Sen. Lisa Murkowski, who occasionally takes an interest in national defense, is up in arms over Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth and National Security Adviser Michael Waltz, after a journalist leaked what was supposed to be an important private text conversation detailing possible military actions.
Murkowski stopped short of joining Democrat colleagues in calling for Hegseth and Waltz’ resignation, but she signaled to her followers on X that her woman’s instinct to vote against the confirmation of Hegseth due to character issues (drinking and womanizing) has been proven correct.
“I am appalled by the egregious security breach from top administration officials,” Murkowski scolded on X. “Their disregard for stringent safeguards and secure channels could have compromised a high-stakes operation and put our servicemembers at risk. I hope this serves as a wake-up call that operational security must be a top priority for everyone—especially our leaders.”
The chat text over the app known as Signal was a discussion about possible US air strikes against Houthi fighters in Yemen. The chat was unclassified but the problem is someone — a staff member, apparently — had accidentally added the editor of The Atlantic Monthly to the chat, and when he received the message, he blasted it to the world.
Murkowski did not hold that leftist editor accountable for leaking what were obviously national security conversations.
In the past, Alaska’s female senator never criticized former Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin for going under anesthesia in December of 2023 for surgical treatment of prostate cancer, after never having advised the president or anyone else in the cabinet that he would be incapacitated. Murkowski did not comment then, even though by then it was clear that the president himself was incapacitated by dementia, and the Defense Secretary was unconscious. Although Americans still don’t know how long he was unconscious, a minimally invasive prostatectomy, as described in Austin’s case, takes between two to four hours.
Murkowski also didn’t have anything to say about former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who left Ambassador Christopher Stevens to die in Libya in 2012, after Clinton ignored requests for additional security at the Benghazi Embassy compound and failed to respond to the crisis, effectively abandoning Stevens. Murkowski said nothing about Hillary Clinton keeping a server in her bathroom, from which she conducted top secret business.
Murkowski didn’t harshly criticize President Joe Biden when he recklessly withdrew American forces from Kabul, Afghanistan on July 26, 2021, resulting in the deaths of 13 US service members after a suicide bomber slipped through security at Kabul’s Hamid Karzai International Airport.
“I have never supported an endless war in Afghanistan and have called for our troops to eventually return home, but this was not the responsible way to leave the country nor was it even the manner the President’s own advisors recommended,” she said, without holding Biden or his top commanders accountable for the 13 deaths.
Murkowski said nothing about the cocaine found in the West Wing of the Biden White House, or Biden’s inability to complete a sentence over the past few years. She said nothing about former Secretary Antony Blinken collecting 51 signatures of former intelligence officials to lie about Hunter Biden’s laptop.
But in 2025, Murkowski is not holding Jeffrey Goldberg, editor-in-chief of The Atlantic, to account after he wrote the story with all the details of the Signal chat to which he had been inadvertently added.
In previous eras, patriots would be calling Goldberg’s action treasonous, as defined under U.S. law (18 U.S.C. § 2381), in the sense that he gave aid and comfort to the Houthis, who have, since November 2023, conducted over 170 attacks on US and commercial ships in the Red Sea.
Even the magazine inadvertently characterized its own actions as dangrous, writing in its newsletter on Wednesday:
“The defense of the United States is a serious business. Breaches of national security are especially dangerous. So perhaps I should not have laughed at the reactions of Donald Trump and his staff and Cabinet members to the revelations by The Atlantic’s editor in chief, Jeffrey Goldberg, and staff writer Shane Harris about a group chat on Signal (one that accidentally included Jeff) dedicated to planning strikes on Houthi targets in Yemen.”
Murkowski is an ongoing embarrassment to Alaska and its residents.
Hegseth is an embarassment.
Hegseth served his country in the Middle East in a combat role – special forces.
He excelled in his college achievements.
He is proud to be an American and believes in God, Flag, and Family.
Let me guess – you’re for abortion, genital mutilation of minors, normalization of mental illness for trannies, illegal aliens, and censorship of speech that you don’t agree with.
And I bet you took the experimental Covid gene therapy.
werdka is an embarassment.
No, Obama allowing very sick men that dress like little girls (or sexy bondage puppies) into the military was an embarrassment. Murkowski never opened her fat mouth about that.
Pete Hegseth fixed a major problem, kudos to him!
“Big Mike” was an embarrassment.
Big Mike’s advancing male pattern baldness is yet another embarrassment.
You are the embarrassment. Hegseth is a warrior doing a hell of a job killing terrorists. He also is leading the fitness of our troops and giving young men the desire to join the military to protect our nation. Unlike many of the fat old slobs previously in high defense positions.
Go away, idiot
Yeah she is.
Rather than commenting on Lisa Murkowski’s fault in this (huh?), how about you research today’s Der Spiegel story showing many of these same players having private phone numbers, passwords, etc, readily available online. Signal access is among the records located. This isn’t about politics, it is the security of our republic that these people are jeopardizing through their incompetence.
The question is:
Why does Lisa Murkowski seek all of this attention about Donald Trump? She’s been in the US Senate for 22.5 years. Her old man had the same seat for 22 years. That’s 45 years the Murkowskis have had Alaska’s US Senate seat. And yet, the Murkowski name hasn’t produced anything except this anti-Trump stuff. Can’t Alaska do better than the Murkowskis?
I wonder how many subscriptions to The Atlantic her office has, and if they dutifully ordered several more after this MSM “revelation”.
No she wasn’t, nor has she been on the right side issues since she was installed. Her current excuse is based on a lie.
As we are seeing in the recent Kevin McCabe op-ed, any divergence from lock-step obidience to whatever select right-wingers assume is politically of benefit to President Trump will be derided, sneered at, and called leftist. Rep. McCabe is obviously not a leftist.
Secretary Hegseth was reckless and negligent. President Trump should (but likely won’t) fire him, Waltz, and Gabbard. Their phones have been compromised, and their judgment is now legitimately questionable. Absolute clownshow.
If only Biden and his administration was still in power, right?
More DEI in the military and trannie surgeries.
Talk about a clown world.
Says the person who did not say a word when the dementia president was in office for 4 years not knowing what planet he was on. His judgement mistakes (and those surrounding him) are too numerous to list here.
Agree with you Jimmy. The Republican party has convinced about 25% of the country that Russians and North Koreans are the good guys and letting children starve in 3rd world nations is somehow “patriotic”. I’m not sure how many compassionate conservatives are left?
Not sure what planet you live on Sebastian, but here is the thing about those “starving children in the 3rd world”. Americans by far outperform the rest of the globe in charitable donations. They give generously to many non-profits helping these poor starving children and that’s their wonderful choice.
That being said the job of our government is to provide essential services for the American people, nothing else. That’s what we all pay taxes for.
If you feel sad about those poor kids, then there are many reputable charities out there providing services for them and just waiting for your donation.
As for Russia and North Korea only progressives love communism (and whatever abomination that is in N. Korea) and no sane person actually thinks they are in anyway “good guys”. I for one am very sad about the endless killing in Ukraine and ending that bloodshed requires negotiating with both parties.
What did Hegseth do? Did he add Goldberg to the chat? No? Then what is the REAL reason you don’t like him?
No she was not right, not by a long shot! How did that media guy get on the email string and who put him there, have not heard or read one word about that?? That’s the person that needs dropped kicked out of the White House. Where was her hue and cry when the US was pulled from Afghanistan in a horrible mess and 23 soldiers were killed? Never saw anything from her about that. She is not honest about who she is, she is a democrat as evidenced by her voting record and stupid comments. On comment that really got me laughing was during her recent address to the Alaska Legislature “She acknowledged concerns about the $36 trillion national debt but did not directly link it to government spending”. Exactly who does she think that debt belongs too and who authorized the spending of that $36 trillion if not the US government? This is who my fellow Alaskans have continued to keep in office, when is going stop?
Cindy asked: “How did that media guy get on the email string and who put him there, have not heard or read one word about that??” Answer: Trump’s national security advisors, Mike Waltz added the journalist to the chat. Today, he took full responsibility.
The double standard in this article is amazing. If you care about national security, you should care about it, no matter who puts it at risk – Biden, Clinton, Ausitn, or Waltz/Hegseth. The dripping partisanship of Ms. Downing’s articles is worse than watching Rachel Maddow ignore all of the counterpoints to every partisan story she presents. It’s f-ing hilarous that she spins this as “a private text conversation detailing ‘possible’ military action” that took place immediately after the conversation, in exactly the way it was discussed in the conversation. There is no way this wasn’t classified information. I’m sure if Ms. Downing was accidentally put on an unlawful “private text conversation” about Biden or Obama’s military plans, she would have just looked away, and quietly suggested that they remove her. Come on now, people.
This is an openly conservative Alaska news website. Where is the left/liberal Alaska news website where I can post comments with conservative opinions? Name one. Just ONE. Go ahead. I’ll wait…
You have a point. My hat’s off to MRA for their openness to a variety of opinions in the comments. I read it so I am exposed to conservative thought on local and national issues. I often find the logic and conclusions drawn from the facts lacking in rigor. Which prompts me to comment. The partisan takes are as blind to liberal/left/mainstream counterpoints as MSNBC is to conservative/right takes, and worse, far worse than the NYT, which at least acknowleges conservative thought exists. Mr. Hegseth served our country and veterans, and deserves our thanks for that. But that does not take away his personal failings, and the fact that he is woefully underqualified (a MAGA DEI hire?) to run the DOD. This latest episode is another example of his lack of quals, and Murkowski is right to expect better from the head of DOD. If fans of MRA are only getting the information about Hegseth, and this security breach controversy here, you are not getting the whole story.
Go ahead and tell us about where we can find ‘the truth’.
Is it that we should continue to look to sources that we have witnessed lying to us time after time? Just because others have grown comfortable with that, and also with exploiting it (Old Stinky comes to mind), does not mean they, or you, can so easily get us to believe their garbage.
Fool me once…
“Murkowski is right to expect better from the head of DOD.”
Really?? Please remind me what she said about Lloyd Austin having surgery and being out of commission for several days WITHOUT notifying anyone, not even his deputy (who if memory serves was out of the country at the time). I’ll help you out she did not say a thing, not a peep!
So sadly “no” she does not have a right to expect better, because she tolerated inadequate performance in the past.
Lisa Murkowski is a knee-jerk reactive “NO” on everything Trump even thinks about, regardless of whether or not it is good for our state (which she pretends to represent). So forgive me if I find her pretentiously self-serving.
All that being said the American people should expect and deserve better from ANY administration!
I do find the timing of the reporters piece interesting, right before the national security oversight hearings…..
Spoken like a true marxist (democrat) you project (attribute to any sound-minded conservative) all of the long lists of errors, lies, political labels, that you yourself and all dim-witted demo-marxists actually embody, promote, and worship. People like you, and people of your kind are destroying this country, like a ravenous cancer you destroy cities, states, and gradually our entire nation. A person only needs to look at your past bozo presidents: Clinton, Obama, and Biden to realize the sum total of your political idiocy.
Done, for now.
Curious as to why was a professional con like ‘Jeffery Goldberg’ was on Biden’s DoD media list at all. The ‘Losers and Suckers’ hoax dude. Really? Even for Biden, thats highly suspect and is further evidence he was just a braindead puppet and his autopen pardons should be vacated. Far Left NYC media smear merchants don’t belong anywhere near military matters, Republican or Democrat.
I have lots of criticism of senator Murkowski, but I have to side with her on this one. Mr. Hegseth’s confirmation totally amazed me. I retired from the military in 1997, having served in both Vietnam and Desert Storm and a proud of our military leaders. Military men and women need to lead our Department of Defense. Mr. Hegseth has no experience, is a Fox News Blessed person. As a veteran, I have no sympathy for this inexcusable foopa!
Hegseth did serve in Iraq and Afghanistan.
He has 2 Bronze Star and 2 Army Commendation medals and a Combat Infantry badge.
What did you do?
I agree.. I’m no fan of Lisa, but she got this one right.
Thank you for your Service, and please remember: Sunday is National Vietnam War Veterans Day
Wow Bill…guess you are a big fan of the former Defense Secretary Loyd Austin? What about his “inexcusable foopa in the Afghanistan withdrawal. What say you about that.
Wouldn’t have anything to do with her protecting her military industrial complex grift, would it? I am sure that is a skeleton she is holding the closet door shut over.
V I N D I C A T I O N !
Is it noise?
Is it Signal?
Afraid of government transparency?
Whatever it is, it has your attention.
Care to dive further.
Or just continue to be a puppet of the narrative?
Ok dog….please explain the “vindication”.
What does that mean?
Vindication means an argument is verified. What argument did Murkowski make that has anything to do with the current situation? Hegseth did not accidentally invite the Atlantic into the text string. So, how does this, in any way, vindicate her choice to vote no? Please explain.
Yeah yeah we get it!
Top secret classified data in unauthorized and unsecured bathroom server and deletion of thousands of “yoga” emails:
A OKAY and nothing to see here…..move along!
Texting on a secure app without exact details (but a journalist added):
Crime of the century!
Archie Bunker would tell her, “Stifle yourself, Lisa!”
Lisa, you are grasping at straws. What about the Horrendous confirmation votes you made for Biden’s barnyard of freaks? How can you defend those failures?
Pete Hegseth has demonstrated to be a far superior SECDEF thus far then the Guy you confirmed for Biden if only measured by recruitment goals alone.
Actually she was correct for Hegseth, there’s an appropriate place for classified systems, and an appropriate for discussing them is the way NOT to do things. Albeit they may not have been Top Sectet, they were probably considered classified at the least. Which is not a place to be discussing that classification either. If it was airman snuffy or private parts doing that, they would be getting in serious trouble.
If the back & forth on Signal actually contained any classified or information that was actionable by our adversaries, would Mr. Goldberg be guilty of any crimes by revealing its contents? I know that if I was inadvertently included on a privileged conversation, I’d raise my hand and say excuse me, you need to remove me from this string.
This is a political ploy by the Communists of America and this RINO has jumped on board of the absurdity train trying to make hay. The Anti-Americans have nothing to sell and are conspicuous and alone which is what happens when you are irrational. Can’t wait for Election Day. Let’s Make Alaska Great Again
Being stupid, careless, and incompetent does not require Communist intervention.
I find Lisa to be appalling and repulsive, as well as many other Alaskans.
She needs to be replaced ASAP in 2028, the sooner the better!
Accidentally added?? Maybe a Rinosaurus in the zoo?
Always-Wrong Princess Lisa, Queen of Nepotism, Empress of Lies, Defender of the Deep State Faith.
And the corrupt Kenai Land Deal.
All I can say! she votes like her Art in the background of the picture for this Article! UHM
Is Hegseth the ultimate DEI hire or not? Compare his resume to previous Defense Secretaries!
What about the groceries, Sebastian? How will that lower the grocery prices?
MJ – perhaps you could update us on the price of pork rinds, Slim Jim’s, and Ding Dongs! Additionally, have the prices budged on a carton of non-filters?
Prejudice much?
Besides the price of eggs is your department….
Oh and please explain how Sec. Hegseth is a DEI hire?
The former DOD Secretary served 41 years of full-time service, becoming a four-star general before retirement. In comparison, Hegseth spent 14 years in mostly part-time military service before his “retirement” in 2015. In the spirit of equity, this should not be a barrier. He led a platoon of 20 to 40 soldiers. Surely, managing the DOD’s $830 billion budget and 2.9 million personnel is just a natural progression from there.
Still not an explanation for your DEI claim here.
There have been many sec defs and several had no military service at all, but were leaders in academia, politics or came from other government agencies like the CIA.
Again explain yourself!
Don’t forget Hegseth gave his brother a DOD job he is unqualified for.
Sebastian, Phil Hegseth is employed by DHS, not DoD. He is a liaison to DoD. This is the kind of post that gets people bounced from this forum because I don’t have time to correct them all. Repeat violators do get blocked. – sd
My apologies. I do appreciate the site’s willingness to allow differing opinions.
Do not bother asking. Sebastian is just another NPC incapable of thinking for himself. Whatever the talking point for this week is gets echoed out of his mouth/keyboard.
I get it CBMTTek, you get aroused by his tattoos!
Lisa Murkowski concern’s are spot on. When I was in the USAF, I prepared classified information on a daily basis. If anyone under me had done what SEC DEF did they would have been- at a minimum- pursued with an Article 15, or preferably, a court martial.
Since the editor does not seem to understand the significance of what SEC DEF did wrong, I will explain. When you have an operation where you will be engaging the enemy, you do not, EVER, put our guys and the operation at risk by releasing ANY details to those who do not have a need to know, and NEVER, through communications that are not vetted and secure.
Since the SEC DEF released details about the operation, with details about WHEN the strikes would happen, through a non secure means of communication, he put our people in some jeapordy.
The liberal reporter at least had the sense to not release the sensitive details SEC DEF released.
Finally, just as Hillary illegally set up an unsecured email server in an attempt to hide her communications from the public, which is illegal, the same sets of rules were broken by Hegseth and the moron National Security Advisor.
Hegseth stripped Mark Milley of his security clearances and is sweeping the mentally ill out of the services.
That buys a lot of goodwill. I’m hoping for a return to 80’s Cold War policy, before horndog Clinton started us sliding down the slippery slope with “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell”, female combat aviators crashing their F-14s, and pregnancies on Ballistic Missile submarines.
Will be nice when Trump puts scum like Gen. Milley behind bars for conducting back channel discussions with his Chinese handlers during the 2021 transition – now that Biden’s autopen ‘pre-emptive’ pardon is being vacated.
I think you’re confused. SECDEF didn’t release anything. The Atlantic reporter did. And he held what he knew until the Senate Intel Committee hearing so that it would have maximum negative impact. This isn’t a mistake. It is another in a long line of anti-Trump ops.
Take a close look at who is involved in the Records Act lawsuit that automagically showed up in front of Boasburg’s court: David Brock and Norm Eisen. Apparently the staffer that added Goldberg to the chat also is connected to those two.
In the words of Auric Goldfinger 60 years ago: “Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, three times is enemy action.” Given that this is the 47th op against Trump, I would confidently assume it is enemy action. But thanks for playing. Cheers –
No, agimarc, you are confused. Sec Def texted sensitive information through a nonsecure method.
You have no idea how much effort goes into spying on communications by governments, worldwide.
I am not a tech expert, but to my knowledge Signal is considered by cyber experts to be a secure messaging app, as it is end-to-end encrypted. It is also my understanding that it is widely used by journalists and many in politics to communicate. Apparently it has been used in this manner for many years and we really do NOT know, what other sensitive conversations were conducted via this app over that time frame. There is reporting that it was used to communicate with Christopher Steele about the dossier (if true also a very highly sensitive matter, as at the time the dossier was considered factual)
The more I am reading the more I wonder if someone maliciously added Mr. Goldberg to the queue.
Yes, Signal claims to be secure. And it claims to be end to end encryption. But its not approved for the transmittal of classified information. DOD, CIA, NSA, and all the others have communications systems that are in place for these sorts of important communications. That’s what should have been used.
I’ll further add that NSA, FAPSI (Russia) MSS (China) spend billions and billions in order to grab signals, and do signals decryption; and billions more on hacking/viruses, etc. All our top people are targeted by the Communist Chinese, etc.
There are also operations in place to make people think the encrytion software they’ve purchased allows secure communications. Sometimes, the company that sells the software is really just a government agency that has set up a front- business that is really controlled by a government agency. CIA does this. So does Mossad, and others.
Trust no one.
I think you’re confused, M. Signal is a secure platform. Goldberg didn’t hack into it. He was intentionally added to the chat group by Walz. Not Hegseth.
Dan, no confusion. The fact that a reporter was added is a seperate issue. Using a non- secure (non approved) method of communications (Signal) puts the information shared at risk. That, then, puts our military guys and the operation at risk.
Let me explain one more aspect of this problem. ALL the phones used would have to be DOD approved for secure communications. A virus/hack on unauthorized phones could transmit, for example, screen shots of what the user was seeing on their phone. So once again, the communication could be compromised- even if Signal was fully encrypted.
No, M. The platform IS secure. It was NOT hacked into. Hegseth was NOT the one who added Goldberg to the chat. Get the facts straight before commenting.
M, “Never attempt to teach a pig to sing; it wastes your time and annoys the pig” – Robert A. Heinlein.
Yep, you are correct Sebastian. Waste of time with the cult members living in abject denial.
Where is your source that Signal is not approved? I’ve seen more than one source that CISA in 2024 put out a “Mobile Communication Best Practice Guidance”. It specifically cited that government officials should download “end-to-end encrypted communications” platforms to their cellphones and computers, specifically citing Signal as an app to download to comply with the best practices. Do you know of other software approved? (Asking with interest to determine the Truth).
DOD provides specific guidance about how to properly transmit, and store, classified information. Signal is NOT approved. Further, the phones used are not approved. This answer is for you and Dan, who is in denial.
DoDM 5200.01-V3,
“USE OF SECURE COMMUNICATIONS. In accordance with the requirements of
Enclosure 4, classified information shall be transmitted only over secure communications circuits
approved for transmission of information at the specified level of classification. This includes
communication by telephone, facsimile, e-mail and other forms of electronic communications
(e.g., messages, websites). See Volume 2 of this Manual for guidance on required markings. “
Except Hegseth didn’t do that.
She’s right, he’s a DUI hire who should be nowhere near the Pentagon
Which minority does he belong to?
Download Signal…
Because you can’t get added
unless you got the app
Got to give Murkowski credit when its due: Murkowski voted to confirm 19 Biden Cabinet picks in defiance of GOP . She is the worst type of RINO there is!
There would have been no breach of anything without Goldberg. The only mistake was including him in the group. That was an unforced error and the person who had his contact information should have never had it stored. In fact, shouldn’t have ever had contact with him. No one would have ever known ant of this absent Goldberg. Did Murkowski have any comment on Hillary and Huma sending classified, actual real classified information to Carlos Danger’s sexting machine?
I love how you put it as “a journalist leaked….”. Surely Suzanne you were laughing as you wrote such hogwash. He was added to this “ important private text conversation” by the national security advisor, then Hegseth and the rest of the “Whiskyleak” crew started to deny deny deny. I cannot even imagine the degree of outrage that would’ve appeared on MRAK had this happened during the previous administration. You place blame on everyone except the people who are responsible for the idiocy.
Who do you blame for the 13 US soldiers killed in Afghanistan during the retreat? Who do you blame for the $100 billion in US military hardware left behind that instantly became part of the terrorist organizations? Did your crappy political party and sleeping Joe Biden get investigated?
Did anyone in the Biden Administration get fired or prosecuted?
If the information was so sensitive, then it would be a traitor to the country that leaked it to the public for clout, not a journalist.
I’d say this was a good way to reveal exactly which team Jeff Goldberg is on, for the public to see. Like flushing out ducks.
Goldberg took the bait and ran with it.
Cman took the narrative bait and continues to remain in deep slumber.
All very revealing indeed.
WHAT? The cr– that happened in the Obama/Biden administration pales in comparison to ANYTHING that we have seen from Trump. Some people really need to pull their heads out.
Conspiracy theorists have been yelling from the rooftops for years that both sides have been playing you. Yet, you still only see things on a surface level.
Sheep will sheep I guess.
Enjoy the show.
Hegseth and the rest of the “Whiskyleak” crew started to deny deny deny
Nope. They did not deny that error by Walz.
Got yeah… but non of this in any way negates the fact that cabinet officials are not behaving in a way that demonstrates any level of competence.
Is it useful to look at events objectively and not only in a defensive manner?
This was a major mess-up. Can we accept that?
Apparently these are the extraordinary details of the “war plan”
“1215et: F-18s LAUNCH (1st strike package)”
“1345: ‘Trigger Based’ F-18 1st Strike Window Starts (Target Terrorist is @ his Known Location so SHOULD BE ON TIME – also, Strike Drones Launch (MQ-9s)”
“1410: More F-18s LAUNCH (2nd strike package)”
“1415: Strike Drones on Target (THIS IS WHEN THE FIRST BOMBS WILL DEFINITELY DROP, pending earlier ‘Trigger Based’ targets)”
“1536 F-18 2nd Strike Starts – also, first sea-based Tomahawks launched.”
So F-18’s targeted a terrorist, Drones were used, and sea-based Tomahawks were launched. Where any of these came from, how many were used, where or who they were targeting…you know the details were all in there, somewhere.
The leak shouldn’t have happened, the editor was likely added purposely to the secured chat, the editor should have immediately reported the fact he was added to the chat if he deemed the information to be a national security concern and not a way to score political points against an administration who he disagrees with.
Hegseth could have handled his response to this better. All the Democrats calling for his removal could have handled their feigned outrage better.
These are diversionary tactics in this information war. Make a mountain of a molehill situation that allows other operators to remain under cover. Look over here, not there.
This is exactly my concern – my usual “team” not calling out wrong when it’s wrong. The wrong isn’t from Murkowski – it is the junior league mistake (followed by lies and excuses) of this “national security” team. Not how we play.
Sorry I ever voted for that old shrew. She’s been one disappointment after another. Time for her to retire.
Just call her a democrat and be honest for once. She should change her party based on her overall voting for the last 6 years.
Even though she’s not much in the looks department, I always kind of liked Lisa as a spare daughter. She wanted me to be her daddy in the worst way. That kind of took off. But Trump used that as one of his campaign tricks and all it did was piss off Frankie.
And I’m still pissed off, sitting here with Nancy in Wrangell. I could have been in the White House myself, if it wasn’t for that no good Sarah Palin who ruined my future plans. Now, Nancy and I just sit here and watch the ferry come and go.
Murkowski is never right, only left.
Wow, who uploaded the app on their computers before the new administration started🤔 and this news guy left on it🎯 a lot smelling fishy now$$$ A setup in progress again, we need term limits on all gov employees to stop this crap🕵🏻♂️⏳She ( Murkowski ) is a sick security breach herself ( back biter ) term limits Please!!!! God help us 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Why are we focusing on the people who believed they were on an encrypted group chat and not focusing on the editor who knew he wasn’t supposed to be in the chat. How is this different than infiltration and spying? He should be investigated and charged with espionage.
When we get rid of RCV and we will get rid of this Traitor!
We have to assume this not the first use of Signal for discussion of sensitive information. Rest assured that the Russians and Chinese were also following the thread.
:if” the chat was classified Goldberg should be in jail, his breach was intentional, btw none of the others were. If you libs have issue with that, all I can say is Hillary email server. The bias and lack of integrity in the left is ridiculous. Its there in the GOP too, just look at Lisa. If any of you think the government is for you or is on your side, your lost.
Where was the princess and the rest of these lefties with their performative pearl clutching when O’Biden allowed Chinese spy balloons fly over Alaska and other sensitive military bases? Among a host of national security breaches along with selling out to the Chinese for a few bucks. Their hypocracy is breathtaking.
Radical leftist extremists: everywhere and always turning mole hills into mountains to make political hay, while turning actual political mountains to their own disadvantage into mole hills.
That is just part and parcel of their double standards and rank hypocrisy.
This article is a joke. Why focus on Murkowski instead of the real issue which is an app not meant (or approved) for this type of communication and the use of personal phones to do it? Worst of all it was by top level officials in charge of literally everything! Not grunt level people. They know better. They know the laws. Using an app like this is a deliberate choice. Not a “mistake”. This is real and serious and the focus on Murkowski doesn’t make any sense. How about we focus on the poor decisions and complete and total lies told after this cluster F. Focusing on the journalist or what other politicians say right now is deflection of the underlying problem of deliberating circumventing secure communication protocols and using personal phones to do it. Hopefully the general public is smart enough to see that and ask for accountability as required by the laws in place.
What do you mean it is not approved? Says who?
Damn straight.
This article is right on target. Hypocrisy of the Left, which unfortunately includes RINO LM is being exposed. I believe this kind of exposure to be paramount if we’re to restore this Republic….
Hey, Lisa … Hegseth had nothing to do with this mistake. Why are you blaming him?
Why didn’t Lisa raise a stink when Hillary used her own private email server for distributing classified information? TDS is strong in this one.
I’m sure she does. She’s already sensing the hard left turn we’re making and she wants to lead the parade.
Dear Lisa: you didn’t care about the botched Afghanistan retreat that ended the lives of 13 Marines. You didn’t care about four years of feckless, impotent military policy that made us the laughingstock of the planet and emboldened our enemies. Hegseth did not cause the Signal screw-up. Would if you were outraged at The Atlantic reporter who did not have the integrity to report the issue to the group chat. You are so blinded by your Trump hate that pretty much everything you say now is off tone and out of step. Get help. Do better. Looking forward to you being Cheneyed during the next primary. You deserve it.
In the image above: check out the little Selfie of Lisa on the wall.
I don’t recall Lisa saying anything about Hillary’s illegal use of a private server, which I believe was hacked by Russians or Chinese.
Well, whatever Lisa wants me to know, I shall ignore and go with my own gut. I recognize treachery and dishonesty when I see it!
Lisa you are a complete screw up.
Lisa Murkowski will vote against anything Republican!! That is why she is a total RINO!! Can not wait until she is GONE!!
Could the issue regarding the Atlantic Monthly being added to the chat be connected to more dirty tricks by the CIA?
Lisa is a miserable person who stands for nothing that does not serve her needs. She would sell Alaskans out in a heart beat if it benefited her. Sadly her daddy stuck us with her and as long as we have ranked choice it will be difficult to rid Alaska of her. She certainly isn’t a Republican or a conservative.
Murkowski seems to be playing the role of Cassandra, the prophetess who could see the future but was cursed because nobody would believe her. Murkowski is cursed because she is in a high profile position but consigned to being extraordinarily ordinary. Murkowski very much guided by her ‘northern star’ of pathological TDS. Hegseth is the right guy to rescue the military from highly corrosive DEI policies. From the enormous boost in military recruiting and the restoration of the mission being a lethal force, Hegseth has us headed in the right direction.
So Murkowski’s efforts to be relevant and noticed and spearheaded by her impending book (which nobody will read), indicates she has big future plans. Will she run for governor and follow her political benefactor father into failure? Her aspirations don’t match up with her personal limitations.
Is Lisa sincere? If so, let’s put it to a test and encourage as many voters as possible to send her a note with her own words. “LISA, IT’S JUST NOT WORKING ANYMORE”….:
“Until Alaskans tell me, Lisa, it’s just not working anymore, I’m gonna give you every last breath that I have, and I’m gonna try to solve every little problem, and I’m not gonna compromise my own integrity by hiding from my words when I feel they need to be spoken,” Murkowski said on Tuesday.
Every story about Lisa M gets lots of comments. I have a hard time not visualizing a maggot…..
There ya go again. – sd
SO LIKE A GOOD democrat LISA rushed to judgment and now looks like a fool. Like all the Democrats scams it has fallen apart. Guess they will never learn, Lisa you are bad for Alaska and America. Your support of billions in wasteful spending your commitment to aborting non White babies , disgusting.
It’s too bad the Saudi’s didn’t have this inept leadership when they bombed the towers. Can you imagine if 2 hours before taking off they texted there plans to a journalist? They would have failed with a quick phone call.
It was CIA director Brennan that sought to make patsies out of the Saudis as part of a larger operation. Unfortunately the CIA, birthed of the OSS, is generally indistinguishable from the MOSSAD. Ask a dead Kennedy. The alive ones understand, too.
Tower 7. “Pull it.” Capiche?
Does anyone really give a rip what that miserable — thinks about anything?