No, John Quick is not a director of ‘Alaska Yes’ PAC


The lie got around the Kenai Peninsula before the truth had time to put on its shoes.

An allegation was made to the Alaska Public Offices Committee that John Quick, a candidate for Borough Assembly, is a director of a political action committee called Alaska Yes, which happens to be running some pretty pointed ads about his opponent, Jessie Bjorkman.

The complaint, filed by Todd Smith of Kenai, points out that it is illegal to be a part of a political action committee that is involved in your race.

Which is why the allegations is absurd, says Quick, who will have to go before APOC on Thursday and explain what happened.

Quick was part of the formation of Alaska Yes in March, but he resigned from the board of the organization within a couple of weeks of its formation. Here’s his letter of resignation back in March:

Screen Shot 2019-09-18 at 7.30.41 PM

And here’s the letter from Blaine Gilman accepting Quick’s resignation:

Screen Shot 2019-09-18 at 7.31.47 PM

The recent filing with APOC by Alaska Yes, however, was in error and included old information about Quick, which the group has since corrected in its online filings, as shown below:

Screen Shot 2019-09-18 at 7.35.03 PM

But because of the mistake, the candidate for Borough Assembly will have to explain to APOC the sequence of events and that puts him at the mercy of the staff, the commission, and possibly a judge.

Quick has received the endorsements of Rep. Ben Carpenter, Mayor Charlie Pierce, and Assembly President Wayne Ogle.

As for Bjorkman, he was the lead negotiator for the teachers union during the recent strike called against the Kenai Peninsula School District. The strike was averted in the wee hours of Tuesday morning.

Early voting started on Monday for the Kenai Borough election, which ends Oct. 1.


      • That is trippy. I’m currently in a different time zone, yet every email I have received shows up with the time in which it was received by me, in my current time zone, weird.

  1. Seems like the “Yogurt King” is back at it again…
    Just months ago the headline read:
    “Dunleavy appointee resigns after being accused of lying about his credentials…
    Quick claims on his resume he was an owner and investor in a number of businesses in Washington state…
    However, the owner of one of those businesses — Anthem Coffee & Tea — disputes that.
    Janie Reynolds of Puyallup, Washington, sent a letter to several lawmakers this week saying that Quick lied during his confirmation testimony to the Senate Finance Committee.”
    Do we really need more Liars in Alaskan Politics these days?

  2. Sometimes you have to realize that some people on your team are just garbage. Kick them out. You will be stronger for it.

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