Millett mulled Senate, then decided to stay with ‘People’s House’


When Sen. Kevin Meyer filed his letter of intent for the lieutenant governor’s race earlier this month, both of the Republican House members in his South Anchorage district were interested in filling the void in the Senate.

Rep. Chris Birch jumped in first, on a hunch, before Meyer had even announced for lieutenant governor.

House Minority Leader Charisse Millett also eyed the seat — after all it’s a lot more fun to be in the majority in the Senate than the minority in the House.

In the end, she went with the legislative body that is closest to the people in District 25. She filed for reelection to her House seat on Thursday, flanked by Rep. Birch and Sen. Meyer.

“We have a strong team in South Anchorage and it just makes sense to unite, and provide the House, the Senate and the governor’s team with a strong group of leaders,” she said. “This is how Republicans need to do it — working together. We need to provide stability in the House and I’m going to focus on issues like crime, the budget, and fighting to take back seats for the side that is standing between Alaskans and taxes.”


  1. Everyone should just run as independents so there is no surprise when they switch affiliation after the election. Not talking just about Millett but all politicians.

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