Congressional candidate Nick Begich continues to campaign hard, and was the host of a free pasta feed at the Palmer Train Depot, where he offered face painting and prizes for kids. About 200 people showed up. Spotted were Wasilla Mayor Glenda Ledford, Mat-Su Borough Mayor Edna DeVries, Senate Majority Leader Shelley Hughes, Kathy McCollum, Stu Graham, Curtis Thayer, and lots of people from the Mighty Mat-Su. Valley and Mat-Su Republican Women’s Clubs served as volunteers. Begich is the only candidate endorsed by the Alaska Republicans.

Begich has an event at Donut King in Wasilla at 10 am on Saturday, and another event at Little Italy Restaurante in Anchorage on Monday, from 5:30-7 pm, co-hosted by Loren Leman, former lieutenant governor and a bunch of others.
Sarah Palin, with an endorsement from Log Cabin Republicans, was the subject of a LGBTQNation story.
Congresswoman Mary Peltola has campaign help from movie star Mark Hamill, who calls Sarah Palin “Darth Palin” in mass text messages going to phones all over Alaska:

Ad gaffe: In her latest ad where she talks about needing to develop Alaska resources, Mary Peltola uses images from one of Alaska’s dead mines, the Independence Mine in the Talkeetna Mountains, which dates back to the 1897 golf rush era. It’s now a National Park historic site. Too much irony, not enough truth. (Clarification for readers who are trying to correct this story, it is officially a on the National Register of Historic Places).
Debate schedule: KTUU’s Debate for the State schedule:
- AK gubernatorial debate – Wednesday, Oct. 19
- US House debate – Wednesday, Oct. 26
- US Senate debate – Thursday, Oct. 27
Media watch: David Siders from Politico is incoming on Friday to do a piece on the Alaska congressional campaign.
Don’t do this: Huhnkie Lee, former candidate for U.S. Senate (with 237 votes in most recent run), and State Senate, has the weirdest social media judgment of any candidate we’ve ever seen, with lots of hateful references to blacks and gays. He seems to have a strange sense of humor.
But now, Nazi insignia and KKK? Is this even funny?

Local elections take place across many communities in Alaska this coming week, ending Oct. 4.
For Juneau, it’s an all-mail-in election, plus drop boxes. Juneau residents don’t have a lot of choice in candidates. None on the Assembly is challenged, and there are only two school board candidates, but there are also only two seats to fill, so they will both win as well.
More interesting is the ballot propositions. Prop. 1 is a $35 million bond to build a new city hall. Prop. 2 would allow the city to borrow up to $6.6 million for improvements to parks and recreation facilities. Prop. 3 continues the “temporary” 1% sales tax for another five years for the total of 5% sales tax, which is just keeping things as they are. The 1% add-on sales tax would have retired in September of 2023. The sample ballot is here.
Meanwhile, a Juneau teacher using school resources to get more sign-wavers out this weekend? Evidently you can get community service hours as a student for waving political signs that agree with your teacher:

Fairbanks residents in the municipality have choices for City Council and School Board. The sample ballot is here.
In the Fairbanks North Star Borough, the sample ballot is here.
The North Pole sample ballot is here.
The Wasilla sample ballot is at this link.
Kenai’s voter pamphlet is at this link.
Mat-Su Borough election is in November and Anchorage elections are still in April.
Meanwhile, for folks in Anchorage, there are events galore to go to:

In Juneau all our elections are pre determined. But at least we’re not Anchorage.
Independence Mine is a state historic site, not a National Park anything.
Jim actually the Independence Mine Buildings are on National Register of Historic Places which is a department under the National Park Service. It is not a National Park Historical Site as the author implies. I watched the add. It is a good add it showcases the natural beauty of the area which is its greatest natural resource.
The irony, Peltola is the only candidate who has actually worked in the mining industry. I think her views on resource development are in tune with most Alaskans. Development should happen in agreement with the local residents. Also I think her views on resource development are probably in line with those of Don Young who got his start in politics fighting the Rampart Dam.
Why I like Nick over Sarah. This sums it up.
Nick, who is a flawed candidate, is out working for votes and running against his name. Sarah has behaved like she is due votes on the basis of her name.
Neither really excites me. But if I gotta put one over the other, it’s gonna be the person who put in the work over the person who feels entitled.
Msg to Mark Hamill: You’re a good actor but a LOUSY politician..Since you’re an out of state-er, please keep your politics out of Alaska’s politics.Also since you must agree with Petola’s abortion policies, you might just want to re-think your idea of killing human beings.
Not even a good actor. Other than Star Wars, zilch.
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