Murkowski loses chief of staff


Last month, Sen. Lisa Murkowski announced that her state director was leaving for the private sector. Today, it’s her Chief of Staff Kaleb Froehlich who is leaving.

“Kaleb has led my office for well over three years, and while I’m sad to lose him, I’m grateful he will have this opportunity to spend more time in Alaska with his family. Kaleb is a strong and talented leader and has been a valuable asset for the Alaskans we all serve. I wish him, Annie, and their three children well in their next chapter.”

Murkowski will announce her new Chief of Staff in the weeks ahead, she said in a press release.

Froehlich came on as chief of staff in January, 2021, upon the departure of Michael Pawlowski, who had served since 2011, when Ed Hild left for other opportunities.

Froehlich was born and raised in Juneau and is the son of retired Alaska District Judge Peter Froehlich.


    • Options:
      … 1- Vote her out.
      … 2- Book her on a flight thru Lk Clark Pass w/ chitty weather.
      … 3- Slip & Fall incident in the winter.

  1. Too bad we can’t get rid of Lisa. Nope, Alaska will keep voting her in until she’s our own version of Diane Feinstein getting wheeled in to the chambers to be another brain dead yes vote for the democrats.
    God bless it.

  2. The bureaucratic leadership are bailing. They must be seeing the imploding government on the near horizon. Being in the private sector still ain’t going to save any ex-government employer. Just says “I’m looking out for myself” before tens of thousands government employees are looking for work for the smaller private sector. I feel sorry for Americans dependent upon government for work to public assistance to appropriations, to Medicaid, Medicare, disability, social security, VA benefits, to ihs. Cause when the government implodes which it will! Hundreds of millions of Americans of boomers, GenX, Millennials, and GenZ be totally unprepared to be a penniless. This is not the time to get more Americans in a government job or receiving government aid, it’s the time to ween more Americans and Alaskans off government support. Learn to budget for your own food, housing, transportation, heat and utilities, pay for own health care expenses, and leaders building their own communities with the revenue states earn rather than looking to other states thru a federal government provide an appropriation thru its taxes. Stupid leaders today.

    • Yes, very interesting how her staff is bailing. Too bad staff. Your names have already been documented. Lisa needs to lose her position in the Senate! Then, she needs to lose her freedom by going to Gitmo while waiting for her trial.

  3. A small, uneventful piece of “news”. What’s next? Sullivan’s student intern office assistant got a new dog?
    (Kaleb was pretty tough under the boards as a JDHS Bear bball player – ain’t that just as newsworthy?)

    • wlm,
      I think it’s news worthy when Senator Murky loses her chief of staff, especially since he is returning home to Ak.

      I knew Kaleb’s folks and played ball with his honor before Peter was a judge, so I appreciate your bringing up Kalebs
      Crimson Bear achievements!

  4. We told our communist daughter that this would happen, when the younger generation finally had enough of her.

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