According to Outkick, an online sports publication, the University of Nevada Reno’s women’s volleyball team held a vote among players and voted to forfeit the scheduled Oct. 26 match against San Jose State, because of SJSU’s transgender player Blaire Fleming.
Earlier, the Nevada athletic department said in an exclusive statement to OutKick that the team would play the scheduled match. But evidently the players have a different idea of what a fair playing field is.
“We, the University of Nevada Reno women’s volleyball team, forfeit against San Jose State University and stand united in solidarity with the volleyball teams of Southern Utah University, Boise State University, the University of Wyoming, and Utah State University,” the team wrote in an exclusive statement to OutKick.
“We demand that our right to safety and fair competition on the court be upheld. We refuse to participate in any match that advances injustice against female athletes.”
Read the story, which was given exclusively to Outkick to break, at this link.
San Jose’s women’s team plays New Mexico, which lost to Nevada over the weekend.
In Alaska, Rep. Jamie Allard has been working to get legislation passed that reserves girls teams for actual girls, rather than allowing boys to play on the teams simply because they want to. Last year, her legislation died in the Democrat-controlled Senate.
As all women’s sports teams should, period.
Allow the cheaters there supposed victory even and up to a championship that holds no actual competition, but rather an accomplishment of fallacy, of which no actual accomplishment is made.
Yay! Our dude helped us win without any actual competition, so therefore, it is our dude, singular, that has achieved our championship, not any of the actual female players that were also once part of the ‘team’….
How sad is that?
None, and I mean NONE of the actual FEMALES on HIS team matter, only HE does, and only HE matters unto the teams’ victories. The actual FEMALES on HIS team are merely pawns serving their KING… sad, so sad….and they deserve said sadness by allowing such fallacy to occur…I feel not one whit of sympathy, or empathy, for them.
That said, perhaps when they, as a team of FEMALES, refuse and walk away from the support of a MALE playing upon their team, I shall change mine own mind, but not until said time.
Well said!!!???
Good for you ladies !!!!
If I were in the audience, I would have given those Nevada girls a standing ovation-
Excellent, Excellent ladies! Protect biological women.
Tsun, you need not use the adjective “biological.” Doing so implies there exists another type of women…. which is not so. All true women are biological women without saying so. Anyone else is not a woman.
I would think the transgender individual would be so embarrassed at this point they’d drop off the team.
If the individual is not embarrassed from posing as a woman it certainly would have no embarrassment for anyone else’s concerns about its actions or victory over women.
It and the team will rejoice in victory over their eventual championship as they embrace “inclusion”.
Calling him “it” is unnecessarily disrespectful. His pronouns are he/him/his. He doesn’t need to deserve respect for us to give it to him.
I am confused now.
You claim the players pronouns are HE/Him/His and the rules still allow He/Him/His to participate on the women’s team?
Also have you reached out to the confused individual to determine the correct pronouns or just assuming?
You may want to preach the same disrespect towards the women’s team the individual is displaying.
Right on excellent move by the real women of this country.
About time! So happy to hear this is happening. If women can not play on an even playing ground- with other biological women- let that other team rise to the top and “win.” When someone eventually asks that team – what was your winning score – they’ll have to respond with the truth. A forfeited win isn’t a win. Women standing up for other women: that’s first place!
Since we have a lot of Military in Alaska (Active and Retired) we need to get the Air Force to forfeit the game on October 19. Please help do this for Women in Sports. No MAN should be playing in women sports. So share this so everyone gets this message . Here’s a link to contact them. ‘
The department’s mailing address is:
2168 Field House Drive
USAF Academy, CO 80840-9500
Main Phone Number: 719-333-4008
Ticket Office Number: 719-472-1895
Media Relations Number: 719-333-2313
They never “forfeited” anything. They merely found the courage to stand for truth–finally. Its sad they took so long to do so. Its obvious most women would never stand for truth if the lies weren’t costing them the rewards of victory (opportunity, money, etc). I don’t blame them; its the human condition to put a price on morality. When the price got high enough they finally drew a line in the sand and agreed the transgenders are men…. with no need for the adjective “biological.”
Good job ladies keep the heat up. Woman’s sports are important to our country.
You can’t embarrass these loons! They thrive on all the media attention!
Were my comments on this article blocked because they included truth?
More teams now.
We must have fairness and equality in sport. We should ban any male over 6’4” from playing basketball because it is unfair to boys that are shorter.
Dwarves and midgets should be suing the NBA on DEI grounds. Where is the fairness, where is the equity?
And so, it begins.
And yes, it shall spread once it has been accepted within a singular instance, within a singular sport.
Volleyball shall be the origin of the proper response unto the banishment of males from a female team sport.
Soon to follow shall be EVERY female team sport, from track and field unto soccer, and EVERY sport in between, as well as EVERY female individual sport, from wrestling unto tennis, and EVERY sport in between, so as to allow every individual female to participate within a competition within their own gender, and sorry, there are only two, and within the end, there shall be only two, once again, gender specific competitive entries.
The rest can have their own category, in which the MALES that identify as FEMALES oriented competitors, identifying however they wish, shall dominate within their own designation, as there shall be NO FEMALE identifying as MALE that even PLACE within said competition. The MALES of said confused orientation shall ALWAYS dominate the FEMALES of confused orientation.
No FEMALE of confused orientation shall EVER overcome a MALE of confused orientation.
I do hope that these teams that are forfeiting the matches are not doing so until after San Jose State has traveled to the school for away matches. Make the school waste its money too boot!!!
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