New tax director: Colleen Glover


Department of Revenue Commissioner Bruce Tangemen has brought Colleen Glover back onboard as director of the Tax Division. She will oversee a staff of more than 100 people.

The tax division is charged with collecting revenues, mainly from oil and gas companies. It also regulates charitable gaming and provides revenue estimating and economic forecasting.

Glover replaces Walker appointee Ken Alper, who was one of the architects of the many tax increases proposed throughout the Walker Administration.

Glover has been a commercial analyst with the Department of Natural Resources and served that function previously for the Department of Revenue. She has also worked in the private sector for Alyeska Pipeline Services Company.

It’s likely that she will be less of a political operative than Alper was. She’ll work from Anchorage, where most of the companies that pay the taxes in Alaska are headquartered.

A graduate of Dimond High School and the University of California Santa Barbara, one of her big responsibilities when she was at Revenue was modeling the impacts of oil and gas tax policies and providing analyses of options.

The staff of the Tax Division received the news of the appointment today, Tangeman said.


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