Gov. Bill Walker’s job approval rating is stuck at 29 percent since April, but his disapproval rating has started to climb and is now 54 percent, putting him upside down with voters, according to the July poll released by Morning Consult. This spells danger for him as Alaskans begin to focus on the election at hand.
Walker is the second-least popular governor who is running for reelection, after Gov. Bruce Rauner of Illinois. 60 percent of the Illinois poll respondents disapprove of Rauner, while 54 disapprove of Walker.
In April, Walker’s disapproval rate was 52 percent, according to the same polling company.
Those two numbers put Walker’s net approval rating at -24.

A net approval rating is achieved when the disapproval rating is subtracted from the approval rating. It’s a number that tells political observers just how popular a public figure is.
Gov. Rauner of Illinois, a Republican, has been written off as unelectable even as he faces an ally of disgraced former Gov. Rod Blagojevich, has an even tougher net approval rating than Bill Walker: -34.
The most popular governor today is Republican Charlie Baker of Massachusetts, with a net approval rating of +52.
Comparing Walker with another well-known name, President Donald Trump’s net approval rating in Alaska is +10. It’s a 34 point difference between the sentiment for Trump and for Walker.
Morning Consult releases quarterly checks on governors’ popularity. In the July poll, Walker has inched closer to the bottom of the barrel, replacing Gov. Paul LePage of Maine as fifth least liked governor of the 50.
In April, 19 percent of respondents didn’t know or didn’t care to answer. That group of undecided Alaska respondents has shrunk to 17 percent in the July poll. The margin of error in Alaska is 5 percent on this poll.
As for the methodology, respondents indicated whether they approve or disapprove of the job performance of their U.S. governors. For each question, they could answer strongly approve, somewhat approve, somewhat disapprove, strongly disapprove, or don’t know / no opinion.
I believe in Bill Walker…With a bit more work he can overtake Rauner as the worst. He still has time!
Walker can steep in his own tea he brewed with sucking the PFD fund, talking out of both sides of his mouth on infrastructure projects and double standards with mining projects to now he says the only thing that matters is the fish. AK has so many natural resources that could provide jobs and income for it’s residents, the state and attract investors but he’s not interested as long as the Govt subsidy checks come in when the fish aren’t biting.
The man was so indecisive he couldn’t even pick a party to run for. Nice guy, lousy leader.
Nice guy? Not!
This can’t be right.
Maybe “Morning Consult” forgot to figure in the Communist Chinese vote and mail-in votes where voters, legal or otherwise, need help because they can’t read the language in which their ballots were written.
More to the point, if AFL-CIO and Sealaska support Governor Walker and Byron Mallot, we should understand certain state bosses have spoken which means Alaska’s version of “net approval” means little.
Until productive Alaskans decide it’s time to drain their swamp…
Maybe Walker should hire some one from the lower 48 and give them a crazy job title that pays a lot of money and no one knows what the person does.
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