New Division of Elections director: Carol Beecher


Alaska Lt. Gov. Nancy Dahlstrom appointed Carol Beecher as the new director of the Division of Elections. Beecher’s first day was Wednesday.

“After considering several candidates from across the state, I am pleased Carol has agreed to accept the position of director for the Division of Elections,” Dahlstrom said. “Her professionalism and extensive experience will ensure that Alaska is ready for the 2024 election cycle and beyond. I have every confidence that she is the right person for the job, and she will exceed all expectations.”

Beecher grew up in a logging camp on Zarembo Island in Southeast Alaska. She began her state service in 2005, working for Lt. Gov. Loren Leman. From there, she was intern in John Coghill’s office and then worked as a special assistant at the Department of Administration, and as the scheduler for Gov. Sarah Palin. 

She became deputy director of the Child Support division in 2011 and has served there as a director since 2014. Beecher graduated from Wrangell High School and has a bachelor’s degree in Justice and a master’s degree in Public Administration, Policy Analysis from the University of Alaska Anchorage. She lives in Anchorage, has four grown children, and enjoys spending time with her five grandchildren and family.

I have loved being the director of the child support division and the wonderful staff who work so diligently for Alaska’s families,” Beecher said. “Being selected to work in the Division of Elections is an honor and I am proud to serve in this new role. The Division is dedicated to ensuring secure, accurate and fair elections for all Alaskans and I am confident that this will continue under the Lt. Governor’s leadership. Over the next few months, I will be meeting with staff in the various regions and will continue their efforts to ensure that Alaskans can trust Alaska’s election process.”


  1. It would be nice if she paid a visit to and scrutinized Juneau’s remote ballot counting building on the outskirts of town. Nefarious activity takes place there.

    • While I am not in favor of the mail in ballot system we have adopted, I do not believe that there are any “nefarious” activities going on there. That is an unfair unfounded accusation against the clerks office. The mail in ballot system is flawed in many ways and I wish we could scrap it, but to accuse the clerk of scullduggerous activities is out of line. I appreciate your doubting of our govenments intentions and have some of those thoughts myself, but you should try to be fair in your assessments of our local employees. Don’t confuse them with the Anchorage Assembly circus.

      • But that’s all election-deniers have is unfounded accusations backed up with zero actual evidence. This is true for everyone from Trump to Kari Lake but there will never be any amount evidence to make them think otherwise.

        • There is plenty of evidence. What we do not have is a judge that will allow a case to proceed. Additionally, the secret ballot method used in the USA is not conducive to providing fraud, regardless of the evidence available.
          Example: The Maricopa County audit demonstrated that up to 105,000 ballots might have been invalid. But because we have no way to identify who cast the ballot, it is impossible to determine if the ballot just looks weird, or if it is fraud.
          Example: In 2020, Georgia had numerous ballots counted that were not on official paper, and were identical. Photocopy identical, but since you cannot prove there was malice, or have any clear indication of who committed the crime, no judge will take the case.
          Evidence abounds. Convincing a judge to hear it is a lot more difficult than it should be. Just disguise your malice as incompetence, and you can get away with a lot of election fraud. Just see the train wreck that was Maricopa County in 2022 for a demonstration of that.
          So, in your world, what would constitute actual evidence? Unexplained swings in ballot counts while no one was officially counting? Or perhaps observers being barred from doing their duty as observers? Perhaps a sudden surge in votes to push the losing candidate ahead at the last moment, you know like finding a box of ballots that were accidentally left in someone’s car trunk for a week after election day?

          • Both of the examples you have have been thorougjly debunked by not only the officials in charge of the elections in Arizona and Georgia, but also by the Republican governors that had to sign off on the results. What you can’t stomach is that the people you wanted elected lost.

        • My evidence that there is nefarious stuff going on is that Joe Biden and John Fedderman got elected. Americans, as a group are far smarter than to elect either of these men with their obvious mental limitations.

    • Certainly agree with this, Mad Hatter! Scott Kendall has been the bane of Alaskan elections. Can’t wish him any good. While she is at it, clean the rolls of dead people and those who have moved out and established voting in other states. Can’t happen too quickly.

  2. Get rid of the dominion voting equipment. That would be a large step in the right direction. Go back to paper ballets with proof of residency.

  3. I am certainly glad to see the LT Gov moving on our broken election system…lets hope she is fully behind Carol Beecher as she cleans out the division and gets to work cleaning up our Voter rolls and then gets behind getting rid of RCV and our corrupt vote counting equipment..

  4. Can she look into the Kenai Peninsula right away? There was just an election which all voters should have been mailed a ballot. Don’t think that happened!

  5. Can she look into the Kenai Peninsula right away? There was just an election which all voters should have been mailed a ballot. Don’t think that happened!

  6. She has a couple years to find something useful to do, maybe an audit and clean up of the voter registration to insure that the registration matches the actual, currently living in state voters.

  7. The US Constitution is not supposed to be on the q.t. One man one vote. That’s it. ON one day to count. Counted by hand till done before witnesses. No morphing around or curly cue/creative ideas like vote more than once; mail your votes around and incorporate liberal USPS employees help all over the place because you can trust ’em. Only one super nice lady who accepts flowers on voting day per se, per se. ETC. Close this voting location and don’t tell anyone. Pristine? :*[ Sure and droll.

  8. Hand count votes only. No tabulation computers.
    Vote in person with ID.
    Get with the State Rep who attended the convention highlighting the number of methods used in election fraud. Don’t be fooled like your predecessors.

    • Gasp! You mean an HONEST election!?

      If you want to eliminate the majority of election fraud go back to voting one of two ways. Either in person on election day or by absentee ballot. ABSENTEE not mail in. You know, contact the clerks office, prove your I.D. and receive a ballot. I’ve had to use absentee many times and I can assure you it is NOT ‘mail in’. Even after filling out the ballot, I had to get two people to witness/sign and then return it in a security envelope.

      Allowing anything above and beyond in person or true absentee voting is to just invite voter fraud.

  9. Paul is entirely correct. Our traditional system is still the best available. Mail in voting is just asking not only for fraud but for denying people their fair chance to vote. In Juneau we had numerous (100s) of lost and returned ballots. Not to mention numerous ballots mailed to no longer residents . I believe our clerks office in Juneau is very trustworthy but they can only count the votes they receive and can only match them to the inaccurate voter roles. Updated roles and in person or absentee voting is the only reasonable answer.

    • You are evidently starting to speak in tongues Dave. What is this hole you speak of and further, why not just use plain English??
      Do you even know what the rules are to voter registration Dave? And awfully big words (nefarious) to be throwing around at those not digging holes. Heheh!

  10. For those on here that still think one needs to be “currently living in state” to vote in Alaska, this might help: “When registering to vote or updating your registration, you must provide an Alaska residence address.
    You may maintain your Alaska residence address as it appears on your current record or at the address that you resided at prior to leaving Alaska if you are temporarily out of state and have intent to return.”

  11. Democrats can only win by cheating because nobody likes their policies. Anchorage is a liberal craphole which elects liberals assembly members who abuse their power. It amazes me that people elect hardcore leftists

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