Mary Peltola finally surfaces, partying in Colorado with Democrats


Alaska’s Rep. Mary Peltola, who has been missing from the state for weeks, told Alaskans last week she was traveling the state of Alaska. No one has seen her in state.

But over the weekend she was spotted at a party in Colorado, celebrating with fellow Democrats and a Lakewood city council candidate, for whom she was the keynote speaker. The event was not found on Peltola’s campaign pages or official pages on social media, but appeared on the Isabel for Lakewood (Colorado) Facebook page.

Last week, when the House Infrastructure and Transportation Committee met in Alaska over three days, Peltola was not in attendance, even though she serves on the committee, which was reviewing, touring, and learning about Kodiak, the Port of Alaska, and other major infrastructure projects needed in Alaska. She told the media that when Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg is in Alaska this week, she will not be available to travel to Kotzebue or Southeast Alaska with him to review transportation issues.


  1. She heard there was great koolaid if she got into politics. She has found the koolaid. Now we’ll find out how more often we fill her cup in the coming years!

  2. It is evident she has great concern for her responsibilities to other states and getting her name out as a extreme left candidate and supporter of the same.
    The port is our major lifeline for food and she can’t be bothered to be involved in ensuring it’s continued support and forward progress.
    It would be nice if the conservatives got off their backsides and voted next cycle. The last turnout was lousy to be generous.

  3. She pulling a Sarah Palin. Once these women get a taste of the high life and leave places like Bethel and Wasilla, they forget about Alaska life and their jobs representing Alaskans. National politics is their get out of jail card.

    • Well I bet ol Sarah is ducking out right now. Humpty Dumpty Trumpty just got indicted in Georgia. His crew is getting indicted right along with him. Lol. I bet she changed her phone #.

      • Ham sandwiches for everybody. Biggest farce yet, indicting him in Atlanta by Affirmative Action Queenie. LOL. When Trump is back in the White House on January 20, 2024, he’ll be passing out his own ham sandwiches.

  4. Isn’t Congress on a break right now? I’d be willing to bet many of them are travelling. Why is this even a story? Trying to make something out of nothing I’m sure.

    • Liars and thieves require monitoring. Suzanne and the concerned taxpayers from Alaska are not comfortable with taking it bent over with their heads in the sand.
      If you are so sure her activities partying with liberal colorado freaks are nothing then your sandbox is waiting for you.
      You clearly forgot or didnt comprehend the last paragraph that clearly explained the House infrastructure and transportation committee which she was obviously not qualified to serve on met for three days here reviewing the all important Port of Alaska as well as other important projects.

      She would rather party with liberals than perform the duties she swore to uphold which clearly proves she is now a member of the Elite and has not a care in the world for us or Alaska.

      She obviously has way too many fools who thinks she is working for us which she has clearly proven she is working for someone else.
      She needs to go and her “fools” need to wake the hell up!

    • Mary says in her own post that she will be traveling Alaska in August but missed her own committee in Anchorage and Kodiak and is missing meetings with mayor pete. The first time anyone has seen her in 3 weeks is in Colorado. The only reason anyone saw it is because someone running for city council in Colorado posted about it on Facebook. Mary Peltola is lying to Alaskans about where she is and what she is doing.

    • Cman, Congress is presently in what is called ” recess”. ( meaning no sessions of Congress are scheduled) Mary apparently must have misunderstood the meaning of the term , believing I assume that” recess ” meant play time with the other infantile leftist.

      Reasonable explanation, right?

    • The purpose and intent of the August recess is to go back to their districts and interact with constituents.

  5. Out partying and having fun, while downloading indoctrination updates from Colorado Liberals. What a fine Rep for Alaska she is, net worth climbing as well I presume.

  6. We’re all familiar with the term “just phoning it in,” but fleeing the state to go party with her fellow Communists while the Transportation Committee comes up here all the way from Washington D.C. is just beyond the pale.
    Totally inexcusable even though not unexpected.
    Thank you once again, Sarah, for jumping in the race at the last minutes because not enough attention was being paid to you, and helping Mary defeat Nick Begich…..

  7. During August recess, U.S. senators and representatives leave Washington, DC, and travel to their home states and districts to begin a fast-paced schedule of constituent meetings, town halls, and other community events. EXCEPT for Mary Peltola who is NOT traveling in Alaska to visit her constituents. Party on in Colorado! Wonder if there will be beer pong and leg wrestling? Oh, sorry, that is only in the AK State Capital during the evenings.

  8. Just more of her devious BS.
    She has to keep the enviro greenies in her ammo bag for consultation when she goes up against mining petroleum and logging developers.
    Gotta keep Alaska locked up for China Joe and the gatekeeper in Martha’s Vineyard
    The only development here will be the carbon credit”blue sky” sham Buzzy and Paul Pelosi are busy setting up.
    It will be the next Krypto style sham but more organized than the Sammy”the Bankman”Fried orgy fest

  9. Seems pathetic, Proud Mary’s owners regard her merely as a hood ornament for the Party, a bit of fluff to decorate B-list drunkfests.
    Surely her vast knowledge of, and insight into, all things Alaskan would have made her an amazing headline addition to Mayor Pete’s visit or House Committee hearings, yet her owners apparently didn’t want her anywhere near Mayor Pete or House Committee members.
    If told by her owners that her political future, her ability to Get Money, depended on her being there for Mayor Pete, does it not seem reasonable to believe she would have been front and center, the quintessential Alaskan Tour Guide?
    Or could the sad reality be that no one cares where Proud Mary shows up, or if she shows up at all, because she simply doesn’t matter?

    • I love when the cabal system uses indigenous and other “marginalized people” as props for further enslaving the “non marginalized sheep”. It is quite a delicious and poetic irony.

  10. Good cocaine quality in Colorado. Especially Boulder, Aspen areas. Democrat’s hangouts. Peltola should fit right in, even though she isn’t much of a looker.

  11. “Cocaine’s for horses, not for men
    They tell me it’ll kill me but they don’t say when
    Run all ’round my brain”

  12. Why to Alaskans need to register to attend her advertised Town Hall? Do you suppose “registration available soon” is intended to keep the “riff riff” like me out?

    • Don’t worry, leftists are easily fooled and manipulated by their own people. Would not take much to blend in, really. Just act happy with a hint of depressed and they will be none the wiser.

  13. The stoner from Bethel never felt so good on other people’s dope. Peltola can be bought off on a weeks supply of blow.

  14. Why we may be stuck with this communist for another term. Until Alaska’s leadership (or lack there of) get it through their skulls that electronic voting is a one-way ticket to installing candidates who hate America and our Constitution, read this!
    Meaning, your government and entities funded by your tax dollars and foreign adversaries, control your elections! Until Alaskans demand paper ballots, one day voting and only registered absentee voting by people who actually request their absentee ballot, not the government sending out thousands of unregistered mail in ballots (ripe with fraud) we are doomed. Demand election integrity now!

  15. Every time I read a MRA column complaining about Peltola, I cannot help but ask: Are the Begich-supporting so-called GOP-ers who refused to rank the red and ranked Peltola over Sarah also to blame for this mess? Just asking for a friend…

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