National Spelling Bee accepts new woke way to spell


The Scripps National Spelling Bee’s study material for third-graders shows that this year, the plural of the word “woman” may have an alternative spelling:

The word may be spelled “womyn.”

The national spelling competition pulls its spelling alternatives from the Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary, a spokesperson told Fox News, which was first to report the new woke spelling adopted by feminists.

According to Wikipedia, the word womyn appeared “as an Older Scots spelling of woman in the Scots poetry of James Hogg.” Now, however, it is a dog-whistle to indicate that the person using this spelling is a supporter of feminism.

The Alaska version of the spelling bee is a program in schools done in association with the Anchorage Daily News and business sponsors. In most states, newspapers sponsor the local contests and provide publicity for students participating.

The 2025 national spelling bee finals are in May, which is also the 100th anniversary of the Scripps National Spelling Bee.


  1. Haha remember that legislation that passed in California to protect bees.

    We can now call this event a Spelling Fish!

    I love this reality!


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