Broken wingman: Lieutenant Gov. candidate Paul Hueper, who is the running mate for Chris Kurka for governor, broke his leg several days ago and is laid up in Anchorage for the time being. Kurka, a Republican candidate running to the right of Dunleavy, said he will have to continue on his campaign without his wingman from Homer.
Endorsements: Sarah Palin received an endorsement from the NRA. Nick Begich was endorsed by life-long Alaskan and Fairbanks Borough Mayor Bryce Ward. Both are running for Congress, both are life-long Republicans. Both endorsements are coveted.
Republicans meet Saturday: The State Central Committee of the Alaska Republican Party meets on Saturday in Anchorage and via zoom. The meeting is at Anchorage Baptist Temple starting at 9 am.

Valley Republican candidates forum: Valley Republican Women of Alaska will hold a candidates forum for valley candidates on July 21, 6-9 pm at the Mat-Su Family Restaurant.
Media insiders hot takes: The House of Representatives voted to enshrine the right to same-sex and interracial marriages into federal law. The Respect for Marriage Act requires officials to recognize out-of-state marriages regardless of sex, race, ethnicity, or national origin—no matter state law.
Former Anchorage Daily News sports editor Beth Bragg noted that Mary Peltola would have voted for the bill, and Begich and Palin would have voted against it. We note that interracial marriage has been fully legal in all U.S. states since a 1967 Supreme Court decision that deemed anti-miscegenation state laws unconstitutional (per the 14th Amendment adopted in 1868). Many states choosing to legalize interracial marriage at much earlier dates. We also note that Nick Begich is in an interracial marriage.
As for same-sex marriage, since the Supreme Court ruled so in 2015, same-sex marriage is now legal in all 50 states.
Hence, this vote appears to be an overreaction to the overturning of Roe v. Wade, which turned abortion laws back to the states. Appropriately.

Write-in: Tara Sweeney, running for Congress in the regular primary, wants to remind voters to write in her name in the special general election and then flip over the ballot and vote for her in the regular primary. She does not appear on the special general election ballot but appears on the regular primary ballot.
Events: Golden Days Parade is this weekend in Fairbanks, but Soldotna Progress Days are also this weekend, and the Deltana Fair and Music Festival is crowding the calendar, so candidates will be spread thin as we enter the last month of campaigning. The Tanana State Fair in Fairbanks is July 29-Aug. 7. Valdez’ Gold Rush Days is scheduled Aug. 3-7. Busy times.

Well now that Fairbanks Borough Mayor Bryce Ward has endorsed my mind is made up.
Seriously, who on earth cares who is endorsing who? These endless lists of endorsements mean absolutely nothing to anybody outside of the inbred world of political hacks
Same sex and interracial marriage are completely TWO DIFFERENT THINGS..THEY ARE NOT THE SAME!!. How can one assume that same sex marriage and interracial marriage is the same?? They ARE TWO SEPARATE CATEGORIES, but NEVER to be in same category. Interracial marriage was legalized back in the 50’s & 60’s.
Suzanne could you please inform me what Bryce Ward has done to be so famous? Or is it your subtle way of trying to play down the NRA endorsement.
Hi Ken, Bryce Ward is serving his second term as mayor for the Fairbanks North Star Borough, (population 98,000) who also served two terms as mayor of the City of North Pole, and has starred in a reality television show “Building off the Grid” for the Discovery Channel. For starters. Thanks for your question. – sd
Wow!!! I’m Impressed maybe I should drive to Fairbanks & get His autograph
This election is most definitely NOT about who can garner the most endorsements from the rotten to the core political establishment. The political establishment IS the problem. Sending another of their minions to Washington, DC to drain the swamp would be the ultimate stupidity!
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