Sen. Lisa Murkowski slept on it overnight and came to the conclusion that President Donald Trump was once again wrong, and President Volodymyr Zelenskyy was right.
Murkowski commented on the 40-minute meeting between the president of the United States and the president of Ukraine, which ended with a few unpleasantries.
She avoided using the names of either Trump or Zelenskyy in her remarks:
“This week started with administration officials refusing to acknowledge that Russia started the war in Ukraine. It ends with a tense, shocking conversation in the Oval Office and whispers from the White House that they may try to end all U.S. support for Ukraine. I know foreign policy is not for the faint of heart, but right now, I am sick to my stomach as the administration appears to be walking away from our allies and embracing Putin, a threat to democracy and U.S. values around the world,” Murkowski wrote on X on Saturday.
She is typically critical of President Trump, and her position on the meeting was not unexpected, as she is upping her public profile in advance of the release of her memoirs in June.
It’s unclear if Murkowski watched the entire meeting, which was televised, or if she just saw the final few minutes. At one point in the meeting, Zelenskyy could be heard uttering the word “bitch” in Russian while Vice President Vance was making a point.
Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina came to a different conclusion than Murkowski: “To the hand-wringing Europeans who felt offended by President Trump rejecting being lectured by President Zelensky: Be my guest to defend Ukraine from Putin. It is long past time for the Europeans to show they are capable of defending their own continent. They’ve allowed their militaries to be hollowed out and when Europe speaks, no bad guy listens. I say this with great sadness: The last group of people that I would count on to defend freedom are the Europeans.”
Sen. Dan Sullivan of Alaska decided to not pour gasoline on the fire, saying instead, ““The meeting with President Zelenskyy was a missed opportunity for the people of Ukraine. After the meeting, President Trump left the door open to continue to work with Zelenskyy on a peace agreement. I am hopeful that will happen.”
Trump, on the other hand, simply said that Zelenskyy overplayed his hand: “We want peace. We’re not looking to go into a 10-year war and play games,” Trump said.
According to the federal government, since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Congress has appropriated or otherwise made available nearly $183 billion for Operation Atlantic Resolve and the broader Ukraine response.
“Additionally, the United States provided $20 billion in loans as part of the G7 nations extraordinary revenue acceleration loans initiative. The Special IG for OAR has collected funding data from all 14 Federal agencies that were authorized to receive funds through the Ukraine supplemental appropriation acts, including the Department of Defense (DoD), Department of State (State), and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), according to the “Ukraine Oversight’s Special Inspector General for Operation Atlantic Resolve, Promoting Whole of Government Oversight of the U.S. Ukraine Response.”
Lisa disapproving of Trump. Surprise surprise surprise, Seems to me she was all in supporting all the blood money going to the Ukraine,
Fortunately a lot of good people called out Princess Lisa on X. Catturd said it best, “Lisa Murkowski has made us all sick to our stomachs for years. Listening to her and looking at her.” For more enjoyable responses to the Princess’s support for the Ukrainian tin-pot dictator go to Right Angle News on X.
As a side note it would be interesting to see a DOGE review of Murkowski’s finances.
She should go to Ukraine and join the front lines.
Her perpetually-scowling countenance could probably wipe out an entire tank battalion with a single glance.
Of course she does. She’s a gold card neocon member of the deep-state.
Once again The Senior Senator for AK sides with her idols the democrats and criticizes President Trump. Not a surprise that she embarrassed herself again by being totally wrong about the meeting. Zelensky is not a politician and doesn’t know how to act in political situations. He failed to control himself in a very public position with news media recording the entire thing. He doesn’t want peace or the killing on both sides to stop unless he recovers all that his country has lost and that other countries stand between his country and Russia. Trump is right that the U.S. should not continue to fund an endless stalemate. If Zelensky had controlled himself and signed the agreement to be a partner with the U.S. in the joint investment agreement the Russians would not dare to take his country with the Americans working to extract the minerals with Ukraines. The U.S. would have continued to support his country with the ceasefire and they could have negotiated with the U.S. and EU support. The sanctions would stay in place and more added. Russia is in a very bad situation within the country and his military is badly depleted so he has to have armaments and soldiers from other countries to fight. He can’t keep that up.
But if the U.S. stops supporting the Ukraine and the EU has to send soldiers to fight for Ukraine WW III will be a reality.
I’m not sure about your last prediction. That is certainly an angle that many are pushing–prob to keep fear levels up, but as much as the EU and neocons would like that possibility to force our President into recommitting to supporting Ukraine, I see it as a dangerous bluff that the President could just as easily call.
The EU really isn’t prepared to handle an full-scale war on it’s own–especially in a situation where Russia would likely cut off any fuel/energy exports they are receiving.
If they made a move to draw the US into the war, and if either our President or Putin (or both) refused to take the bait, they would look ridiculous at best, and COULD get their butts stomped.
I haven’t read the NATO agreement, but I believe it’s more of a defensive/deterent agreement than one committing members to supporting any fight other members might try to start.
I believe Putin wants this to end as much as President Trump does and is going to be cautious in any response he makes. If the EU/NATO tried to provoke something, and no one responded, their agenda/intentions would be revealed.
There is no doubt these are dangerous times, and that there are powerful entities growing more and more desperate, but with the US and Russia, not being allies, but cooperating to bring a peaceful end to this mess, I think the globalists are fairly limited in terms of practical options.
Removing Zelensky is no doubt becoming an appealing option to a number of players in this…most of whom have nothing to do with the US.
Thank God we have a war-time President at the helm!
“administration appears to be walking away from our allies and embracing Putin, a threat to democracy and U.S. values around the world,”.
Allies? Ukraine is just the latest proxy vassal state we have utterly destroyed in failing attempts to retain global hegemony.
Democracy? As defined by overthrowing their government and placing a cocaine addicted, perverted, no account comedian, who did not even speak Ukranian into absolute power enforced by nazi skinhead thugs? A green shirted thug who unleashed terror and mayhem on his own citizens for 10 years?
Zelenskiy declared martial law a year ago to cancel elections which ended any pretense of legitimacy he had. Being installed by the likes of Nuland, Blinkin and other incompetents is nothing to brag about.
The little vulgar thug disrespects our country and elected government. Just as Murkowski uses Alaska as her father did before her, to enrich her donors and her own corruption.
With an enabling state Dunleavy administration maintaining rank choice voting to preserve the status quo of corruption in Juneau we can continue to be humiliated for years to come by Murkowski.
You literally covered very well everything I was thinking when reading this article.
Hold everything. This is a little two-bit comedian who runs around in military fatigues, never fought as a soldier himself, hasn’t held elections in Ukraine in a timely manner, and comes to the US intending to tell Donald Trump the terms he expects the US to follow so that he can be the successful leader who stood up to Putin. Are you kidding me. He knows nothing about business or about how most Americans feel about financing endless wars in foreign countries. This little Zelinskky is an effing joke. A cocky little disrespectful varmint of a man. The only ones who like him are Trump haters.
Trump was right. If Trump stayed in the White House as the legitimately elected president in 2020-2024, there would be no war in Ukraine.
I actually hope, now, that Putin takes back 1/2 of Ukraine to end this miserable war.
But I saw a photo of him in uniform…#sarc
No, Jonis. That’s his comedian outfit.
Alaska and America deserve so much better. Lisa Murkowski is a miserable, traitorous POS.
There, I said it.
Deep State Lisa strikes again!
If the globalist Blob supports it, then of course so does Lisa. EVERY time.
Might as well have been taken right from a democrat public relations press release. This is another example of the extraordinary mediocrity of the senior senator from Alaska. Not much intellectual personal gravitas and understanding of international relations. Nobody really cares what she thinks about anything. Alaska can do far better.
She slept on it, seriously?? As constituent, I am sure we all knew when it occurred how Murkowski would comment, definitely not on the American first side. The Pres and VP
didn’t side with Russia. We had a snarky, nasty little dictator (he has cancelled voting in his nation) who has received 250 + billion dollars from the American tax payer trying to sandbag our President and Vice President, trying to gain advantage. He failed. They knew exactly what he would do and was probably even coached by his democrats friends. Our President could have stopped the public meeting, but just let him rant and rave so the taxpayers could see Zelenskyy’s posturing. The deal they already had agreed to and the meeting that was supposed to be the signing meeting could have netted billions for Ukraine. Not one more dime to Ukraine and definitely no boots on the ground from the US!
I don’t get why our senior senator would rather stay in a war that launders billions of taxpayer funds through a foreign government- well known to be deeply corrupt- than support the one that is prioritizing peace. People need to watch the video in its entirety because context matters & get over themselves. Lisa needs to go. She is horrible for Alaska & has become someone that makes decisions based on emotions & donors from outside the state. Please- someone has got to step up that can do this job with integrity!
Murkowski is on the take, and she’s been taken by the likes of Feinstein and Cheney.
Lisa, no surprise on your part; taking sides against Trump. If it’s any consolation, you make me sick to my stomach. You are the armpit of Alaska government representatives.
Trump wins again. Zelenskyy and the European neocons set the Don and JD up. Thought they would pin the Trump admin down on live tv, but Trump was wise to their game. No secret, except to the ignorant. Like moldy bread, Murkowski needs to be tossed out, out of touch with Alaska and the US.
Normally a good negotiator doesn’t end deals by kicking the other person out of the building while still not getting the deal closed.
That’s actually a sign of being a terrible negotiator.
President Trump – “The sky is blue”
Lisa – “I am shocked that we have a president who would declare the sky blue. Those are the actions of a dictator.”
Murkowski, you’re an idiot. Go away already.
If not Trump’s strategy what is your solution Lisa??? Just keep pouring billions into Ukraine with no end in sight?? Worked ok for your feckless bumbling pres Joe, as long as his corrupt kickbacks kept coming. Trump is NOT embracing Putin and you darned well know it. Trump is forcing europe to finally get off thier butts! Genius !
Love Sullivan’s non-answer here….makes you almost think he’s not fully onboard for peace?
This is the issue I break away from Trump and his passive position with Putin., U.S. must Allie with Ukraine to avert Russian expansion further and further west.
Hey 3rd, the 1980s called, and they want their foreign policy talking points back.
Hate to break it to you, but the Cold War has been over for more than 30 years.
At this point, the USA has much more to fear from our ties with rapidly-totalitarian Euro-peon “allies” than it does from Russia.
Really. Not the USA’s fight anymore. You are more than welcome to place your boot on the ground in Ukraine and lead the battle charge.
I see Murkowski is still in favor of forever wars.
I doubt Murkowski even watched the meeting, or only heard what she wanted to hear, looking for anything she could hold against Trump. She is not a leader. She allows personal feelings to blur reality. She needs to be retired from office. Nothing Trump said was in support of Putin. Murkowski makes a grievous false assumption based on her own illogical dislike of the president.
So would the old Fossilized RINO Lisa Mirkowski Prefer we go put boots on the ground and flirt with Nuclear War with Russia/ China/ North Korea???? the problem is all these Foriegn countries Need to Start learning to walk and take care of them selves, The reason our country is 36 trillion in debt is mostly because we’ve been funding large portions of the globe for well over 50 years or more, these European Country’s and most the World have pilfered from us, and its really just time to let all these people finance and protect themselves, the ride on the American gravy train needs to end now !
Lisa has no historic depth of any situation. She opens her mouth with a statement, a position trying to lay groundwork for the next election. Her positions are becoming more and more shallow.
While I rarely disagree with “Must Read AK”… I don’t think Lisa “slept on it”.
I believe she stays awake at night scheming for ways to undermine him and anyone who shows the least amount of success at pushing back against the establishment and any liberal causes. And of course she is seeking personal international notoriety as the “moderate-conservative” who ushered in sweeping liberal changes…
Diplomats in the United States and around the world have known for years that the Russian war in Ukraine started in 2014 when the Obama/Biden administration directed the CIA to overthrow the democratically elected president in a violent coup and Victoria Nuland installed a puppet government. Why doesn’t it surprise me that Murkowski refuses to acknowledge that fact. She really is unfit for office.
Oh, wait a minute. Murkowski is against something President Trump did?
Is it a day that ends in the letter y?
Lisa Murkowski is an @$$hat.
Scott Jennings is right:
“All he had to do was walk in and say, thank you. I’m really grateful to be here. We want to be partners with the United States. We’re grateful for your leadership. Where’s the papers and what are we having for lunch? That’s all he had to do.”
As if we needed yet another reason for Lisa to just get it over with and re-register as a Democrat!
So Lisa said that Trump “refuses to acknowledge that Russia started the war in Ukraine”? That’s simply not true – unless she only gets her news from the MSDNC daily talking points. And, that’s not the point, either.
Russia started the war. There, I said it. So what now? Should the world sit back and watch Ukraine crumble into another Gaza, just out of spite? Trump knows that Ukraine, for all its remarkable bravery and determination, simply cannot win. After the first weeks, it did seem that Russia was actually just a paper tiger (bear?). But Ukraine’s vaunted spring offensive, which was supposed to expel Russia, failed. Then the tide turned.
As it has devolved into a messy version of WWI’s trench warfare, the war may appear to be at a stalemate. But Russia has a long history of persevering, no matter the cost. Ask Napoleon about 1812, or Hitler about 1941. Russia has far more manpower (which Putin, like Stalin before him, is quite willing to send into the slaughter), far more materials, and a much larger industrial base to continue building weapons.
Eventually Putin will destroy Ukraine. Does anyone really want to elevate this into WWIII to stop him?
Trump sees a way to change that. The left is apparently content to watch as long as their deep state defense contractors continue to run at full capacity. Europe thinks Ukraine holding out will surely teach Putin a lesson. All the shrieking that we’re hearing from the left, the EU, and from Murkowski is their realization that Trump is not going to play their game.
Message to Europe, “The American money spigot is turned off.” Message to Lisa, “The American money spigot is turned off.” Zalenski doesn’t have anything on Trump like he had on the Biden Crime Administration. Trump is free to look out for America’s best interest. Just like the rest of Europe, Zalenski thinks he can just help himself to our wealth, or lack thereof at this point in time. Just like Lisa, he has no respect for other peoples’ money. Stop by a Salvation Army retail outlet on your way home and pick up a suit, Vlad.
And this kneejerk bloviation from never-Trumper and terminal TDS sufferer Princess Lisa surprises anyone?
It is interesting, though, to read that the blind neocon pig Lindsey Graham stumbled upon a useful acorn.
Graham knows good and well that he has an — that needs covered, particularly given his foreign policy proclivities in the past decade or so.
Princestuous, on the other hand, is doing just what she sees as her part, which as well all know has little ro do with representing her constituency. She works at effectively slowing the forward progress of man, just to soothe her TDS.
So now Zelenskyy has been reduced to the Little Punk wearing his hat backwards, baggy pants, and his 200 dollar sneakers who rides around the gas pumps on his miniature bicycle asking all the people for money for a Happy Meal, it’s laughable that he is already back in Europe making his rounds begging like the little Jack ass he is, I personally felt from day one he was a total idiot and laugh stock!
It’s a fact that Murkowski is dumb, I’ll leave it at that.
As to the Ukraine solution, there are two. Get Europe to come to Ukraine guns loaded and confront putin head on. We could give an assist, but its Europes issue. The second option is give putin ukraine and then they will be up against a nato border country. I thought that was putins gripe. F’ it, take two off the table. One is the only long game, let the shooting start now.
Lisa sides against America and against Alaska. She sides with money and personal power.
She needs to move to Europe where she ( rhino low life democrat war munger) will fit in, and they continue to get kick backs like all her democratic friends get!!! Check her assets, This is another reason for term limits 👨🏻💻 Sick pup🤷🏼 Elon needs to look her over🤔 look over the write in election where all the sudden everybody somehow could spell her name🕵🏻♂️✍🏼🤷🏼
Typical Lisa… ( or dumb and dumber?)
What the Princess fails to take account for is that she and her Deep State Pals planted many many Bio- Labs in Ukraine, sent Vickie Nuland over and conducted a ” color revolution ” to oust” the elected leader of Ukraine and replaced him with the piano playing with his penis punk we saw talking smack to Trump and Vance.
Lisa IS part of the gang that started this horrible war, profited from it and seeks its continuation. Of course she is against Trump.
Who cares what the ,( Russian term for female dog uttered by Ziblenski towards Vance) Princess of Alaska says?
Dear Lisa doesn’t know her history. Starting with 1990 when then secretary of state Baker went to Moscow and met with then President Gorbachev, and the outcome of that historic event. Then 2015 when the CIA poisoned the president of Ukraine. Then the CIA putting the current president in place. Then December 17, 2021 when the ambassador of Russia went to the UN security council with their grievances of Ukraine and the United States and work to arrange a meeting and with then Secretary of State Blinken under direction of the Biden administration told Russia to pound sand, and the rest is history. Meanwhile most of our fellow citizens can only parrot what US news tells them, and can’t seem to ask the right questions on their own. Pathetic, and very dangerous. I strongly believe if Trump had not been elected, the deep state would have gotten the war with Russia they want . And to those supporters of such a war, I would like to ask, what would their opinion be after they woke up to discover our US population was now less than 100 million? Would they say it was worth it? That this was a good idea? Boggles my mind
What? Blows my mind that you think the CIA and not Putin himself poisoned the President of Ukraine. I assume you are referring to Viktor Yushchenko who was poisoned in 2004 with dioxin. Navalney (also poisoned by Putin himself) must roll in his grave reading how much the Soviets have infiltrated the same everyday Americans who took them down in the first place.
OMG is she an embarrassment to ALASKA! People can we please vote this horrible representative out! We deserve so much better than this Nepotism anti American bureaucrat. The MURKOMMIE family is just as corrupt as the Bush’s, the Cheney, the Clintons, and the Obama’s!
So … (???), when does Daddy’s Little Princess send Nick & Matt to fight in Ukraine at the frontline? She’s an exceptional coward and deranged, morally – consciously flawed, led exclusively by her fragile emotions (completely absent of any true measure of Logic, Reason, and/or Common Sense). Alaska and Alaskans deserve so much better!!!
Just The Murk being The Murk
Disagreeing with Trump’s policies and disagreeing with the Trump administration’s behavior, including his, are two very different things. Four long years if he can’t control his political urges. Watch the entire press conference – start to finish. If you tell me with a straight face that it wasn’t an embarrassment after watching, my hope will wane even further.
Questions for Senator Murkowski: What exactly does the US get from the $183 Billion in aid it has given Ukraine? Should this assistance continue without limit? For how long? Why?
By the way, Senator, Ukraine is not a democracy. Democracies do not cancel elections, ban opposition political parties, ban press organizations that might be critical of the regime or ban religious groups. This conduct does not reflect American “values” as some like to say.
Additional bonus question: How much of the US aid has been skimmed off by Ukrainian oligarchs?
Or jail religious groups.
How many times have we told Lisa that we don’t like to irritate Mr. Putin. Lisa just doesn’t understand international politics.
Most folks from Poland understand. But there’s a few living in the US, and parading around as US senators, who are still slow learners. So, how many Poles does it take to offend President Trump?
I think Lisa should go to the doctor, I hear Congress has a pretty good healthcare program
Evil that’s what she is. Dead kids mean nothing to her.
I find it very disconcerting that she doesn’t seem to have the ability to consider more perspectives than “I hate Trump.”
At least Murkowski is 100@% consistent. She NEVER fails to disappoint! That’s a hell of a record.
This is Joe Bidens’ war.
He had to have it to cover his corruption.
Otherwise, he may have been prosecuted.
Zelenski blackmailed Biden for billions, and Joe even received kickbacks on the extorted money we sent.
Biden threw an entire nation to the wolves just to spare himself.
This was pure evil.
Is she worried she won’t get her military industrial complex kick backs?
A war-pig squeals, and water is wet. News at 11:00.
Murkowski, Alaska’s biggest mistake! She is in stage 5 of Trump Derangement Syndrome!
How exactly is ukraine an ally? I don’t remember seeing our ukrainian allies in OEF/OIF… Oh that’s right, they weren’t there. Joke is on anybody who actually believes that ukraine is an ally….morons.
As others said, not surprising for Sen. Murkowski. Fairly surprising statement, though, from Lindsey Grahm.