Mayor Jim Matherly, outspent 2-1, wins reelection in Fairbanks race



Mayor Jim Matherly has won reelection as mayor of the City of Fairbanks , even after he was outspent by Kathryn Dodge, the Democrat who had a huge cash advantage going into Tuesday’s election.

[Read: Will Matherly fend off Kathryn Dodge?]

With 100 percent of precincts counted, Matherly won 1,720 to Dodge’s 1,516. Lakesha Jordan peeled off 138 votes from the Dodge’s Left, and Frank Turney was able to find 75 voters to support him.

The race was watched across the state because the LGBTQ+ voters rallied around Dodge, as did major public employee unions and Democrats in general. Even Planned Parenthood got in the game and published flyers supporting Dodge.

Why? Matherly had vetoed a controversial “equal rights ordinance” that had been adopted by the city council, which had created protections for certain people in employment, housing and public accommodations such as cross-gender bathroom usage. Matherly had said the measure needed to be voted on by the people of Fairbanks. The LGBTQ community was up in arms.

Dodge is well-known in Fairbanks politics, having served on the Borough Assembly for two terms, and also having lost the District 1 House seat to Rep. Bart LeBon by just one vote in the 2018 election. She raised over $52,000 to Matherly’s $25,000, at last report.

Other conservatives winning the night were Borough Assembly candidates and apparent victors Jimi Cash and Frank Tomaszewski; Aaron Gibson for City Council, and Mathew Sampson for school board.

With just a 16 percent turnout for this local election, conservatives in Fairbanks credited Alaska Family Action and local churches for getting voters turned out. A group started a, which published a conservative voting guide.

There were no ballot measures driving people to the polls in Fairbanks during the Oct. 1 election.


  1. Thank you, Suzanne, for getting this out pronto. The LGBTQ put out their best efforts to dump Mayor Matherly. It didn’t work in Alaska’s second largest city, thanks to a majority of rational thinkers. The Interior’s godfather, Daddy Warlock, got the boot right up his rear.

    • This Fairbanks mayoral race was literally framed as a one issue race. LGBTQ extra protection rights. Kathy Dodge allowed herself to be limited by the agenda of that minority voice. Even with the assistance of the Left-wing media, Dodge was soundly beat. And so ends her political ambitions.

  2. I suspected from the beginning of the LGBTQ ordinance fiasco, that the majority and maybe the vast majority of the vocal supporters of this ordinance were not City of Fairbanks residents. Katherine Dodge chose the wrong horse to ride during the campaign.

  3. Geez, Marla. Just say it like it really is. Lol. The Democrats in Fairbanks, and their reliable little mouthpieces at the Snewsminer (akn as the twin Cole dwarfs) LOST. These dishonest people think they can outweigh the forces of reason and principle. Fairbanks has shown again that those forces of political dominion will be fought head on, and the Snewsminer has influence only on the controllables, who are the minority. BTW, exactly who is this Daddy Warlock? Anybody know?

    • Not s secret, Kemo. Davies ran the FNSB from 2009 to 2015 due to an incompetent Luke Hopkins. Now, Davies runs the entire UA system as a Regent, and the FNSB as an Assemblyman. If Dodge won, Davies would be running Fairbanks city too. A control freak, for sure, and that’s why we call him Daddy Warlock.

    • A male witch. Poses as a feminist, but takes dominion over a gaggle of female witches to advance his dark agenda, incorporating subterfuge to keep his true identity hidden in the shadows. Daddy Warlock.

  4. Came here to read the article and got in a few good laughs from the comments. I’m not disagreeing with anyone. If I lived within the city limits, Matherly would have had my vote (even if he didn’t need it). I’ve never heard the term Snewsminer or Daddy Warlock, so thank you.

    • Me too, Tyrone. This guy John Davies does seem to be active with the Democrat Party. He was in Juneau as a State Rep years ago. Ran for Senate but Ralph Seekins beat him. Davies does seem political at many levels, including local and the University state-wide. As for being a Daddy Warlock……I wonder if he holds bonfire rituals in his backyard? Gypsy states he is a radical climate activist. hmmmm. But Snewsminer is old hat. Also called the News Minus. And the Cole twins, Dermot and Terrence are radical Lefties from UAF, where Davies used to teach. Dwarfs?. Right out of the Snow White movie. Probably about 5’4″ or so, give or take an inch.

  5. Snewsminer’s headline on 10/4 is that Fairbanks mayor’s race is not over. ie….Dodge still has a shot, to all the Left-wing hopefuls. Daddy Warlock is going to light the bonfire tonight. Burn the Christian votes, Daddy. It’s what you do.

    • Interesting comments, here. UAA Faculty Senate is hoping for the resignation of UA Prez Jim Johnsen. Davies, UA Regents Chair, is backing Johnsen. This guarantees Davies’ “control” of the UA system. “Control” seems to totally consume Davies’ existence.

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