Murkowski hasn’t decided on Amy Coney Barrett for court


In spite of some media reports, Sen. Lisa Murkowski has not decided for or against the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett for the U.S. Supreme Court.

At least one news organization in Massachusetts has said otherwise, but a spokesperson for Murkowski said Alaska’s senior senator has not even had a chance to meet with Barrett.

She has said she will meet her soon, and out of respect will not be commenting until at least after that meeting. The date for the meeting has not been confirmed, the MRAK source said.

Today was the final day of the Senate Judiciary interview of Barrett, and a vote is expected on the floor of the Senate later this month.


  1. If Lisa knows what’s good for her in the state of Alaska, she will vote to confirm. The states already on her back for bowing out on Kavanaugh, so giving her the benefit that she’s a man hater, she has no excuse not to vote for this highly qualified woman.

  2. Am so sick of that woman being unable to make a decision that we all know will be against our President. And I am very proud of the fact that I have never voted for her.

  3. Lisa is still upset that Trump was elected President. If only Hillary had been elected Lisa could still be pretending she is a conservative and claim she is unable to do anything because the conservatives aren’t in the majority. But now that the Republican Senate is in the majority, and Trump was elected, the light has been shined on the swamp. Even Democrats in Republican clothing (like Lisa) have to scamper around as if their heads are cut off. Poor Lisa…

  4. Hear it with everybody I talk to; Lisa Murkowski is finished. Alaska Republican Party listen up: if it comes down to Liberal Lisa or a Democrat, I will not vote. Lisa voted to confirm both Kagan and Sotomayor; two unqualified left-wing zealots. However, Lisa’s “conscience” would not allow her to vote to confirm Kavanaugh? Remember Lisa’s “conscience” also tells her that Planned Parenthood is a worthwhile organization that NEEDS federal funding. Now Liberal Lisa is at it again with another very well qualified SCOTUS nominee. Eagerly awaiting 2022 to finally end her career.

  5. Alaska Republican Party listen up: if it comes down to Liberal Lisa or a Democrat, I will not vote. Lisa voted to confirm both Kagan and Sotomayor; two unqualified left-wing zealots. However, Lisa’s “conscience” would not allow her to vote to confirm Kavanaugh? Remember Lisa’s “conscience” also tells her that Planned Parenthood is a worthwhile organization that NEEDS federal funding. Now Liberal Lisa is at it again with another very well qualified SCOTUS nominee. Eagerly awaiting 2022 to finally end her career.

  6. Lisa voted to confirm both Kagan and Sotomayor; two unqualified left-wing nuts. However, Lisa’s “conscience” would not allow her to vote to confirm Kavanaugh? Remember Lisa’s “conscience” also tells her that Planned Parenthood is a worthwhile organization that NEEDS federal funding. Eagerly awaiting 2022 to finally end her career.

    • She never should have been appointed in the first place. I am surprised she hasn’t officially changed parties

      • Joe, could you kindly explain a political circumstance in which Joe Miller would be worse than Lisa Murkowski.

      • I ask you to kindly explain exactly what Joe Miller would do as a senator that would be inferior to what Murkowski would do. Feel free to use a speculative example.

  7. Lisa voted to confirm both Kagan and Sotomayor; her conscience wouldnt allow her to vote to confirm Justice Kavanaugh. Now Liberal Lisa cant decide to whether to vote in confirmation of ACB. Get real Lisa. Resign or lose the 2022 election. Your choice.
    AK GOP listen up: a strong conservative candidate needs to challenge for 2022. Lisa has lost our confidence and support.

  8. Liberal Lisa votes to confirm left-wing nuts Sotomayor and Kagan. Her “conscience” would not allow her to vote in confirmation of Justice Kavanaugh. Now she dithers over well-qualified SCOTUS nominee ACB. Lisa; it is over. Our support and confidence in you has vanished.

  9. Lest we forget Murkowski also believes that Planned Parenthood is an essential service that needs Federal funding.

  10. I believe that Sen. Murkowski has decided not to run again. Her negative votes on matters important to Alaskans will be used time and time again by any opponent that challenges her. I have heard countless GOP voters who say they will no longer support her. She has stabbed too many supporters in the back. Her turncoat votes will never be forgiven.

  11. Liberal Lisa voted to confirm Kagan and Sotomayor both left wing nuts. Her “conscience” would not allow her to vote to confirm Justice Kavanaugh and now causes her to dither on the highly qualified ACB. Remember her conscience also tells her that Planned Parenthood is an essential service necessitating federal funding. Can’t wait to vote her out in 2022.

  12. Honestly, I do not think she should announce a decision prior to meeting with the nominee. Having this woman on the Supreme Court will be good for Alaska – given what we know and what the alternative could be. Therefore I expect both Senator Murkowski and Senator Sullivan will support this woman. Right now we have to focus on making sure Sullivan and Young remain in office!

  13. Is Amy Coney Barrett qualified to sit on the Supreme Court, it’s a simple question…if you don’t let politics get in the way.

    • Is Kagan qualified ? a woman who never presided over a single case in her life. That’s not politics.

  14. My hope is that Lisa will in the end do the right thing and vote with the Majority and confirm Judge Barrett but my fear is she may decide to try sticking it to the President one more time and spend her time and effort on getting Prop #2 passed to help her screw up out election process and get her elected again in two years….

  15. What is so wrong with Judge Barret that Murkowski would not vote in favor of her confirmation? Even the hard core leftists are having a tough time trying to find a reason to not confirm.

    My suspicion is that Murkowski is a swamp creature, and when Trump got elected, he promised to drain the swamp. That means her. Her cushy little life is ruined because of Trump. And, she signed up, 100% with the other RINOs and NeverTrumpers.

    If she does not vote yes to confirm, it is (in my opinion) solely because of her hatred of our President. And, voting against is nothing short of currying favor with the Democrats.

  16. LM doesn’t need to “meet” ACB. For crying out loud this nominee was grilled for hours and hours. There is nothing of importance that LM can learn from meeting this excellent judge in person. Decide NOW to vote for ACB’s confirmation. There is absolutely no reason not to.

    • That “irrelevant Democrat” has a vote in the senate for another two years. You may want to look up the definition of “irrelevant” Skippy.

  17. Call her office and tell her what you think. It’s free, easy and fun!

    510 L Street
    Suite 600
    Anchorage, AK 99501
    Phone: (907) 271-3735
    Fax: (877) 857-0322

  18. Ever since she promised to “support whomever wins the republican primary” and didn’t (when daddy’s entitled, nepotism appointed, daughter lost), I have never believed a word out of lies a lot’s mouth……..

  19. Murkowski is a player. She always waits til the last minute, and not just for the drama queen effect. I have watched her on the Senate floor swarmed by Democrats and Republicans both bargaining for her vote.
    She goes to the highest bidder. Corrupt sellout rino.

  20. Does our girl in the Senate know when to tack, when to take it to the limit, or what. As I recall Senator Lisa went with the Left side of the Aisle for Obambacare , has an F- on Numbers USA score (immigration), Did not endorse the candidacy of President Trump in 2016, and went with the Mt. McKinley name change( siding up to that Native Corp (constituency) . Next the senator will neglect more of American History. “Oh, I haven’t had a chance to talk to the judge”, equestrian posterior. Pity me Alaska —–my yard had neighbor stomped Lisa yard sign in front. I’m so sorry now.

  21. Murkowski never does what she says she’ll do. Her word is worthless just plays Alaskans just to get voted back in

  22. Face it friends. We elected the first closet liberal when we had our chance to bring daddy’s darlin’ daughter home. That set the pattern for the several Closetcrats putting on their Halloween horror shows (campaigns) this year. From Lease-A we should have learned that how much they deny liberals gotta do what they gotta do for their real party. Should have. Maybe this time?

  23. This is the report I showed that Lisa is a no vote along with Collins.

  24. RINO is a dirty word and Lisa has to go… we tire of her left wing slant, her big Pinocchio. We long await the election day a topple from her spot… replace her with a Patriot because we know that she is not.

  25. I can’t wait to vote her out in ’22.

    She’s been an embarrassment to Alaska from the beginning.

    Who would have ever guessed that Collins, of all people, had more spine that Murky did in the Kavanaugh hearings? That picture of Feinstein bullying her in the hallway was worth a thousand words – and she did what the democrats demanded of her.

  26. Murkowski is owned by the Democrats in DC and will be under Feinstein’s heels again in a reminder of who owns her.

  27. Barrett is a Christian conservative and that is why Murkowski and Collins won’t vote for her. They both take donations from the baby butcher factory Planned Parenthood. Roe vs Wade is at the top of the list to get overturned, with now 5 to 4 Christians conservatives on the U.S. Supreme Court it no longer matters what Roberts does, he is getting his vote nullified.

  28. I will be very much surprised if Senator Murkowski votes to yes confirm Judge Barrett to the SCOTUS. I think that he best we can hope for is a back room worked out “present” vote like she did with Justice Kavanaugh.

  29. Politicians who do not support the Party they used for their campaign – need to be removed from the Party. and forfeit their magic decoder ring. Flying a false flag is piracy.

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