Alaska Day: Oct. 18 is Alaska Day, a day off for state employees, except for public safety and first responders. The rest of us will be on duty because it’s three weeks exactly until Nov. 8. Candidates will be out there looking for voters.
Above, Senate candidate Kelly Tshibaka went door-to-door in Homer, Alaska, introducing herself to likely voters on a crisp fall day. She is on a get-out-the-vote tour of Alaska and will be hitting many communities to make her case that “it’s time for change.”

Palin on Fox: Sarah Palin, on Fox News, said the throughput in the Trans Alaska Pipeline System is about 300,000 barrels a day. Palin, who says energy is her expertise, was off by a couple hundred thousand barrels, but at this rate and Biden’s unhelpful administration, we’ll be there soon. Indeed, if the pipeline drops to 300,000 barrels a day, plans would be already underway to shut it down and dismantle it. Year to date for TAPS: 480,952 barrels per day.
Nick Begich in Homer: House candidate Nick Begich is on his way to the Kenai Peninsula for various get-out-the-vote events, meet-and-greets, and door knocking.
Mary Peltola: The incumbent Democrat congresswoman will be in Anchorage on Alaska Day for a fundraiser at the Alpenglow Brewery.
Which state senators endorse Forrest Dunbar? All three Democrat senators in Anchorage are supporting Rep. Geran Tarr over Anchorage Assemblyman Forrest Dunbar for State Senate. That includes Sen. Elvi Gray Jackson, Bill Wielechowski, and Tom Begich. Not only did the voters in Anchorage not want Dunbar as mayor, it appears the Democrats in the Senate don’t want to work with him either.

Oct 16, 1972: The 50th anniversary of the plane crash that took the life of Nick Begich I came and went on Sunday, and no one seemed to notice. Not the media, anyway, although maybe the family made note. The congressman and three others on a flight from Anchorage to Juneau were lost over Prince William Sound that fateful day, and the wreckage was never found. He was the grandfather that Nick Begich III never got to meet, and these days would be considered a conservative.
“On Oct. 16, 1972, at just before 9 a.m., a Cessna 310C, its registration number, N1812H, laid out in 10-inch tall block letters across the lower margin of its vertical tail, departed from Anchorage International Airport’s Runway 24R (since renumbered as 25R) under gray skies and into what was, at best, marginal flying weather.
“The plane seemed fine. The evening before, the pilot had flown the light twin-engine Cessna down from Fairbanks just for this flight. Fresh out of its regular 100-hour maintenance check and fully fueled up again in Anchorage for the charter flight, the 1959 Cessna 310C was in game shape for the planned 575-mile jaunt down to Juneau. No one took special notice. It was just a small plane with four men aboard heading down the coast, just as thousands of small planes had done before and thousands more have done since,” Plane and Pilot magazine wrote at this story.

Anchorage Republican Women’s Club endorsements:
US Senate
Rank 1: Kelly Tshibaka (ARWC endorsed).
Rank 2: Buzz Kelly (Club is not ranking Lisa Murkowski second.)
Congressional Race
Rank 1: Nick Begich Rank 1: Sarah Palin
Rank 2: Sarah Palin Rank 2: Nick Begich
“ARWC asks you either rank Nick Begich first or Sarah Palin first. We are not endorsing either but you MUST pick the other one 2nd as shown above. We believe neither can get enough votes alone to beat the democrat. We believe ranking in this race is our only chance to win.”
Alaska Governor
Rank 1: Mike Dunleavy (ARWC endorsed.
“He will win this race over Charlie Pierce, but ranking Charlie Pierce 2nd will ensure our totals beat that of Walker and Gara.”
Rank 2: Charlie Pierce
Senator Districts
District E
Rank 1: Roger Holland (ARWC endorsed).
Rank 2: None.
(The only other Republican in race is Cathy Giessel, who is on Bill Walker’s team).
District F
Rank 1: James Kaufman (ARWC endorsed. Only Republican in race).
Rank 2: None
District G
No endorsed Republican candidate.
District H
Rank 1: Mia Costello (ARWC endorsed).
Rank 2: None
District I
No Republican or endorsed candidate in the race. You have to choose undeclared if not voting for democrat.
District J
Rank 1: Andrew Satterfield (Only Republican in the race but not endorsed by ARWC or do we know much about him).
District K
Rank 1: John Cunningham (Only Republican in the race but not endorsed by ARWC or do we know much about him).
District L
Rank 1: Ken McCarty (ARWC endorsed).
Rank 2: None
(Kelly Merrick, even though listed as an R joined the democrats last session in the House).
House Districts
District 9
Rank 1: Laddie Shaw (ARWC endorsed. No other Republican in race).
Rank 2: None
District 10
Rank 1: Craig Johnson (ARWC endorsed. No other Republican in race).
Rank 2: None
District 11
Rank 1: Julie Coulombe (ARWC endorsed).
Rank 2: Ross Beiling
District 12
Rank 1: Jay McDonald (ARWC endorsed. No other Republcian in race).
Rank 2: None
District 13
Rank 1: Kathleen Henslee “Kathy” (ARWC endorsed. No other Republican in race).
District 14
Rank 1: Nicolas Danger (Only Republican in race, but know nothing about him).
Rank 2: None
District 15
Rank 1: Tom McKay (ARWC endorsed).
Rank 2: David Eiback
District 16
Rank 1: Liz Vasquez (ARWC endorsed. No other Republican in race).
District 17
“We are so sorry you live in this district. No Republican in the race.”
District 18
Rank 1: David Nelson (ARWC endorsed. No other Republican in race).
Rank 2: None
District 19
“We are so sorry you live in this district. No Republican in the race.“
District 20
Rank 1: Paul Bauer (ARWC endorsed).
Rank 2: Jordan Harary
District 21
Rank 1: Forrest Wolfe (ARWC endorsed. Only Republican in the race).
District 22
Rank 1: Stanley Wright (ARWC endorsed).
Rank 2: None
District 23
Rank 1: Jamie Allard (ARWC endorsed).
Rank 2: None
District 24
Rank 1: Dan Saddler (ARWC endorsed).
Rank 2: Sharon Jackson
Thanks Suzanne for the remembrance of Nick Begich, I was in High School at the time we got the news. I remember the search and rescue operations as the reporting was extensive, everyone held out hope for recovery. A year later I found myself working in the Alaska State Senate and recall overhearing many stories about Nick Begich. He was obviously well liked and evidently had a great sense of humor. I wish I could give a better account of the story I heard from Ed Foster about the time Nick Begich in a committee hearing got on the bad side of Bob Blodgett ,” The Heller From Teller”. Blodgett was enraged with Begich over something and begin chasing him and threatening him with bodily injury. Nick evidently thought Blodgett’s antics amusing and begin jumping over tables and chairs laughing as he was being pursued, which only further enraged Blodgett. After a while the Sargent of Arms was able to detain Blodgett and peace was restored.
The good old Days!
Just an editorial note
The image compression of the “Get out the vote” image pixelated the image beyond legibility for mobile users.
That’s kind of important information. Please fix it.
Thanks, Suzanne. I really enjoyed reading the article written by Isabel Goyer about the missing Begich/Boggs plane. That Cessna 310C went down 50 years ago without a trace of it ever being found.
My good friend, Bob Thomas, now deceased, related an incredible story to me about a decade ago. Thomas was a young pilot for Pan Alaska Airways and had flown N1812H two days before the disappearance. That would have been on Saturday, October 14, 1972. Thomas flew into Fairbanks and parked the plane at PAA, the headquarters. But Thomas experienced trouble on that flight, that being, with the deicers that were somewhat unique to the 310C. Thomas related the problem to the mechanic, who would in turn inform Don Jonz, the owner. But according to Thomas no steps were taken to repair the sporadically functional deicers. Jonz had an important appointment in Anchorage to fly two prominent congressmen to Juneau and he didn’t want to miss that opportunity.
Thomas told me that Don Jonz may have been a budding aviation legend in Alaska, but he was a “cowboy” in the cockpit. Safety was not always a top priority.
Thomas said he was told to keep his mouth shut about the sometimes dysfuntioning deicers. His theory was that the Cessna became severely iced-up after the deicers failed during critical moments. The plane probably fell like a rock somewhere in Prince William Sound, or possibly deep in the glaciers just northeast of Portage.
Bob Thomas went on to have a very good career as a civil engineer. But he told me that the disappearance of his boss, the congressmen, and the 310 would haunt him for the remainder of his life.
if Nancy and I can lend a hand with your door-to-door campaigning, please allow us. Lisa has us both stowed away in Petersburg, so we don’t get out and counter her false election claims about you. What a controlling little b*tch.
We can send you money too, and have a party for you just like Todd’s family did for Nick Begich.
District 14: Nick Danger, Third Eye?
What about the constitutional convention?
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