Nick Begich: Protecting Alaska seniors and Social Security

Nick Begich III


In today’s political climate, social security often comes to the forefront of our political discussions and candidates are highly scrutinized for their positions on this all-important program. Rightfully so. 

Alaska seniors have a reason to be concerned about social security. The latest estimates from the Social Security Administration and the Congressional Budget Office show that without improvements, the program will be unable to meet its promised obligations within 10-15 years. Elected officials must understand that protecting social security and ensuring we meet the needs of Alaskan seniors is crucial. 

For me, Social Security is deeply personal. I grew up with my grandparents and great-grandmother. At the time, my great-grandmother relied on Social Security as a vital part of her income. Today, my grandfather relies on his Social Security as well his own FAA retirement to support himself in Alaska. I have witnessed firsthand why the promises that we make to each generation are important to keep, and Social Security is one of the most important that is made. 

It has always been my goal to put action behind promises. However, elected officials are often not held to account for the promises they themselves make in their campaigns. Our current representative has talked about the importance of social security but has done little to address the program’s looming funding crisis.

Over the past year and a half, I have traveled across our state and developed a strong understanding of the challenges and needs of our communities, in particular our senior population. I have engaged in numerous discussions focused on social security and have expressed to Alaskans my dedication to protecting social security.

Social Security is often a lifeline for Alaskans and many rely on social security to meet everyday needs. This is even more true in Alaska’s more rural communities. A secure retirement program ensures our parents and grandparents can remain in the state they love, close to children and grandchildren. By strengthening social security and providing a stable income for our senior population, we are supporting the local economy, reducing strain on other social programs, and keeping Alaskan families together. 

My message to Alaskans is clear: Social Security must be preserved for both current and future retirees. It’s time for the games that continue to jeopardize this program to end. Earnings paid into Social Security belong to the people, not to the government for general funding purposes.

In Congress, you have my commitment to:

  • Support measures that preserve social security and enhance the sustainability of social security without compromising benefits. 
  • Advocate for policies that ensure social security is adequately funded and separated from other government spending.
  • Advocate for a consistent retirement age.

Alaskans know the path to a more prosperous future will not come from rolling the dice once again on Rep. Mary Peltola. She has failed Alaskans on every important issue that matters to us.

As a business owner in Alaska who has signed paychecks for hardworking Alaskans and who has helped create thousands of jobs across our nation, I plan to take a pragmatic and business-minded approach to Washington.

It’s time that someone stands up for Alaskan values. I hear it everyday from Alaskans around the state who are fed up with the status quo and feel overlooked and ignored. It’s why I am more committed than ever to fight for Alaskans and our way of life. 

As your next Congressman, I will fight relentlessly for Alaska seniors, protect your Social Security, and put Alaskans first. 

Nick Begich is a Republican candidate for Congress.


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