Meow: Murkowski attacks Sen. JD Vance for his comments about Democrat Party’s childless cat-lady voting bloc


Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski was featured in POLITICO, where he said that Sen. JD Vance’s comments about miserable Democrat “childless cat ladies” were “offensive.”

Murkowski has said a number of offensive things about Donald Trump in the past and is on the record saying she will “absolutely” not support him for president. Of his remarks about securing the border, she said, “This is more hateful, harmful rhetoric from Donald Trump that is poisoning our country,” last year. She voted to convict the former president in 2021 after his second impeachment.

Now, she’s hitting his running mate, a fellow Senate member who is also a member of the Republican Party. “To be so derogatory in this way is offensive to me as a woman,” she said.

“If the Republican Party is trying to improve its image with women, I don’t think that this is working,” Murkowski was quoted as saying to POLITICO, calling Vance’s comments unfortunate, unnecessary, and “offensive” to many women.

It was in 2021, when Sen. Vance made remarks about the nastiness of the Democratic Party and how it was being run by “a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they’ve made, and so they want to make the rest of the country miserable, too.”

The Democrats — and Murkowski — have pounced on those remarks, hoping that the country will find them offensive. It gives Trump opponents a way to drive a wedge in the woman vote.

But evidently Vance is not all that wrong. According to City Journal, the 17 states with the highest general fertility rates are all designated by Cook Political Report as Republican, or GOP-leaning, including such Republican strongholds as North Dakota, Nebraska, Louisiana, Utah, and Texas.

“By contrast, the bottom six states—and nine of the ten states with the lowest fertility rates—are all either Democratic or Democratic-leaning. (Nevada, which Cook deems marginally Republican, is the one exception, with the tenth-lowest birthrate.) Others near the bottom include Rhode Island, Oregon, Massachusetts, Washington, and California. Only two Democratic states have birthrates above the national average, compared with 20 Republican states with above-average fertility,” the publication reported recently.

As of 2022, 44.5% of U.S. households own dogs and 29% of households own cats, according to Forbes. 

Also reported by POLITICO today, the number of U.S. births decreased 3% from 2022, according to the Centers for Disease Control, bringing the rate down to 1.6 births per woman, far below what would be needed to keep the country’s population from collapsing. It may be all the childless Democrat cat ladies are doing their part to decarbonize the planet.

It’s unclear why so many Democrat-voting single, childless women have cats. It’s also unclear why Murkowski is working to alienate Alaska from the possible Trump Administration.


  1. A man who put himself through the Marines used the gi bill to put himself through college got himself elected & is about to be the Vice President of America. List your accomplishments ma’am, starting at rank choice voting. police yourself once & for all, for we the people. Shameless

  2. When President Trump is reelected– my hope is he will take 5 minutes in one workday to schedule a meeting with Her Ladyship Missy Lisa to have come over and kiss the ring. She needs a “Come to Jesus” meeting and express herself face to face to the President.
    She will probably have a Planned Parenthood meeting and will have to decline
    Princess is on the decline and bet her panties are in a wad just thinking about her political future.

  3. I put Lisa Murkowski and kitty litter into the same category. They both absorb a lot of cat sh*t and don’t smell so bad if emptied everyday.

  4. “Democratic Party and how it was being run by “a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they’ve made, and so they want to make the rest of the country miserable, too.” Now, I thought that a classic remark and guess what? Murkowski is offended most because she fits that mantra perfectly. More power to Vance, he should build on this and really perturb the liberal “Karen’s”.


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