Mike and Rose Dunleavy off to Japan on trade trip


Gov. Michael Dunleavy and First Lady Rose Dunleavy are in Japan this week to promote Alaska’s wild seafood and natural resources, meet with leaders in the energy, minerals, and seafood industries, and build upon the long relationship between Japan and Alaska.

“Alaska has long and mutually beneficial business and cultural relationships with Japan – my goal is to strengthen our existing trade relationships and pursue new opportunities for investment,” said Gov. Dunleavy in a statement. “When I say Alaska is open for business, that includes pursuing international opportunities in the Pacific Rim and elsewhere around the world. Alaska has so much to offer.” 

The Dunleavys will participate in several events while in Japan:

  • The 50th anniversary of the introduction of Alaska LNG in Japan.  Gov. Dunleavy will tour the Negishi LNG Receiving Terminal, where the first delivery of Alaska LNG was delivered 50 years ago today. The governor will meet with executives from Tokyo Gas.
  • Dunleavy will speak at an Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute Seafood Trade Luncheon and give interviews to seafood trade newspapers about Alaska’s sustainable and healthy wild seafood industry.
  • Dunleavy will tour the Toyosu Smart Energy Center, a cutting-edge redevelopment near Tokyo producing hot and cold water and steam from a high-efficiency, environmentally friendly centralized plant to residential and business buildings in that area.
  • The governor will meet with representatives of DOWA Metals and Mining, the company that is a major investor in the proposed Palmer Project outside Haines. DOWA purchases ore concentrate from the Red Dog Mine in the Northwest Arctic region and the Greens Creek Mine on Admiralty Island.
  • [Read: Doctors in Haines oppose mining, miners]
  • Dunleavy will be interviewed by Nikkei, the leading daily financial newspaper in Japan.


  1. This is what future success is based upon – laying a continuing strong foundation in support of Alaska’s future.

    • Washington state, California, Oregon …… and many other states would be so happy and proud to have Alaska’s Governor and First Lady represent them……. they will make a very positive imprint for ALL Alaskans while in Japan! IMPRESSIVE!

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