Mike Prax named to House for District 3, North Pole


Gov. Mike Dunleavy has chosen Glenn “Mike” Prax to the vacant House District 3 seat in the Alaska House of Representatives.

“Mike Prax has demonstrated for many decades that he has the experience, knowledge and leadership abilities to make an effective legislator for the North Pole area,” Dunleavy said. “He also understands and reflects the values of its residents, so I am proud to appoint him to the House District 3 seat.”    

The Republicans in the Alaska House must confirm the appointment by a simple majority vote. If approved, Prax will be the third legislator appointed by Governor Dunleavy.

Prax was a longtime volunteer on the Dunleavy campaign in the Fairbanks area and a well-known grassroots Republican. He will need to run this year for the seat if he wants to to retain it, and word from Fairbanks is that there will be a Republican primary in August.


  1. Another brilliant prediction by Steve. Smartest analyst at MRAK and my choice for guest editorial feature. Go Steve!

  2. We’re rooting for Mike Prax to represent North Pole and all of the Interior. He will be a proud Conservative voice for us.

  3. Mike……hurry up and get down to Juneau and straighten out these idiot legislators. Your district is all of ALASKA.

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