Meet Jason Palmer, who secured three Democrat delegates for DNC convention, on Must Read Alaska Show


Join host John Quick in a thoughtful conversation with Democratic presidential candidate Jason Palmer on the latest episode of the Must Read Alaska Show.

As a Republican, Quick engages in a civil dialogue with Palmer, who recently made headlines by securing three delegates after defeating Joe Biden in American Samoa.

In this episode, Quick delves into Palmer’s motivations for running for president, his background, and what sets him apart from other candidates.

Out of 91 ballots cast in the U.S. territory’s caucus, Palmer won 51; Biden wound up with 40 for a total of 91 votes. As a territory and not a state, American Samoa doesn’t cast electoral votes for president of the United States after the November general election. However, it does hold presidential caucuses and has 11 delegate votes in the Democratic National Convention.

Trump won the Republican caucus in the seven South Pacific islands and atolls, where Pago Pago is the Capital on the largest island, Tutuila, the largest island. The Republicans, all 110 who voted at the caucus, will send nine delegates to the 2024 Republican National Convention.

American Samoa is not exactly Biden country. In 2020, former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg was the Democratic winner over Biden, who took the nomination.

Palmer and Quick discuss the significance of Palmer’s victory over Biden, his excitement about taking delegates to the Democratic convention, and the possibility of bipartisan collaboration, including the consideration of Republicans in Palmer’s cabinet, however much a long shot that is.

Tune in for an insightful discussion that demonstrates the importance of respectful discourse across political divides.

This episode and all others of the Must Read Alaska can be found at all iTunes, all other podcast platforms, on Facebook, and on YouTube.

You can find Jason here: 


  1. Congratulations, Sir!
    Keep plugging away. With RFK, Jr. keeping heaps of votes away from Biden too, Trump is starting to runaway with the election. Maybe a very bloody civil war won’t happen in the USA afterall.
    But I can’t wait to go to THE movie.

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