with fewer safety inspectors. And you were so excited when he would make a big deal over cutting regulations. Listeria doesn’t play politics.

      • Sebastian, thank you for once again erasing all doubt that your opinion is anything but distorted ramblings due to your intense TDS.

        From the CDC:
        Affected states are Colorado, Kansas, Utah, Wyoming, and portions of Idaho, Iowa, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, and Oklahoma. MOST people report consuming a quarter pounder hamburger.
        E coli symptoms start 3-4 days after consumption of the bacteria.
        In order to declare an outbreak of a food born illness the CDC has a 7 step process which includes DNA fingerprinting of the bacteria, finding affected individuals, working with local health departments, ascertaining traits/activities in common with most sick individuals etc….

        Your conjecture is therefor non-applicable and simply again a symptom of your TDS.
        Seek Help!

  6. With a kid clearly facing prison time for influence peddling and the patient himself complicit, the last thing he should be blabbering about is sending others to prison.

    Might be a good time to start making strategic comments like ‘hate the deed, not the doer’.

    It would appear that any strategic synapses cooked a while back though.

  7. I was thinking it probably was the LAB MEAT that was causing the problem.,.but then the “Demon’ts are loosing their brains, they are realizing they’re starting to loose out. They’ll blame anyone and ANYTHING but the real reason why they’re loosing in the polls.

  8. I’m waiting the “4am surprise” to drop.. You know.. The “surprise” where Trump is ahead when we go to bed for the night and the next morning he’s behind enough to lose the election. I guess when you pull out suitcases of ballots and run them through the scanners several times to be counted, unaware that the crime was recorded on security cameras; you would think someone would be going to prison. /s

    • Right? can’t wait to see the graph illustrating that at 3:59 a.m. votes for the democrat candidate somehow stopped climbing, and instead shot dead vertical for 10 or 12 million votes, after the exact same impossible scenario plays out in five or seven different states, with election officials telling everyone to go home, that counting will resume in the morning, only to go back in to polling places by themselves, miraculously “finding” hundreds of thousands more ballots, even more miraculously all for the democrat candidate…. All completely legit….. yeah, can’t wait.

    • It wasn’t 4am in 2020…I was at Fred Meyer a little after 10pm, exchanging excitement with the checkout guy over the rising red arc.

      When I got to my car, my brother in CA texted the news that GA was going to stop counting for the night. I stared at my phone in disbelief, realizing that, holy $&@!, they’re actually going to steal this thing.

      The saddest part of the last election is that they go away it. Nobody stopped them. All of our elected officials showed their stripes.

      God, have mercy on us.

  9. They say the affected burgers are the quarter pounder. The cause is the onions used. Do quarter pounders use different onions than the other burgers?

    • Yep. I would recommend a culinary adventure through their menu. Scientifically designed to be just the right amount of sugar in their burgs and apparently a small amount of poop. Mmmmm.


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