Murkowski to chair ‘Fire Services Caucus’


She may no longer be chair of the powerful Energy and Natural Resources Committee as of Jan. 20, but Sen. Lisa Murkowski is landing on her feet.

Alaska’s senior senator has been named the chair of the Congressional Fire Services Caucus. The caucus works to support the nation’s firefighters. It’s likely the first of many such appointments that the Murkowski will announce in coming days as the new Senate and House organizations take shape.

“I will continue to advocate for the health & safety of our fire service members, empowering them to serve & protect the public to the best of their abilities,” she wrote. “Throughout my time as a U.S. Senator, I’ve developed relationships with some of Alaska’s bravest men and women: our Fire Chiefs and firefighters. I’ve worked on a number of initiatives at the federal level of great importance to the fire service. In recent years, as communities across Alaska have faced record-high fire seasons, I met with firefighters—career and volunteer—and saw firsthand the dedication and grit it takes to do their job. And in spite of COVID-19, our fire services have never faltered; they adjusted operations as needed and continued toward their mission to protect their respective communities and each other,” said Senator Murkowski. “I’m proud to chair the Congressional Fire Services Caucus in the 117th Congress in support of firefighters who face disasters head-on, with great courage and commitment. I will continue to advocate for the health and safety of our fire service members, empowering them to serve and protect the public to the best of their abilities.”

Co-chairing the caucus are Sen. Jon Tester, D-Montana, , Sen. Tom Carper, D-Delaware, Rep. Steny Hoyer, D-Maryland, Rep. Bill Pascrell, D-New Jersey, Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, and Rep. Mike Bost, R-Illinois.


  1. One necessary thing for the future. Political parties need to be able to expel members who go too far off the reservation.

    Lisa is a Republican in as much as I am a Martian or Dunleavy has a spine.

    Along with party expulsion, in the case of being booted or switched affiliations, new elections need to be called.

    If someone runs as a member of party A then changes, part of the reason said person was elected was invalidated.

    • And which Martian god appointed you the decider of all things expellable or reservationist? Is that why you wear a mask, so no one knows who you are?

      • As a rule I reserve rebuttal to people making cogent points. But the sheer moronic irony of your post merits note.

        Thanks for the laugh. The best part is you have no idea why.

  2. Miss Lisa could learn quite a bit about true public service from the nation’s firefighters: The sacrifice and selflessness involved for the benefit of their communities and not the selfish pursuit of power and money.

  3. When I first saw this and the other members of the caucus, I thought that the organization might have the goal of burning large cities to the ground. But I guess that isn’t the case. Perhaps we are not yet to that point. It seemed plausible.

  4. Poor Lisa. Energy and Natural Resources had lots of avenues for garnering donations and currying favors. Luckily, good old Lisa will find new and interesting ways to manipulate her new chairthingship to make up for it.

  5. I tried to figure out what this committee does….it has 100’s of members and looks like they are supposed to ‘educate ‘ congress on activities of the fire fighters..?? is that their mission..??

  6. I guess she really has changed parties! As the chair of that committee, which a chairman is usually a member of the majority I guess it will be official on the 20th.

  7. She has already found Trump guilty but with a straight face says she will listen to the evidence. What a loser. Do we really have to put up with her another two years? She is anything but trust worthy! 🙁

  8. Perfect! She nor Senator Sullivan is needed there since Biden/Harris will ZAP Alaska Energy out of the state making us a dud for their time in the oval office.

  9. I see the makeup of this committee, they’re mostly Democrats. Murky is a RINO and I imagine the other, being from Illinois, is probably one also. She fits right in with this group.

  10. The best headline we could see about Lisa Murkowski is that she is no longer ‘serving’ the people of Alaska. She’s no better than the criminal enterprise also known as the democrat party.

  11. Just hand little employee Lisa the “Backstabber of the Year” and the “democrat boot licker Award”.

    Employee Lisa- just giving you a heads up about your current employment, you’ll be pink slipped for being a non-performer and creating a hostile work environment.

    Your employer: The American Taxpayer.

    P.S.- Remind your underlings that answer the phone, they work for the taxpayer as well. They were under the delusion that they work for royalty, not the people that pay their paychecks.

  12. An eccentric friend of mine suggested that a theme song for the Anti- Murky vote might just be that old Country Song by Jessi Colter, “I’m not Lisa… Lisa left you many years ago.”

  13. Wow Alaska, Just think if we had elected Joe Miller back in ’10. I mean he beat Lisa in the primary. But… many republicans went into the voting booth after learning how to spell , Li$@ MurCowski.
    Pay Back is a real female Springer Spaniel isn’t it? . Especially so since the Establishment Republicans were at the forefront of this stunt. I seriously doubt Joe would have voted to keep Obama Care. Oh, and as a reward for keeping a” nut job” like Joe out of the Senate, Mitch restored Lisa into the R fold.
    Amazing, tell me why I vote R? Was it because the enemy of my enemy is my friend? But when the enemy is in collusion with his / her enemy, do I have any friends?

    • And don’t forget how Lisa “promised” to support the winner of the primary. . . .when she assumed it would be her.
      Simply stated, she is a liar.

  14. If there’s a union, she’ll find out how to vacuum up their left-leaning political donations. Second only to the ASD, the local fire department union will shovel wheel barrel loads into her coffers as she straddles the line between taking the Alaska Republican Party’s money and the union/native corporation’s donations. You go Goiter Girl!!

  15. What a joke…haha…little Lisa deserves such a prestigious posting…?

    Looks like about a third of Congress is part of this caucus.

    This must be where losers go to die or, at least, to be forgotten.

    Hopefully we can ditch this turncoat fake conservative in two years.

    Who knows though…maybe Lisa guaranteed another six years by stabbing Trump and Alaska in the back…After all, we do use the incredible Dominion Voting Systems “pay-as-you-go” machines…?

    • (Pay to play systems) Since when were things any different? Maybe She needs to take a cue from former senator Mike Gravel and advocate for ‘Firefighters for 9/11 Truth”… Armed with The UAF study on Bld.-7.
      Or go home to dadywarbucks.

  16. Murkowski will, once again, betray this state with this appointment. She will cater to the ‘donations’ from the Firefighter’s unions and prevent, as she has in the past, tools such as large aerial firefighting planes from being put to use. She will bow to the unions that want to put human life at risk ‘so they can have a job’ by putting firefighters on the ground in lieu of using incredibly efficient aerial firefighting equipment that is now available. Please don’t interpret this that I don’t respect, greatly, those smoke jumpers and feet on the ground, they are heroes, but there are now new firefighting tools available that can more quickly extinguish a fire and help keep our smoke jumpers safe. Sadly the firefighting unions have been reported as trying to keep these aircraft from fighting fires to keep their union members ’employed’. Feet on the ground is required in a lot of circumstances, but let’s keep these firefighters safe and use the tools that are out there to knock the fire down quickly.

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