Murkowski sides with Democrats, denounces Trump’s pardons of J-6 political prisoners


Sen. Lisa Murkowski today denounced the pardons made by President Donald Trump for the protesters who overwhelmed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, when the Senate was certifying the election of Joe Biden as president. Over the past day, many of them have now been released from prison.

“The Capitol Police officers are the backbone of Congress— every day they protect and serve the halls of democracy. I strongly denounce the blanket pardons given to the violent offenders who assaulted these brave men and women in uniform,” Murkowski said.

She told reporters, “I don’t think that the approach of a blanket pardon that includes those who caused harm, physical harm to our police officers, to others, that resulted in violence — I’m disappointed to see that. And I do fear the message that is sent to these great men and women who stood by us.”

Murkowski was one of seven Republicans who voted to convict Trump during his second impeachment, a vote that occurred after Trump was no longer president. She has long been an adversary of Trump and takes every opportunity to oppose him.

Several of the J-6ers, as they are now known, have stated over the past 24 hours that they were innocent all along, but had been forced to make false confessions for crimes they did not commit, in exchange for not being imprisoned.

Brandon Straka is one of those who cut a deal based on false information. His probation period was to end this week. But then came the pardon, and now that he is free, he is able to open up about what had actually happened to him and how the FBI lied.

“If Donald Trump had not been elected, I would never have felt truly safe to tell the TRUTH about how the FBI & DOJ lied in my J6 case, and drafted a phony story for my plea agreement-and how the DC judges enabled it. Thank you, to @realDonaldTrump, and thank you to the American people for voting for my liberation and the liberation of hundreds of others,” he said on Newsmax.

In 2021, Congressman Don Young, who was in the Capitol, said that the protesters at the Capitol were not engaged in an insurrection.

Some protesters, however, grew violent in the heat on the moment on that day, when it appeared to many Americans that the election had been stolen by Democrats. Some did battle Capitol Police outside the building, while others clearly were ushered into the building by Capitol Police. Speaker Nancy Pelosi had refused the offer of National Guardsmen made by President Trump prior to the event that day.

But the protesters at the Capitol were not the murderers and pedophiles that former President Joe Biden had just pardoned.

Many, whose last names are not Murkowski, viewed the J-6ers as political prisoners.

Rep. Clay Higgins of Louisiana said, “Any Republican who opposes the President’s Executive orders delivering promised rescue to American political prisoners doesn’t know a damned thing about the individual J6 cases. I do, because I’ve been investigating FBI/DOJ persecution of conservative citizens since 2020. These Americans were destroyed in every way. Physically, emotionally, financially. Families disintegrated, businesses and reputations destroyed, months or years of solitary confinement 23 hrs per day under brutal conditions, heavy, daily violations of civil rights while incarcerated. Pardon can never make these Americans whole again, and shame be upon our Republic for having targeted, entrapped, investigated, prosecuted, incarcerated and tortured these American victims of political agenda.”

Rep. Tim Burchett of Tennessee said, “Legacy media will spend the next four years talking about J6 pardons while their President pardoned pedophiles and murderers. Do not let them lecture you on morality.”

Rep. Eli Crane of Arizona said, “The J6 prisoners were held for years without trials while Biden welcomed violent foreign criminals into America and weaponized the DOJ. @realDonaldTrump did the right thing by pardoning these individuals. We will continue applying peaceful pressure for their immediate release.”

“Now that the J6 pardons have been issued, I can tell you guys that the FBI harassed my family for the last three years simply because I was near the Capitol perimeter on that day. Four FBI agents interrogated a family member as recently as June 2024. Have fun being unemployed!,” said Ashley St. Clair, who was only near the Capitol that day, but still suffered from the political attacks.

After former President Joe Biden pardoned his son in December, Murkowski criticized those actions as well: “Setting aside the fact that President Biden repeatedly stated he would not pardon his son, what I find most troubling is the sweeping nature of this pardon. Not only is Hunter Biden receiving clemency for multiple felony offenses—for crimes of which he was convicted and pleaded guilty to—he is also being granted immunity from any crimes he ‘has committed or may have committed’ over a more than ten-year period. This decision makes a mockery of our justice system. Everyone must be held accountable for their actions under the law.”


  1. Senator Murkowski needs to do us a favor and leave. Her rationale is often not rational. She does not seem to be working in our best interest but rather caters to special interests which are in Alaska’s interest. Please retire, Senator and save what little positive reputation who may now have.

    • Tom,
      Did you read this article? In the last paragraph SD wrote that Murkowski criticized the action of Biden pardoning Hunter. Perhaps you should read the whole article before commenting.

      • Gunner perhaps you should see the list of death row murderers biden pardoned and the heinous crimes they committed.
        Or perhaps reflect on the 1983 bomber of the US capital that Clinton pardoned.

          • A drug kingpin who murdered a mother and child to prevent the mother from being a trial witness was fully pardoned. Let’s go Brandon!!!

          • We need to worry about the president being set to rule with power and threats then pardon everybody invoked.
            Any administration can do this in the future.

  2. Did she condemn Fauci’s and Hunter’s pardons? Of course not. People need to understand. Lisa worked hard orchestrating the Jan. 6 sideshow. Her and Miss Piggy handled it like true puppeteers. No one wants to get their hands dirty.

    • Princess Lisa is perhaps THE most contemptible of all deep state minions and trolls in the US Congress. The woman is beyond the pale and utterly devoid of any intelligence, honesty, decency and morality.

      Lisa, the RINO Queen of Nepotism, is a criminal and a traitor to the USA and to the American people.

        • Rich comment coming from you Forky. You are literally standing in proof and evidence to your neck yet you stay so true blue by calling out those not afraid to speak the obvious. Trolls be trolling…

        • I am going to have to ask you to apply the same standard to your posts here on MRAK. Before you post something, please make sure you have absolute proof, and are ready to share it. (And, I saw an optical illusion once is proof only that you saw an optical illusion.)

            • Yet, you will continue to post nonsense pulled from social media headlines and think you are stating facts. And, in the next breath, tell someone they better pony up proof, otherwise their comment is meaningless.
              I know it is difficult to apply the standards you expect others to live up to to yourself, but please take a shot at it. It is the adult way of doing things.

        • Do your own research, Greg!
          Isn’t that what you tell people when you can’t be bothered to support your own diatribe?

        • That’s the first time in years she has made any comment against Biden. She voted for all his Mickey Mouse cabinet choices, she has chosen to side with the Democrats constantly over the last 4 years. We elected her as a Republican–not a Democrat. She is there to represent our interests, not her interests or her conscience. She could do us all a big favor and retire now.

        • Quite apparently, you are happy with her being a Democrat. I wouldn’t mind if she voted part of the times with the Dems, but constantly?

      • I was going to comment on this until I read what Jefferson wrote! At the risk of unnecessary redundancy I’ll add one thing.
        Frank, this is what your nepotism got us! A foolish move Frank, to place a leftist foolish daughter in a powerful position so she could forever spew her anti-American and anti-Alaskan vomit on us!

  3. Brings to mind when a current sitting Senator (ie: Warren) said … “You can only push people so far!” I wonder if her comments apply to lying – thieving elected officials too? Just curious and asking for a friend.

  4. It would be so much more honest of her to just declare she is a democrat. When are the conservatives of Alaska going to understand this person is not a conservative.

  5. Who cares nobody likes Lisa?
    She didn’t have much to say about Biden’s pardons
    Maybe she needs a pardon what is she done illegal?

  6. Assaulting a law enforcement officer and destroying government property are crimes that must be prosecuted and punished – provided the facts are fairly collected and presented to an impartial jury. The FBI and the DOJ are known to manipulate facts (to lie, as with Ted Stevens), and the Washington DC jurors are hardly impartial, so criminal cases against the January 6 defendants should have been tried in courts far away from there, for example in a defendant’s home state.

    As a counterpoint to Murkowski’s complaints, I want to ask her two things (I already have asked in a letter, but no answer).
    1. Why hasn’t Ashli Babbitt’s inept killer been charged with the crime of negligent manslaughter?
    2. How many violent assailants of federal officers and destroyers of federal property have been charged and prosecuted for their widespread crimes during the George Floyd-BLM insurrection?

    Well, senator, speak up!

    • I have yet to meet an Ashli Babbitt supporter who can acknowledge they have watched the full video from January 6. If you watch her being repeatedly told to back off and she just keeps coming. Please, she made multiple bad decisions that day. Too bad so many morons encouraged her back then and now today’s moron thinks she’s a martyr. No, she was just a fool caught up in politically motivated nonsense. When you watch the police being beaten by the mob which you now support doesn’t allow you to claim you “back the blue”. They were a bunch of punks who deserved to be charged. Now go back to your meme coin fetish.

      • I saw all the video I needed to see the the terror in Ashli’s eyes as she bled out. Yes, Seb, unarmed woman deserves to be shot in the neck. This shooting would never have survived the scrutiny of a real trial and Michael Byrd would, in a just world, but in a federal penitentiary rather than receiving a pre-emptive pardon. But do go on.

      • I find it curious how the very same folks who claim Ashli Babbitt deserved to be shot, also claim the police overreacted and deserve to be charged with murder when a drug addicted lifelong criminal resists arrest and gets harmed during the process.
        How about an experiment, Sebastian. Replace the name Ashli Babbit with George Floyd. Tell us if you still feel the same way.

      • Sorry Sebastian that movie does not play. In the video I saw, Ashli Babbit and multiple others were behind a barricaded door. Absolutely individuals were trying to break through the glass, however nobody had breached that perimeter. The police officer was hiding in a side alcove (from what I saw on the video) popped out and indiscriminately fired into the crowd on the other side. Ashli Babbit collapsed and the officer ducked back into the alcove and disappeared. There was no reason to discharge his firearm, especially in this “spray and pray” manner.
        I do agree with you that none of those individuals should have been there, however they deserved to be arrested and tried, not shot at. IF the national guard would have been activated (like it was offered) this all could have been avoided with adequate police presence. I partially hold Nancy Pelosi and Muriel Bowser responsible as Capitol security was their responsibility.

    • Too bad that none of the BLM / AntiFa bozos were prosecuted for that during the Summer of Love in 2020.

      The problem with dual standards of justice is once the general public figures that out, you will quickly have no standard of justice, which seems to be just fine for you and your US Senator. Cheers –

      • They did not do so in our nations capitol building. Ask the Christian, Mike Pence (who can recite the Lord’s prayer) what he thinks. I have never seen our Senator, Dan Sullivan, look dejected until that day. We cannot deny that this happened.

      • The difference between the left and right is the left has no problem with rioters being charged with illegal acts. The right protects all their anarchists. Trump pardoned thugs who beat up cops and put a hiring freeze on the VA. I guess that’s the Republican brand under Trump. President Trump just rescinded an Executive Order issued by President Biden to lower prescription drug costs for people in Medicare and Medicaid. That’s your man!

        • Sebastian; that is a huge lie.

          Name one BLM rioter who has been even charged with any crimes?

          Just one.

          • Victor Devon Edwards
            Sentenced to 100 months in prison for arson, riot, and looting in downtown Minneapolis. Edwards was captured on video surveillance breaking into Target Headquarters and adding fuel to a fire. Samuel Elliott Frey – Sentenced to more than two years in federal prison for setting fire to a health food store. Frey pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit arson. Korn – don’t you know how to do a search on the internet?

            • Only 2? Yet y’all still believe that George Floyd was a hero.

              Not to mention 6 months of actual riots in DC that were not caused by only 2 people have walked free. Plus ANTIFA and BLM rioters in cities all across the US still roaming free to this day.

              But yeah, ya got two. Good job

            • Sebastian:
              PS, none of the J6rs were charged with ANYTHING. But they were detained for over a year.. with no due process what so ever.

              And you try to call us Fascists?

        • “President Trump just rescinded an Executive Order issued by President Biden to lower prescription drug costs for people in Medicare and Medicaid.”
          President Trump rescinded an EO that placed price controls (a socialist tool if there ever was one) on medication. But, if you are OK with a bureaucrat arbitrarily setting prices that a private company can charge, that’s cool. Just realize that power will apply across the board, and the very same authority can be used to cap salaries.

        • Trump reduced the cost of insulin. Biden reinstated the former price and then later… reduced the price claiming he solely reduced the cost.

  7. She would vote against fluffy clouds & unicorns if Trump said he liked them. Someone please remind her that being a senator is supposed to be about her constituents not herself.

  8. Where is her outrage for the preemptive pardons Biden tossed out? People who supposedly never committed any crimes get pardons, but someone guilty of trespass should rot in jail without possibility of parole.

    • But, a person using their own name, say… Frank Rast, is perfectly OK with Biden commuting the sentence of an individual that murdered a FBI agent.
      Or… where is your outrage on that MRAK article? I do not see it.

    • Yet you seem to be very comfortable with the thousands of BLM rioters who burned cities, injured 100s of cops, killed bystanders and turned entire sections of their cities into burned out hulks. The J6 people served their time after having the full weight of the US Government thrown against them. It’s more time served than the “mostly peaceful” rioters in Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis and other communist enclaves received. The vast majority of them were arrested, but not charged and let go to continue their rampage.

    • The DOJ was 100% corrupt, dishonest, and complicit in the politically orchestrated BS imposed on the people that have been prosecuted. More facts, beyond Pelosi’s orchestration of the events in the capital that day, will come to light, now that the truth can be told. And one capital cop should be prosecuted for murder of an unarmed woman. Ashly Babbitt was unarmed and no threat to anyone when she was shot dead by that useless POS, with a badge he hid behind for his actions.

    • How many feds were in the crowd? Oh did you see there is a brand new J6 panel formed to investigate the cover ups.

    • lilfranky, here is just one of your buddy bidumb pardons, keep your head buried in the sand, it makes the world a better place!

      “Biden grants clemency to drug dealer convicted in double slaying of 8-year-old boy and his mom, sparking outrage – even from Democrats
      Adrian Peeler, was convicted of murder conspiracy for killing a mom and her little son, will be cut loose in July after former President Joe Biden commuted his sentence.”

    • Yep. In one day, trump and his mobile did away with the peaceful transition of power. He lost every challenge in the Supreme Court. Peple dead, 140 injured, shit smeared on our nation’s capital. Yeah, you folks will always bear the stink of that day. The poor loser trump, and his brainwashed haters continues to thrive. You folks who support the release of these felons are no better than they were. Congratulations.

      • I believe that most if not all of the perpetrators of violence against authority figures were provocateurs. There is definitely video of some of the said authority figures launching concussion grenades before the crowd had reached a level of agitation that warranted it. Someone called for the pot to be stirred, and stirred it was. Trump’s ability to communicate via Twitter was ended right at that crucial moment, and he had called for a peaceful approach to the Capitol. Action started at the Capitol before those attending his speech could have arrived there on foot. It WAS an Op.

        Remind of how you decried Antifa’s activities in a similar fashion. Who did you blame for their actions?

    • Watch “Ukraine on Fire” to see how a crowd can be nudged into going after “law enforcement” after being shot at, sprayed and infiltrated by government provocateurs. Why did (30 pence) Pence wait until minutes into Trump’s speech J6 to issue a letter saying he would sign off on the election after saying he wouldn’t days before? No one knew of the letter until after the disaster.

  9. Lisa’s understanding is limited by her reliance on information sources that are well along the path of going the way of the covered wagon. She largely relies on them to get ‘her message’ out, too. She couldn’t see the forest for the trees when it happened, and she still can’t. Or doesn’t want to.

    Anyone else notice how her statement left out her old pals at the DOJ and FBI? They previously worked in sync with her predilections and what was clearly her preference for a few years there… Wonder why she had nothing to say about them.

    Maybe if she was always doing the right thing, she would not have been so fearful. She knew what was happening on a larger scale wasn’t right, and it drove her fear.

    Also, did I miss her denouncing JB’s blanket pardons?

  10. I would not have issued a blanket pardon. The cases should have been looked at individually to identify those who committed violent acts. That said, a pardon was appropriate for a large percentage of the non-violent folks. Many of these non-violent people were subject to very aggressive tactics by the DOJ and FBI. Worst of all – and a horrible smear on the judiciary – were the extreme and unwarranted sentences imposed on many people. It is my understanding that many of these folks spent months and even years in jail for offenses that deserved much shorter sentences. It is interesting that Senator Murkowski – and everybody on the Left – apparently ignores this fact.

    At any rate, with this dramatic reduction in the case loads of the DOJ lawyers in Washington, DC, it is a good opportunity to terminate the employment of now unnecessary federal (Deep State) prosecutors.

  11. I’d like to know what’s going to happen to the prosecutors who knowingly made up charges, and the Capitol police officers who fired rubber bullets and tear gas at innocent protestersl

  12. So now Trump finally has his own little paramilitary like he’s always wanted. He can now join the ranks of other international despots that have had and have abused them.

  13. 211 actively incarcerated individuals in federal prison who mostly committed acts of violence, some who beat police officers with baseball bats and 2x4s, were given blanket pardons. This included people in the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys who had been sentenced to 20-30 years. Each case had legitimate evidence which was track and publicly available to view. Some of whom these same sitting leaders had to run to flee. Why do you not dissent? Why are you so spineless? You elect a felon. You release violent criminals. Do you think you are immune or safe? Party of law and order no more. NO MORE!

    • Nice rant as you join WTD and FR in lala land.

      The only beatings on Jan6 were administered by law enforcement, including one woman who was beat to death by officers in the tunnel. Nobody much cares about her.

      Every single J6 target was a political prisoner in a political show trial by a corrupt law enforcement and justice establishment. They were prosecuted to send a message and intimidate. Well, we got the message, which is why Trump is once again president. Be careful about sending messages, as the response may not be what you expect. As General Mattis once observed: the enemy gets a vote. And if we are enemies, so then are you. You’re really not gonna enjoy playing under your new rules. Cheers –

    • Name one charge.

      The one person who did actually try to incite violence was not charged with anything at all to this day.

      So can you please stop pushing this lie?

  14. By pardoning the J6ers, Trump has sent the unmistakable message that violence intended to promote his political interests is acceptable. Very on brand for the decency-free world of MAGA. The lady holding the scales is silently weeping behind her blindfold.

    Happily, there is still Karma and Judgement Day.

  15. There are two types of people in the world.
    Those who know the events of Jan 6th, 2021 are being overblown for political purposes and the people in jail do not deserve to be there.
    People who hate the USA

  16. Biden pardoning family members –and J6 prosecutors– is okay, Trump pardoning J6 hostages is not?
    Why in bloody hell do you Alaska state GOP officials –not– expel Senator Murkowski from the Republican Party?

  17. Lisa is a RINO. List needs to go away. She is useless to the State of Alaska. Go away Lisa . . . .

  18. Lisa, if you ever read Suzanne’s excellent site and the comments, I am here to tell you that you have left the RINO lane, and have now fallen so far down to actually making a clown of yourself, and disgracing the office you hold.

    For the good of the country and our state, you need to resign, and just go away.

  19. Like it or not.
    Now both sides can b**ch and complain about fair or unfair pardons.
    The bottom line is elections DO have consequences…for both sides.
    Now suck it up Lisa and go pound sand.
    I would have thought you have something more important to dwell on but this is just the beginning of a lousy 4 years of that horrible man WE elected…not you.
    Watch out for those fish traps.
    You have that fresh caught salmon look again.

  20. Lisa…you need to retire. If you are not representing the constituents it’s time to are blinded by your democratic friends. American people see what was done to these people. Maybe you should do some research.

  21. Sad to know that Alaskan’s will vote her back into the Senate seat in 2028 as she knows the fix is in with RCV.

  22. How does she explain the incarceration without trial for 4 years for some of the J6ers? What is her position on solitary confinement of j6er’s until they accepted a plea deal… upwards of 7 months in stir? Insurrection? Were the above punishments given to the Puerto Rican separatist that attempted to assassinate Harry Truman and murdered a cop or his cohorts that shot up a session of Congress?

  23. It’s time to start a NO MORE LISA campaign. Trump campaigned tirelessly for four years to return to the presidency. We need to campaign for four years to convince Lisa she doesn’t have a chance at six more years. If only there was a way to get her to resign!! Where is the Republican leadership? Why are they so quiet as she continues to ignore the will of her constituents?

  24. She Doesn’t like patriots, heroes, tourists, and picnickers some of who did their best to try to “stop the steal”, and TRUMP will be remembered fondly, forever, for this selfless act.

  25. Franky, Only a clueless Grifter would not see the totally obvious use of power to target and over charge these people whom most all were just exercising their rights to protest. The people who were protesting all own a piece of the capital , remember they were not protesting on private property and actually did minimal damage.Pelosi was offered National Guard security more then once several days before the event for security and deliberately turned it down HOPING problems would arise. Not to mention that several FBI Shills that were among the protesters leading people directly into the grounds and the main building. Its totally obvious the entire event was not only exagerated, it was also encouraged in real time by Many Deeo State agitators. It’s laughable how this entire event was blown completely out control, the media made it out like it was a big deal , The Deep State are the ones who conveniently disposed of hours of footage that totally shows most these people were un organized and harmless protesters who basicly were sucked into a trap. The entire investigation of this event was controlled and developed inorder to show a completely false narrative. Only a fool can not see through the Mirage the loony Democrats and a couple disgruntled establishment RINOS fed the public. 77 million people obviously seen through the Mirage on November 5th of 2024 and know the real truth, and that’s all that matters now lol!!! The Democrats and their hoodlums Burned down thousands of private business and public and federal buildings in the riots for months prior to the capital protest and the Dems and Kamala Harris were bailing them out of jail, and it was crickets form the media and the Dems even to this day about those anarchist scum bags , it kinda funny how few to none of these real criminals were never charges or prosecuted . That proves beyond ALL doubt what’s been going on behind the scenes!!!

  26. This is what character looks like. People lighting bombs, assaulting police officers, and disrupting our democratic process do not deserve a blanket pardon.

  27. Whatever happened to Elizabeth from Knoxville? Poor dear, they gassed her.
    There should be reparations paid to all these patriots for wrongful prosecution. I would also recommend lifetime pensions for the inconvenience.

  28. Murkowski may have criticized Bidens pardons but she did not mean it. Murkowski is a liar, an enemy of the Republic, the Constitution, the Rule of Law, The People, Western Civilization and The Creator. A Curse on her and all who support her. Her future is Doom.

  29. They were political prisoners, and I am ashamed of our country for their actions against them. Yet we have yet to track down and imprison the rioters from Minneapolis, Washington and other cities across our Nation that allowed BLM rioters and supporters to burn and cause bodily harm to many innocent people. Where’s the justice??? Murkowski should either declare being a Democrat or an Independent. She is definitely not a Republican. She is just preparing her stance for her upcoming election by aligning with the Democrats. She is hoping that Anchorage Democrats will pull her through along with RCV.

  30. Stolen elections back in 2010 have consequences with which we are still saddled with today. Murkowski was awful when she was in the legislature.

  31. One has to wonder who keeps voting to send this witch back to Washington DC. Either we have a bunch of stupid voters in Alaska, or something is up with our Selections. RCV Maybe????

  32. I don’t know what has happened to my conservative friends. Why are we happy about criminals that beat cops getting a pardon?

    Lisa Murkowski is 100% correct when she writes:

    “I don’t think that the approach of a blanket pardon that includes those who caused harm, physical harm to our police officers, to others, that resulted in violence — I’m disappointed to see that. And I do fear the message that is sent to these great men and women who stood by us.”

    I back the blue. We have the far left, and now, the unhinged far right thinking its okay to bash police officers? Screw you people.

  33. So funny to hear the Begich and Sullivan audio responses to recent questions about the J6 pardons. One can almost hear Nick cringe as he hears himself spin it. Ah, thank goodness for social media and staff, so they can polish the conscience and principles they don’t have, for public consumption.

  34. Remember several years ago when someone stomped in the snow on that hill on O’Malley “ Muck Furcowski” … we need more snow now !

  35. Here’s the fun part: Lisa is completely silent about Biden pardoning the House Jan 6 Committee, all members and staff plus JCS Chairman Mark Milley. As the J6 Committee was there for one thing only, to cover up the crimes committed by Pelosi and her leadership in orchestrating the riot it is important to find out who did what and what did they know. Milley was pardoned for his part in ensuring no National Guard was present at the Capitol. Happily, accepting the pardons means they all plead guilty and lose their 5th Amendment rights, meaning they must testify truthfully about what they know about the festivities. I expect it will be most enlightening to find the whole thing was orchestrated by democrats and their sycophants. Cheers –

  36. What’s Alarming and Shamefull is how many Mentally Insane and Disgruntled Parasites we have in this country who Pile on , after all the total over reach, exagerations and flat out lies for nearly 10’years now. The lawfare, the hoax’s , the criminal undertakings by the Democratic Party and Deep State has been totally exsposed, yet we still have a handful of pathetic weasles trying to spread their endless propiganda and lies. Their all in need of medical help these people are all very very sick people , yes all 100 percent of them, seriously !!!

  37. She really needs to go! Impeach her now, she does not speak for a majority of Alaska. We are losing our state to the wacko left coast.

  38. There’s a very good possibility that murkowski could ruin the next 4 years of opportunity for Alaska. I expect Trump will declare war on her shortly. And I don’t blame him.

  39. Pete Hegseth confirmed as Sec of Defense! Hey Lisa, you’re wrong again. Now do us all a favor and declare your party affiliation as Democrat! Why do you call yourself a Republican anyway? They say you can attract more flies with honey than with….hmmm, what was the other stuff?….Anyway Lisa, there are several more votes on confirmations that you can make as a Democrat. How about doing what you were put there to do instead and help Trump save this Republic!!!!!

  40. Is Three years in prison for trespassing not enough, Lisa? You don’t think that’s long enough? You don’t think their lives have been ruined enough?

    How come don’t hear you complain about the BLM/Antifa rioters from 2020 not getting punished?

  41. Lisa is a RINO. I am embarrassed that she supposedly represents Alaska- she does not. Alaska is a Republican state- get on board Lisa- or resign.

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