As if Fathers Day wasn’t already kind of an afterthought with unimaginative gifts like ties and drill bits, the communication from the Democratic National Committee says it all. Fatherhood, as a concept, is disturbing to people.
Worried that some Democrats are triggered by the word “father,” the DNC has offered to its list of millions of email recipients the chance to opt-out of receiving any official Fathers Day greetings from the Democratic Party.
“We know that Father’s Day is not the easiest time for all of us. So, if you’d like to not receive emails or texts about it, please sign up here to opt out. We’ll be sure to include you in all of the Biden-Harris Democrats’s other important updates — don’t worry! More soon,”

The message came from the Democratic National Committee. Fathers Day is Sunday, June 19.
Fathers, as in persons with X and Y chromosomes, aren’t the only ones targeted by Democrats for removal. During a congressional hearing Wednesday, President Joe Biden’s Deputy Director of the Office of Management and Budget Shalanda Young doubled down on the definition of mothers as “birthing people,” as stated in the 2021 Biden budget.
The Biden Administration has removed motherhood for a more gender-free phrase. “Birthing people” has never before appeared in a presidential budget proposal.
“There are certain people who do not have gender identities that apply to female and male, so we think our language needs to be more inclusive on how we deal with complex issues,” Director Young said. Issues such as X chromosomes.
Biden’s budget contains over $200 million to help reduce the high rate of maternal mortality and “race-based disparities in outcomes among birthing people.”
This is something so, so unjust. I have family members who are “card-carrying” Democrats. Wherever that document came from, it’s not from the Democratic National Committee.
The putrefying rancor and division between us in this country is bad enough. Do we really need to make Republicans believe that Democrats want to do away with Father’s Day and fathers now?
Sophie – seriously the disclaimer the bottom, copy and pasted here: Paid for by the Democratic National Committee,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
You can’t make this stuff up… It’s beyond stupid, it’s cultural and national suicide. Really – “Biden’s budget contains over $200 million to help reduce the high rate of maternal mortality and “race-based disparities in outcomes among birthing people.” !! Did I really just read that Obiden wants to increase the abortion rate among some racial groups to even out the disparity? The rate of maternal mortality is the lowest it has ever been and is dropping as modern medicine spreads across the world. So what are they really spending $200M on? Seems to me just promoting stupid. “HAPPY FATHER’S DAY!
I’m as Republican and America First as it gets, but this is clearly not what they are talking about. They are allowing people who have lost their fathers (to death, leaving them as children, etc) to opt out of being reminded of their loss. Did not jump to the same conclusion as the article
Doesn’t “birthing people” leave out trans women? Trans women (men) can’t birth, but as a person who identifies as a woman, they could still be, mother.
On the other hand, trans men (woman) can birth but would want to be the “father”! I guess a trans man could be a “birthing person”.
“Director of the Office of Management and Budget Shalanda Young doubled down on the definition of mothers as “birthing people,” as stated in the 2021 Biden budget.
The Biden Administration has removed motherhood for a more gender-free phrase. Birthing people” has never before appeared in a presidential budget proposal.”
Guess the next thing to go is “Mother’s Day” Happy “Birthing People Day”! Be careful what you wish for.
What a crock of ****.
Only 1,243 more days or 40 months, 25 days to go before we reset the Biden administration in November 2024. This is going to be a long time in coming.
The Democrats are correct that Fathers Day is s sensitive topic.
This should be a challenge for all males born with an XY chromosome, to improve their gender’s reputation.
After all, you are the child’s first example of the Father in Heaven. Remember, men can always become another child’s dad for if their bio dad needs a little help understanding his role, and he doesn’t even need to be in a romantic relationship with the mother. He can just act as her brother would do if his nephew and nieces were widowed and needed a stable man.
Suzanne: I challenge you and everyone else to go to www. Democrats . org and click every hyperlink there. No one will find anything even remotely akin to this disinformation — sold to you by people determined to rend the very fabric of this country.
Mister Biden and the entire democratic party right now are an embarrassment and make Americans look so foolish on the world stage. We are being laughed at thanks to the idiocy shown by this administration.
Well, a lot of them never had fathers. Why does the holiday have negative connotations for them instead of just being meaningless? Perhaps because they want it to have negative connotations for everyone?
Sophie, with all due respect, your Democrat Party is not in existence anymore. The party of Truman and Kennedy is long gone. A very sad state indeed. This bit of information published by Suzanne is consistent with what one reads from both the Democrat Party and the Biden administration on a daily basis.
As a Republican I can tell you that I find much fault with my party too. Perhaps we can rise above party affiliation and work together to enhance and restore traditional American Values?
Do we have a First Lady nowadays, seems kinda sexist to call Dr. Jill Biden that. What should the First Lady be called??
Father’s are missing already from the landscape. Fatherlessness is a huge issue.
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