Meeting in Eagle River about property rights impacting entire municipality: Thursday at 6:30 pm


Assemblyman Kevin Cross has called a community meeting for Thursday, July 6, at 6:30 pm to discuss housing challenges of Chugiak-Eagle River and the entire Anchorage bowl.

The meeting is about rezoning all of Anchorage, including Eagle River as far as the Knik Bridge, to add multifamily housing of all types, as well as tiny homes and trailers on any residential lots. People who live in single-family neighborhoods could find a multi-story apartment going up next to them.

The broad zoning change would wipe all of Title 21, the current residential zoning law, and would create two zones — business and residential that would apply to the entire municipality. Service area and non-service area zones would be the new zones — not residential and commercial. Pot shops could pop up, as well as homeless shelters may come into Eagle River, something the community has fought.

Advocates say that this new zoning will help the homeless. Opponents say this change will impact their property values. Eagle River residents have already been activated with an exit movement to vote on leaving the Anchorage municipality and this ordinance could give that effort an added push.

The meeting is in Room 170 at the Eagle River Library at Town Center on 12001 Business Loop Blvd, near the Eagle River Chamber of Commerce.


  1. We don’t need to change the zoning we need to see that people are earning enough to live on and put the homeless in a place that is not in established neighborhoods that have been working for years. These politicians need to put apartments on their lot and have the homeless live with them. They should be given choices like jobs and housing then they need to work for that. If they do not want to embrace civil society, then they need to be located on a chunk of land where nobody is effected from their way of living.

  2. Are there online participation options also in addition to in-person attendance: either video and/or call in? Thank you.

  3. This change is being “spun” as helping the poor and homeless population. The reality is that this legislation just coddles and bows down to the builders and developers around town. All zoning requirements and restrictions will be abolished. Developers will be able to build whatever type of housing they please, at whatever density they want, on whatever lot size they want.
    I have read the 17 page proposed ordinance (2023-60). It is loaded with stupid “woke” word salad Whereas statements that mean nothing, but may fool the more gullible citizens.
    I think this ordinance was first introduced in May. It is posted on the Assembly meeting website on the date it was first read.
    The Anchorage city clerk can make it available to anyone who calls the clerk’s office, to request a copy.
    The only public hearing is set to take place at the Assembly regular meeting on July 25. Be there, or make arrangements to call in with testimony! One can find the information about calling in by typing “ meetings”

  4. This is about turning all of Anchorage into a liberal waste hole.

    And the Assembly, including Cross, will pass it.

    Follow the money, or follow the liberal. Which is it for you, Mr. Cross?

    • But guaranteed the very high end neighborhoods will be shielded from having this malarkey foisted upon them. I hope there is massive public outcry at that meeting so Mr. Cross gets the message.

  5. This is the same failed path that liberals have enacted up the entire West Coast.
    Read MRAK’s current article about the KOMO News documentary “Seattle Is Dying” from 2019, and watch it and the follow up documentary “The Fight for the Soul of Seattle”.
    1-Homelessness and drugs and crime are uncontrollable, so throw public money at it.
    2-Money fails and the problems get worse.
    3-Oh no! We need to provide more free shat! Free houses, funded by more public money! Forever!
    4-But we have to make the suffering ‘fair’, so the problem gets purposely spread to all parts of a city. Except next to The Elites homes, of course.
    5-To make every neighborhood a shathole, zoning is changed to turn everywhere into a rental Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) neighborhood, and allow apartments where they were not permitted before.
    [why are BlackRock and investment institutions buying residential properties? Ding! Ding! Ding! BlackRock doesn’t care what crappy apartment or renters they inflict on your single family home neighborhood]
    The plan, and execution, can be seen in Seattle (lost 30,000+ people in 2 years, while crime has soared), Portland (how quaint Portlandia seems now), and all of California (led by San Francisco with LA close behind).
    So why is Kevin Cross promoting this zoning change? Financial reasons, or philosophical reasons?

    • Cross is a developer. He stands to make a lot of money with the change. It’s why he co-sponsored the ordinance with Zaletel. Cheers –

  6. Eagleexit either must happen Now like today to control its own neighborhoods, or stay in the municipality. From the history or ER-C founders I believe they would recommend staying in the municipality, and ER conservative leadership strengthen its ties and allegiance with anchorage conservative leadership in unity to help one another; rather than retreat into isolation. You know once these large multi housing projects begin housing individuals and families, it attracts people who are non voters by choice/felonies or democrats.

  7. Welcome to Mt View, soon coming to the rest of the municipality. Getting rid of title 21 will solve nothing and pushing multi residences in single family neighborhoods will only drag down those neighborhoods, lower property values and create more vice and dysfunction. The homeless problem is primarily an addiction and mental health problem that no amount of housing will solve.

    • Both Mt. View and Fairview lost the debate about multi-unit housing during pipeline build. Single family homes and multi-unit buildings don’t play well together in the sandbox. They are for different people at different points in their lives. I wonder if a bridge to Pt. Mackenzie would open up housing options.

  8. Can’t call yourself a conservative and then tell your neighbor what he is “allowed” to build on his own lot. Full support of relaxing the title 21 rules.

  9. Eagle River People forget that just a few short years ago they tried to build a homeless veterans transition center in ER and it went no where. ER is not the charming little town it was when I first moved there in the early 90’s. APD turns a blind eye to the drug dealing at Schroeder park and the needles in the flower pots in downtown. The condos and apartments are already in ER which is mostly a highly transient (high turn over) area. Don’t believe me ? Fire Eagle, the ones near the Post Office (built in 02), the ones behind Carl’s Jr, the homes behind Jitters / Cheapos, the ones across from ER Elementary, the ones behind the VFW being built and I’m sure I missed a few. ER folks saying they don’t want apartments and site condos…Well they are already there

  10. Lmao. The small tribe you are trying to escape is running the effort to escape the same small tribe.
    The small tribe will chase you to the ends of the earth so long as you have tax dollars that can be extracted. They cannot live off their own merit.

  11. Like Churchill said, “Socialism is the philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy.” The people that did everything to be a constructive member of society and used their lives to improve their homes and communities are now being marginalized under the guise of eradicating homelessness. This idiocy is just taking from those that worked hard to have a nice home and destroying the value in those homes to enrich a few.

  12. The most cost effective solution is to rezone areas adjacent to traffic corridors to higher densities and invest in mass transit. Anathema to conservatives

  13. I regret saying this, but by sponsoring and pushing this rezoning proposal so avidly, I find myself wondering if Kevin Cross may be a (pro-leftist) wolf in sheep’s clothing. Or, is he merely advocating for a measure that would benefit him, personally, as a real estate agent? Either way, I am disappointed.

  14. They’re trying to further dilute the conservative voting block out here. I’m not fond of seeing apartment buildings coming up left and right.

  15. Sell your house and bail while the bailing os good. I did and am I ever so grateful that I did.

  16. It took years and a lot of community involvement to write our zoning laws for Chugiak/Eagle River. Now, despite community opposition, a commercial real estate broker turned assemblyman, wants to change them. The community councils have already turned this idea down, so this is obviously an opportunity and not representing the constituents. And we want nothing to do with the idea. And keep the pot operations and high density crappy housing out of our area. If you want to develop, follow the rules. The rest of us have to, even though it doesn’t make us rich.

    • You already have it apparently you aren’t driving around ER much when it comes to high density housing

  17. Might it be time to sue each muni assembly member into personal bankruptcy ?

    They can be sued individually via personal injury lawsuits for intentional torts.

    Additionally, these assembly members are also guilty of committing various constitutional violations and it’s easy to prove they’ve violated individual rights— which means each and every harmed citizen can bring a federal action against every assembly member.

    Moreover, they refused to work with the mayor and his plan to help the homeless—which had caused great harm, grave danger and injury to law abiding citizens.

    They mismanaged federal covid funding and have destroyed the municipality of Anchorage.

    Sue each of them into personal bankruptcy .

    • Aside from the fact they are covered by the fact they are acting as the city entity and immune so really if you sue them and the city you are seeing yourself. Don’t believe me ? ‘

      • Questions for you, the juror:
        If what they’re doing is discretionary are they -as individuals- acting within the scope of their official duties by forcing bum housing into bum-free neighborhoods?
        Did they breach their fiduciary duty by forcing bum housing into bum-free neighborhoods thereby making neighborhoods less desirable, arbitrarily lowering residents’ home resale values, deliberately making neighborhoods less safe especially for vulnerable residents?
        If so, are they, as individuals, immune from lawsuits?
        Are Assembly members included in the class of government officials whose constitutional status requires -complete- protection from damage suits, whose duties entitle them to an absolute-immunity defense?
        Or do they have qualified immunity which requires balancing citizens’ rights versus Assembly members’ discretion in their official authority?
        There’s a ruling: “Federal officials seeking absolute immunity from personal liability for unconstitutional conduct must bear the burden of showing that public policy requires an exemption…” (Scheuer v. Rhodes, 416 U. S. 232. Pp. 457 U. S. 806-808.)
        Bottom line: Can individual Assembly members be held liable if they’re found to be acting outside the scope of their authority, breaching fiduciary duty to their constituents? If so, does this mean they’re -not- entitled to use City funds and lawyers to defend themselves?

        • Show me how they are working outside of the scope of their authority ? the burden of proof is on the plaintiff and the city with their law firms and lawyers will rely back on that the assembly is trying to do good for the public at large. a jury of 12 or a judge will have to decide.

          The city will say the homeless are a public health problem and that they have a legal responsibility etc. As far as making areas deliberately less safe point of view, again the burden of proof is on the plaintiff. It’s going to be ugly no doubt

  18. To Rick, it seems like these are pivotal questions:
    Are the Assembly, as an institution, acting within the scope of their authority by jeopardizing neighborhoods’ safety and property values for the greater good?
    Is it within the scope of Cross’s authority to change the safety and property values of neighborhoods without residents’ consent?
    Are Cross and Zalatel acting within the scope of their legislative authority by engaging in activity which, to a reasonable observer, indicate clear conflict of interest with their Assembly positions?
    Specifically, are Cross and Zalatel acting within the scope of their legislative authority to diminish the safety of neighborhoods and reduce property values by -forcing- neighborhoods to accept bums, sex offenders, dopers, hookers, illegal aliens, or Section 8 housing?
    Idea is to force Cross and company to explain in detail, on the record, what the effect(s) will be on public safety and property values if the Assembly -forces- reasonably tranquil, stable neighborhoods to accept bums, sex offenders, dopers, hookers, illegal aliens, and Section 8 housing.
    If what they’re doing can’t be explained as legitimate legislative process or Assembly business, might they -not- be entitled to absolute immunity frm civil lawsuits?
    Second, but not secondary, goal is to force Cross, Zalatel, and company to explain in detail, on the record, how their enterprises will profit as a result of forcing reasonably tranquil, stable neighborhoods to accept bums, sex offenders, dopers, hookers, illegal aliens, and Section 8 housing.
    Focus enough attention locally and nationally on what they’re doing, they might do what self-respecting termites do when exposed to the harsh light of day.
    Could happen, no?

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