Murkowski says D.C. is colder than Alaska, and that’s a problem


In committee vetting Energy Secretary nominee Chris Wright, Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski bemoaned how it was colder in Washington, D.C. than it was in Alaska, and that the thermostats are “out of whack.” It’s a problem, she was explaining. Alaska is not cold, and D.C. is.

Directing her remarks at Wright, she then said technologies can help Alaskans adapt to climate change.

Wright was appearing for his first Senate grilling in the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, where much of the talk from Democrats was about climate change.

This week in Washington, D.C. it is chilly, for the district at least. It’s in the 20s to the low 40s. It will be even chillier next week, during the outdoor Inauguration of Donald Trump as president. Temperatures are expected to reach a low of 11 degrees.

Often, when the temperatures in the continental United States drop, Alaska will experience a warm spell. This curiosity has been happening regularly this winter, with bitter cold weather south, and warmer air moving into Alaska, where today in Utqiagvik it is -6 degrees, in Kotzebue it’s 11 degrees and Nome is a balmy 19, at this writing.

“We’re living with it, we’re dealing with it, we’re feeling it,” Murkowski said to Wright. “We’re feeling it in Alaska right now. I wish I could tell you it’s as cold in Alaska as it is in Washington, D.C.”

Actually, it was colder in Alaska today. Except in Ketchikan, where it is 46 and raining.

Alaska has been going through a warm super cycle for many years, but at least it is not as warm as when dinosaurs roamed Alaska, around 120-million years ago. It was as warm in Alaska then as is current day Puget Sound.

But back to Murkowski’s declaration of coldness in D.C. There’s an explanation.

Meteorologist say that when tropospheric ridges develop in the jet stream over Alaska, it flips the Eastern Pacific Oscillation to negative, and that creates polar air coming over the north pole from Siberia and into Canada and the Lower 48.

This winter in Alaska, the main pattern has been a southerly flow of warm air coming across the warm Pacific Ocean.

These flips in temperatures between the Lower 48 and Alaska happen with frequency, and this particular episode of cold weather for D.C. is not that noteworthy.

“In February 1899, a two-week period of exceptionally cold weather culminated in what weather historian David Ludlum (1970) describes as ‘the greatest Arctic outbreak in history.’ Temperatures fell to 0°F (-18°C) along the beaches of the Gulf Coast and ice flowed from the mouth of the Mississippi River into the Gulf of Mexico,” says a report for NASA/Goddard Space Center in 1988. Read more about the phenomenon at this link.


  1. It is not unusual for cities in the lower 48 to be colder than AK, especially cities on large bodies of water, like Anchorage.
    And, the Earth is essentially a closed system. There is only so much heat to go around. If AK is having a particularly warm winter for whatever reason, somewhere else will be having a colder than normal winter. This time, AK got well over it’s fair share of warm days, and (GASP! The HORRORS!) DC got stuck with a bit more cold days than normal. If she thinks this means something, she is clearly demonstrating a complete and total lack of knowledge on weather and the climate.
    This weather is proof of… NOTHING. Not a damned thing, and trying to say it is proof of something for political purposes is not working any more.

      • I’m grateful she has the job in DC. My wardrobe is mostly cargo shorts, Aloha shirts and sandals. My noodle stand has been closed for decades, but Lisa still brings home the bacon. I love our hideaway in Mexico. I love RCV.

  2. When Alaska was a rainforest, CO2 was at 8,000ppm. At 150ppm, plant life dies. earth is about 450ppm. We could actually use MORE C02. They used to call it global warming, then Scientists realized the earth is actually in a cooling stage. Now it’s climate change with the inclination that humans caused it. Humans virtually have NO effect on natural climate change. It’s a complete hoax to push carbon credits primarily.

    • Nature just smacked you upside the head and you’re still beating the same stupid partisan drum. Hilarious!

      • Keep your head in the sand & keep moving through those sheep pens to the slaughterhouse & bless your heart!

        • Your thought patterns apparently revolve around political pendent talking points and don’t have much to do with the “outside” at all.

          Where have you been for the last 20 or 50 years? Not in Alaska. I doubt you notice the temperature changes as much in Florida, other than the oceans rising. “Derp”

          • New to Alaska are you? This isn’t the first bare winter. Don’t remember the winter freeze crushing Florida’s orange crops in the 70’s?

      • The former founder of The Sierra Club has noted that optimal plant growth is at about 1600 ppm CO2. As for Alaska, it was once sub-tropical without human industry. The “climate change” debate is not even a blip in the history of the planet. In Wyoming, they have found long dead pine trees in the melting ice…. Wyoming was much warmer. The prediction models are constantly being refinesdso that the predictions of the past are adjusted to the facts of the past…. on going as the future has to be corrected from all the past mistakes… the mistakes also ongoing.

    • Nick, a hoax is right. Even radical climate leftist Michael Shellenberger has woken up to the hoax (he has an excellent interview (on Tucker Carlson’s Rumble channel) about the recent CA fires. Not only are the carbon credits a hoax but so are the idiotic plans for carbon sequestration which Dunleavy supports.

  3. Loving the 46 degrees and the rain, We aren’t shoveling, burning, no snakes, and our Island borders are secure. (LOL)

    • I’m about ten degrees colder, but everything else aligns. I might add no lines, very few leftists, and no ticks.

      Also, regarding the headline. The Princess isn’t very bright. Imagine that temperatures have variation! One of the great faults of nepotism is low quality.

  4. The partisan dorks have been saying that global warming was a hoax a all these years are looking REALLY stupid right now.

    • Science is not your strongpoint, is it?
      “IF” there was a record of earths yearly temperatures, you would see this is nothing new!
      But you “The sky is falling” nut jobs just love to have some catastrophe to scream and holler about!
      Bet you can’t wait for the next made up “pandemic” so you can put your mask back on, how many booster shots have you got so far?
      I have never taken the fake vax shot and I am still here along with all the others who did not fall for your left-wing-nut bs!
      Keep on being a sheep, looks like that is your claim to fame!

      • Temperatures have been going up for decades, and you’re rambling on about what again? Vaccines, Orwellian Plots, Tyrannies on Tricycles… Do you actually hear yourself? Lol

        • Just wait, Greta’s 12 years are almost gone and the earth still lives. The earths climate will always change and if we spend every dollar on earth we will do nothing except break ourselves.

        • No, the temps have not been going up for decades. In fact, there is no measurable change in world temp for something like 20 years. But, why let actual facts get in the way of a good narrative.

    • ‘

      Climate change is not a hoax although its effects are much slower and not noticeable in many lifetimes. “Man made” climate change is a hoax. And yes. The earth is cooling.

      I think you should adult more before you drink your coffee black.

    • ‘

      This link is for you Black coffee although I doubt you read much at all

    • Climate, which includes global warming, cooling, and change, are not hoaxes. The insane belief that paying taxes to the “elites” is going to help is the hoax.
      Seriously, how many parasites take private jets to Davos every year to talk about how the population as a whole should be restricted to one flight every three years in order to save the planet? If you actually think the response to climate change is not a hoax, I think it is you who is “The partisan dork…”

      • And man-made climate hoaxer Leonardo DeCaprio just escaped the Los Angeles,CA fires by flying out of the area on his private jet. ?

        • As I note. The ultimate goal of all of this… well… all roads lead to this goal, is the parasites… errr… I mean elites will continue to live in luxury, while us peons live in abject poverty. There is nothing happening in the world of climate change that has convinced me otherwise.

        • Go easy on the jet setting rocket rider.
          Leo has a big shoes to fill trying to keep up with John Kerry’s fleet of rockets he uses to cruise around the Earth tossing flyers out the window warning earthlings of the imminent crisis at hand below him if they don’t stop driving their cars.

    • I can remember when the pseudoscience worry was global cooling. One dude suggested spreading ashes on the poles, in order to counteract it.

  5. Murkowski is a flipping dunce. Where’s her science background? Must be all that climate change that Frank produced when he became the first Alaska governor to buy a business jet on the dime of taxpayers. And a yacht. These Murkowskis live like kings and queens but expect all other Alaskans to live like subjects of their fiefdom. No!

  6. Sorry Lisa, your Uncle Joe will be leaving soon and those millions he sends you to pay people not to work will end. Are your Democrat friends telling to you “crank up the heat” on the climate change rhetoric? Why don’t you give us a Monkey Pox scare while you’re at it.

  7. These temperature flips between Alaska and the lower 48 states have been given a formal name (by me), ‘the North American paradoxical winter weather phenomenon.’ I should copyright this name before Joe B. plagiarizes it, and before Hunter B. sells off all of my weather influence to China…

  8. Yeah, it is called “Mother Nature” she does what she wants, no regard for what is normal and predictable kinda like you murcowski!
    Just plain whacked out, don’t know when she is going to do the totally opposite of what is right!

  9. Given the recent ‘dog-n-pony’ show during these confirmation hearings, I think most reasonable people conclude the real issue is “Cold Hearts” in DC.

  10. I have a collection of my grandfather’s 35mm slides, some of which were taken in the mid-50’s here in Anchorage. Several of them are very specific to what’s being chatted about here. These slides were taken at the starting line of the Fur Rendezvous dog sled races around 1954, one year before a record snowfall. The kids are wearing rain boots and the only snow is a thin, gray, slushy strip in the middle of 4th Avenue where the dog team is ready to take off. The weather was in the mid-40’s (that’s attainable if you do a search) and, the population of Anchorage was extremely low thus, carbon emissions weren’t an issue. The point being… people consumed by climate change fear and paranoia place way too much importance on themselves, man’s impact on the planet and, man’s ability to do jack sh-t about it. No amount of money will correct it. There’s an industry based upon this whereby vast amounts of U.S. money is sent to countries worldwide, some of whom are the worst offenders. And do you emember Solyndra? Obama’s $500,000,000 stimulus recipient that produced… nothing. Now THAT’S net zero.

  11. And here we go (climate change ). It’s always been changing, it’s never stopped. If it stops changing we got a problem.

    Lisa your buddies in California just dumped more crap into the atmosphere in 1 week than we pump in 20 years.

  12. Weather comes and goes. The last two winters have been the longest winters a snogo rider could ask for in Western Alaska. When I ride the 200 miles over to the Yukon River after the 20th of April… That’s a long winter…

    This year is a bust, but nothing like we haven’t had numerous times over the last three decades.

    REMEMBER, REAL ALASKANS used to walk between Russia and Sarah Palins house via the land bridge, tens of thousands of years ago…. Did the bridge sink because of rising water due to global warming?? Who cares, nothing stays the same forever.

  13. Okay… why not get to the real point, cut to the chase?
    What sort of laws, taxes, and regulations does Senator Murkowski want passed against productive Americans to get thermostats back “in whack”, temperatures back where the Senator says they should be?
    Why would people own the Senator’s problem instead of ridiculing this politician further into obscurity?

  14. Now we’re going to sacrifice Chinook winds on the global warming cult bonfire?

    One of the most famous paintings in this country is George Washington crossing the Potomac River though ice flows.

    I suspect that if we had records of Alaska during those years, we would find conditions then were warm, too.

    This is not a new thing and should not be used to throw on the dog pile of the global warming cultists.

  15. I have yet to see a photo of Princess Lisa, Queen of Nepotism, where her scowling facial expression does not look like that of a salmon just pulled from the net.

  16. How short Lisa’s memory must be. We have just had two hellish winters, and she seems to have forgotten already.

  17. I’ve been screaming for years for One Alaskan to take 3 seconds to type in and see the documented fact right in your face that your own government is manipulating the weather through stratospheric aerosol injection and they are causing any type of change that you see. But nope, not one Alaskan has bothered to look at this info so you just waste your time with the same comments day after day and never get anywhere. Just look up, they’re spraying you like a roach. Ex CIA Brennan gave a class on SEI ….

  18. “While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.””
    ‭‭Genesis‬ ‭8‬:‭22‬ ‭ESV‬‬

    • Why is Princess talking about thermostats being out of whack? It’s not a thermostat or an app on your phone….climate, temperatures, weather, etc., fluctuate and vary. You cannot expect to control them to the extent they will be a consistent exact amount on any given day.

  19. 1000 years ago the matanuska glacier and the knik glacier extended to where Palmer town currently sits. So in my last 45 years I’ve seen those 2 glaciers retreat about 1/2 mile. The climate is always changing, hopefully it doesn’t stop changing.

  20. Mr Wright got him a Senatorial fan club of at least one when he allowed that he believed in climate change.

    Either both are victims of a successful information campaign or its just that their inner communist is showing.

  21. Recent Studies Freeze Climate Alarmist Claims


  22. Personally, I believe that there is a direct correlation between the farther left one moves from the center and the decline of mental acuity.

  23. President elect Donald Trump has moved the Inauguration inside because of the cold. Not too much room for all the guests, so where will Gov. Dunleavy sit? Not too far from the billionaires, I hope.

  24. Why don’t you focus on things you can change. The weather cycle is one you can’t change. Please spend your time really trying to help Alaska.

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