Rep. Mary Peltola has asked MoveOn Political Action, an organization funded by globalist billionaire George Soros, for an endorsement.
In her application to the group asking for its endorsement, Peltola told the organization:
“I have demonstrated a strong track record in advancing policies that align with MoveOn’s mission, including advocating for Alaska Native rights, affordable health care, workers’ rights, and reproductive rights. My work in supporting Indigenous communities and pushing for sustainable economic development showcases my dedication to inclusive and equitable solutions. My pragmatic approach, combined with my ability to build bipartisan support, positions me as a powerful advocate for transformative change,” she wrote, managing to get leftist phrases strung together.
MoveOn said it would only endorse her if more than two-thirds of MoveOn members in Alaska respond to its email request asking them if Peltola should be endorsed. This is typically how the group decides on endorsements and also it’s a method for harvesting voter data from around the country; the request is, in fact, a type of poll. It’s unclear how many members the group has in Alaska.
MoveOn supports the “Defund the Police” movement. It endorsed Joe Biden for president until recently and now endorses Kamala Harris. It has also endorsed Sen. Bernie Sanders for president in the past.

“In defense of Black life, we are demanding that the local government defund the police, that payments to family members come from police pensions, transparency and communications with the families, and for the police stand down against protestors. #BlackLivesMatter,” the MoveOn group wrote in 2020.
“I don’t want anybody saying I’m radical or, you know, out there. I’m as Alaskan as they come,” Peltola said on the radio in 2022. And yet, she’s asking for financial support from a group known for its radicalism.
MoveOn also advocates for abolishing U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the agency whose mission it is to investigate border crime and prevent illegal immigration.

Peltola is a member of the “Rural Antifa” Blue Dog Democrats in Congress, a group she co-chairs with Rep. Jared Golden of Maine and Rep. Marie Glusenkamp-Perez of Washington state. The MoveOn group may be a perfect fit, but apparently only if Alaska members of MoveOn vote yes.
“You must be a resident of Alaska’s at-large Congressional District and a MoveOn member prior to today to participate in the endorsement vote. This ballot email is not transferable. If you want to encourage your friends who are also MoveOn members in Alaska’s at-large Congressional District to vote, tell them to look for their personal MoveOn ballot email. Voting is open until 11:59 p.m. local time on Sunday, September 22,” the group says.
MoveOn was founded in the late 1990s by leftists seeking to distract supporters from the sex scandal surrounding President Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky by changing the subject. In one of the first political campaigns to go viral on the internet, the concept was to get Congress to not impeach Clinton and to “move on” from that scandal.
In the 2022 election cycle, it had a budget of over $61 million; this year the MoveOn budget is half of that. It takes money from funds associated with the dark-money Arabella Advisors group, which has heavily influence Alaska politics and policies.
“For more than a generation, MoveOn has built independent political power and mobilized the left to elect Democrats and enact progressive change. MoveOn is a bulwark against the radical right, channeling our collective voices to drive progressive foreign policy, protect democracy, and advance justice for all,” the group says.
Party over people Peltola.
Just another democrat borg.
She never fails to prove just how freaking STUPID she is! “Mary, go away, the adults are busy trying to pull Alaska and the rest of this country out of the muck and mire that the Communist Leftist’s has put us in!”
Mary is a progressive racist who hates the police.
Anyone who seeks Soros support should be denied a political seat in the United States.
Mary Cr*pola is a Marxist loving loser.
She has demonstrated a total lack of knowledge about Alaska and fight for the state rights.
She is destroying Alaska and her ads are full of misdirection and non truths.
During my sixteen years as a United States Senate staffer, Move On came visiting just once. To advocate for legislation advanced by Senator Gillibrand (D) and wait for it… Ted Cruz (R)… to transfer responsibility for addressing sexual assault in the military from the chain of command to the military justice system.
The advocate was no long-haired sixties radical; he is now the Lt Gov of Michigan.
Mary is no ANTIFA. No defund the police (she noted at AFN2022 that Alaska needs more police). And no radical.
If she has common ground with Move On it is over the issues she specified in the quote—and not those that the article ascribes to her “by association.” Disagree with Mary if you wish. Love Begich if you choose. But no need to make stuff up for effect.
It was Marie Glusenkamp-Perez herself who dubbed the Blue Dog Democrats the “Rural Antifa,” and Mary has never disputed the label from her fellow co-chair. And I don’t know who you staffed for, but hopefully you didn’t work on Alaska issues.
Mary chose to ask for MoveOn’s endorsement and money, and so there is a direct association with the group that is dedicated to Kamala and defunding the police.
Mary voted against the police when she voted against dismissing the D.C. Council’s Comprehensive Policing and Justice Reform Amendment Act. I refer you to this story: ….explains it well.
And then Mary skipped a vote on a resolution expressing support for local law enforcement and condemning efforts to defund the police. She went to a photo shoot with Jill Biden.
Mary voted for lower penalties for violent crime, which was even too extreme for even Chuck Schumer. I could go on here, but you get the drift. She’s anti-law enforcement.
Thanks for engaging.
Mary is not Maria, but the Blue Dogs are known as the most conservative of the House Dem affinity groups.
And Maria might not even be in office if the so called RINO incumbent Herrera-Beutler was not primaried into oblivion. That worked out well.
I have been involved in Alaska issues for 40+ years. On the side of “the industry” in the first two decades. But have my hands in many more.
Lots of Alaskans can figure out who I might be and would know I don’t have any patience for felons or those who put the lives of law enforcement officers at risk.
As a Capitol Hill alum, protected by the US Capitol Police, I proudly wear a Brian Sicknick memorial t shirt around DC. The National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial put his name on its memorial wall, recognizing that his January 7, 2021 death was line of duty.
And I was vocal and steadfast opponent of the Trump administration’s so-called criminal justice reform legislation, opposed by both Alaska Senators.
To your point, the resolution in question was a sense of Congress resolution for messaging. I would take face time with the First Lady, at which one might drop a few substantive suggestions into the conversation over a messaging resolution vote. The second issue was disapproval of a piece of DC legislation. An equally plausible explanation for the vote is that she supports DC home rule. There was a time when both houses had a District of Columbia Committee to govern DC as a plantation. Those committees are mong dissolved. Congress rarely gets involved in DC’s business except for messaging.
The National Republican Congressional Committee has press releases on these issues. It is their job to ascribe motives to Democratic incumbents. Welcome to politics!
Thanks for responding to my post.
Interesting information, Nathan, but How Peltola or her staff could ever consider ASKING for an endorsement from a known radical group a wise political move is difficult to imagine. Had the group simply offered the endorsement, it would be different. But they are actively seeking said endorsement. That is not “made up” at all, and doesn’t make Peltola look good in any way.
Thanks for your question, and it is a good one. For Mary’s campaign team. I am not associated with Mary’s official office or her campaign. I will admit to buying a t shirt from her 2022 campaign for my political items collection. The messaging and graphics were really well done.
I personally don’t think it is a good idea to “nationalize” Alaska elections. Alaska has a very unique set of policy priorities and members of the congressional delegation have historically worked with whichever of their colleagues will help address these policy priorities.
For example, it never made sense to me that Dave Cuddy chose to primary Ted Stevens, because there is no way that he could possibly have been more effective as a freshman. And he was no Ted Stevens. That was, as I recall, in pursuit of Outside policy concerns.
Ted’s support for abortion rights was definitely an organizing issue in my Alaska community.
Do I recall accurately that the Club for Growth was involved?
Mary’s opponent advertises his endorsement by the Club for Growth, which evidently lobbied for defunding of the proposed Gravina Bridge in Ketchikan.
It was front of mind as I was watching the landslide in Ketchikan. Could Ketchikan be evacuated on the airport ferry if need be?
Or maybe it didnt matter to Outside policy staffers formulating a campaign to stop thr bridge over a beer on the House side of Capitol Hill, smugly joking that Ketchikan is “nowhere.” Ah the “bridge to nowhere”.
I say hey feds,if you insist on owning nearly all of thr land in SE, either provide for the community’s needs or give the land back. And I might be offended by a candidate who seeks the endorsement of an organization that doesnt understand us, or worse dismisses our needs as parochial.
Politics attracts strange bedfellows. On all sides. But what makes successful Alaska politicians successful is their authentic Alaska focus. Consistent with this thinking, avoid seeking endorsements from Outside groups, because you may have to answer for their entire agenda, as well your opponents spin on it.
Let me close by sharing my favorite political cartoon of all time. It involves James Watt, the first Interior Secretary. A birder calls Watt’s office asking to speak with the Secretary about birds. Watt’s assistant replied that the Secretary does not speak with environmental extremists. The birder says you got me all wrong. I’m an environmental moderate. To which the assistant responds, “Which oil company did you say you were with?”
Political labels are often in the eye of the beholder.
To the other commenters, glad to have gotten a rise out of you.
For the younger generation James Watt was President Reagan’s first Interior Secretary. And sorry for the occasional typo.
I just don’t recall Don Young ever asking MoveOn for an endorsement. Nor Dan Sullivan. Nor even that lowlife Lisa Murkowski. Because normal people don’t ask defund-the-police groups for money and endorsements. You do you, Nathan but just don’t pretend you are a middle-of-the-roader. You are a leftie staffer like so many before you and after you……..And Marie Glusenkamp very much says that Blue Dog Democrats are rural antifa, so until they denounce her, that’s what the co-chair says it is.
You have learned the basic Goebbels lesson well: Keep repeating the same lie and eventually prople will start believing it. I know the facts usually turn out to be the opposite of what libs spew, so here it is: Brian Sicknik DID NOT die in the line of duty. He died days later of a stroke.
You are quite correct that the Medical Examiner determined that the cause of death was stroke, which is a natural cause. The date of death was Jan 7 not days after. The question is whether the officer’s participation in protecting the Capitol was a cause of the stroke.
Fact has a good summary of the evidence on the issue:
The Washington Post reported on April 19 that District of Columbia Chief Medical Examiner Francisco J. Diaz found that Sicknick suffered two strokes nearly eight hours after being sprayed with a chemical irritant during the riot. Diaz told the Post that Sicknick died of natural causes, but “all that transpired played a role in his condition.”
That day, US. Capitol Police released a statement that read: “The USCP accepts the findings from the District of Columbia’s Office of the Chief Medical Examiner that Officer Brian Sicknick died of natural causes. This does not change the fact Officer Sicknick died in the line of duty, courageously defending Congress and the Capitol.”
The national law enforcement community concluded that Sicknick’s death was line of duty as well. His presence on the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial wall depended on a finding by Sicknick’s brothers and sisters in blue that the loss was line of duty.
There is greater controversy over whether the suicide of other officers who responded to the Capitol is line of duty.
Of course, coulda been sprayed by chemicals, of stressed out from firing rubbet bullets at meanderers, or he could have just had a stroke from excessive drug use, or……whatever the left can find to blame it on people wandering around a building they own without the king’s blessings.
Nathan, how was it working for the appointed one? Or did you work for daddy Frank? Either way, working as a Murkowski senate staffer hardly qualifies you for advanced policy wonk or for even a scintilla of independent common sense. I worked in the opposite chamber and I don’t remember you specifically. But I do remember Frank and his witless daughter.
OMG Nathan, I’m sure you mean well, just not on top of your game.. Your attempt to put lip stick on a sow just isn’t working.
“To advocate for legislation advanced by Senator Gillibrand (D) and wait for it… Ted Cruz (R)… to transfer responsibility for addressing sexual assault in the military from the chain of command to the military justice system.”
Why are you mentioning Ted Cruz in that manner? As if advocating for using the Justice system, instead of the old-boys network to investigate sexual assault charges somehow makes Senator Cruz a leftist?
Where do you think sexual assault charges should go for evaluation and disposition? To the person accused, or one of their buddies?
She is a AINO, Alaskan in name only, she is a far left democrat. She has chosen party over state almost every time. As a 73 year old Alaskan native I’m appalled by her disregarded for the state and it people.
Andrew, what is appalling is how voters don’t understand how badly they are being ” played” by the Democrats with this creation or idea of a Mary Peltola. She is merely a placeholder for their parties grip on political power.
It’s very sad when people are fooled into voting for the continuation of a Welfare Plantation which disregards the culture of a self-sufficient people and instead schools them into believing that they are victims and dependent upon this soul crushing institution.
Not a surprise from ‘Nice Mary’. Her allegiance is to the democrat party. That comes first in all circumstances. It’s time to correct the mistake of two years ago and vote her out. She is a complete waste of time for Alaskans. Those of you who don’t bother to vote for various reasons, this is the time to wake up and do your part to stop the insanity by noting for Nick Begich and Donald Trump.
Grifter… you just know she has practiced that paragraph she wrote and uses it interchangeably to suit the agenda
Have they promised her husband # 34?
Without Law and Order, we do not have civilization.
The look on her face in the picture attached to this article is EXACTLY the look on her face when I asked her at a fundraiser to help me navigate the VA for the services to which I am entitled and that I have not been able to receive. Maybe if I had given her some money directly at the fundraiser she would help me.
For over nine months, I called her office in DC (because she did to have an office in Alaska for mourned one year) and asked staff member after staff member for assistance, but because her staff quit and did not stay in the jobs very long, nothing was ever done. When a staff member quit, there was nobody available to continue anything. When I spoke with Mary at the fundraiser and told her about how many times I called her DC office, she was immediately got very angry (note the look on her face in the photo). She projected her anger and disgust on me and said she would not help me access the VA services I cannot get. She told me, in a manner of speaking, to get lost. She is not nice. She is not representing ALL Alaskans. She is not worthy of a seat in the US Congress.
Wow; though not surprising.
But… wait. Didn’t her ads (paid for by taxpayers) during her first year in office say you could call to get help with all services, Social Security, Medicare, VA, etc…? (HINT: Yes, they did.)
Leftists will say anything to get their hands on power.
Give the boot to Marxist Mary.
Affordable health care? what would you know about it being an Alaska native, you have, free medical and dental don’t you?
Soros should be listed as a terrorist.
She evidently doesn’t realize that we up here DON’T CARE OR WANT HER anymore with all her ‘commie” ideas.. She has just wreck her political life for good.. Maybe if/when she comes back to her own people, she’ll understand she stepped ‘way out of line’ she needs to return back to her village to understand she stepped too far out this time. Many of her own native people probably don’t agree with her anymore.
Blue Dress Democrats, perhaps?
MoveOn Mary? Isn’t that title disrespectful?
You missed the back story.
Yes please, move on, Mary. You do not represent Alaskans.
That should tell everyone all you need to know about Her Fraudulency.
Mary is a disconnected Alaskan. Disconnected from all we stand for in Alaska.
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