Alive! Missing plane reportedly spotted on Kenai lake

Piper PA-12 Super Cruiser is seen in this file photo.

KSRM News reports that the family of those aboard a missing plane on the Kenai Peninsula says it has received a report that the plane was spotted on a frozen lake, with people walking around it.

The Piper PA-12 Super Cruiser was reported missing Sunday night; the US Coast Guard launched a search at daybreak on Monday in the area around Tustemena Lake.

A friend of the family says that the plane went through the ice.

“Earlier this morning, a good samaritan aircraft located the plane wreckage near the eastern side of Tustemena Lake. At approximately 10:30 am, the Alaska Army National Guard rescued the adult male pilot and two juvenile passengers from the plane. The three persons were taken to a Kenai Peninsula area hospital for treatment of non-life-threatening injuries. The Alaska State Troopers would like to thank the Alaska Army National Guard, US Coast Guard, the Alaska Rescue Coordination Center, and the good samaritan aircraft that assisted with this operation,” Trooper said in a statement.

Must Read Alaska has left a message with the Department of Public Safety and will update this story as more information comes in.


  1. Your Federal tax dollars at work. Good work. Necessary work. Work that saves lives. Work that keeps people from grieving.

    So go ahead DOGE. Sure sounds like the Federal organizations assisting here need to be cut. CUT CUT CUT!

    Wonderful news that these folks were saved. Alaska can kill you in so many ways…

    • Oh Whidbey, such a broken record. You did read that it was good Samaritans that found the airplane, didn’t you? And you do know that the first and most primary role of government is to maintain order and protect the safety and security of its people, don’t you? And so which DEI cuts were relevant to any of this? You are an angry little man and Trump has truly broken you.

      • The Alaska Army National Guard, US Coast Guard, the Alaska Rescue Coordination Center all participated in the search and rescue.

      • So is Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, and cancer research at universities and the NIH. Don’t be surprised when he comes for the Alaska pork-fest that you all enjoy, and have for decades.

    • “Earlier this morning, a good samaritan aircraft located the plane wreckage near the eastern side of Tustemena Lake. At approximately 10:30 am, the Alaska Army National Guard rescued the adult male pilot and two juvenile passengers from the plane.”

      What part did the federal governments involvement in this scenario do you want to cut, cut, cut? What abuse, waste, and fraud do you see here in saving Americans lives?

      This is a feel good story of an Alaskan family in duress, a small community came together to help save their lives and the Alaskan National Guard answered the call. It takes a special kind of person to turn this into a political horror story.

      It might be time for you to step away and get some reality in your life Whidbey. I say that as someone who genuinely cares for your well being and the signs I am seeing you display, you aren’t the first commentator here who has lost perspective and needed to step away.

      • I don’t want to cut any of it except blatant waste. It’s DOGE that is shooting blindly and that very well may impact the federal funding for organizations who participate in this type of activity. My point is that DOGE is cutting things that they know nothing about. It’s reckless and it will have consequences. I’m glad these people were rescued, but I wonder if next time there won’t be anyone to answer the call if DOGE and Trump are allowed to continue with their contemptible destruction.

        And BTW the Alaska Army National Guard, US Coast Guard, the Alaska Rescue Coordination Center all participated in the search and rescue. Federal funding was almost certainly involved in some way.

        • I’m glad the man and his children in the article above are safe, there are far too many stories in Alaska involving incidents like this one that end up with funerals. I’m sorry that you don’t feel the same way and want to attempt to politicize an event that jas nothing to do with politics. Like I said, step away and get some perspective. You are in no way helping your cause by doing what you’re doing.

          • OK, Steve-O. Now you’re the one twisting words. Need I quote my previous comment that you apparently didn’t read: “Wonderful news that these folks were saved. Alaska can kill you in so many ways…”?

            If you honestly think I wished that this should have ended differently, then you’re the one that needs perspective. I’m a dad and grandfather and have had more than one close call in Alaska myself, one with my kids.

            So come on. You understand my point that the DOGE crap is out of control and unfocused. Don’t try to make me evil, because I’m not and you know it. Be better than that, please. You usually are.


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