Muni loses another department director: Maintenance & Operations


The director of Anchorage’s Maintenance and Operations Department has tendered his resignation, Must Read Alaska learned on Wednesday.

Saxton Shearer has served as the department head since July of 2021. He has been with the municipality since 2020.

“I have enjoyed my time as M&O Director and thank Mayor Bronson for his confidence in me,” Shearer said. “I have been afforded an opportunity in the private sector that will allow me to continue pursuing my passion for project management that I could not pass up. I will miss the incredible staff at M&O and am confident in their ability to continue serving the people of Anchorage.”

“Saxton has been a steady and tremendous asset to our team. His work on the Hiland Avalanche stands out as a highlight during his time with us. I wish him nothing but the best in his career going forward,” Bronson said.

A number of department heads have seen turnovers during Mayor Dave Bronson’s time in office. It started in August of 2022, when the director of the Health Department, Joe Gerace, was forced to resign after his professional resume didn’t add up.

In February, the city’s Human Resources director, Niki Tshibaka, resigned.

Bronson accepted the resignation of Solid Waste Services Director Dan Zipay in April.

Chief Fiscal Officer Grant Yutrzenka submitted his resignation last week.

Deputy Chief of Staff Brice Wilbanks resigned in January.

Amy Demboski was fired as city manager in December.

Adam Trombley resigned as chief of staff in April. Sami Graham had served in the position, but had resigned early on.

City Attorney Patrick Bergt resigned last year, and Blair Christianson, appointed to fill his position interim, followed in January.

Just last week, the library deputy director Judy Eledge resigned after being hounded by the media for her political views.


    • I’ve been a voter here since Fink.

      No mayor’s administration from Tom through Ethan had turnover like Dave’s (Bronson) has.

      Kinda wondering if it may be combined as well.

  1. Bronson has totally hollowed out City government fulfilling his goal of forcing government privatization. MRAK took the opportunity to falsely label racist views from Judy Eledge as political. There is no room for racism in the USA

    • Looks like he left for a better job. That’s not Mayor Bronsons fault. No need to bring mrs eledges astute comments into this Frankie. People have opinions that at least for a little longer is still allowed in America much to your chagrin. Spying on people however is illegal. Thank God we have mayor Bronson, Ethan would’ve bankrupted us by now.

      • Even schools
        Has a media/photography permission slip. Eledge, and those who were photographed\video
        Recorded, intentionally by someone for circulation, attorneys
        probably can make
        a case to get few 1000s out of the defendents.
        Just because a smart phone belongs
        to an owner, doesn’t mean he can use it whichever way he wants.

      • There was no spying. Alaska is a one-party consent state so no law was broken by recording Eledge, even if it was done surreptitiously. Plus, she was a public employee acting in her official capacity and therefore, she would have no expectation of privacy.

    • It is not Bronson’s fault. Lay the blame totally against the Assembly for all the bullying, harassment for any good ideas that was offered and everything they present or do is “chopped up and thrown out the back door” BY our so-called “ASS”-embly.

  2. There’s nothing to indicate that this guy bailing out is an indication of a deeper problem but several prior are better gone; like Demboski.

    Housekeeping is not always fun but it’s worse if you avoid it. Keep going Bronson and don’t listen to detractors; nobody kicks a dead dog.

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