The spring of 2020 came in like a monster in Alaska. And it wasn’t the snow or cold — there had only been about 22 inches of snow that winter. What happened after March 12 that year could encompass an entire book on pandemics, policy, and public panic.
Three years ago today, the first case of Covid in Alaska was announced — a pilot of a cargo jet had tested positive. Anchorage is the nation’s leading cargo airport, with flights coming from China and South Korea on an hourly basis, stopping for fuel in Anchorage before heading to distribution facilities in places like Memphis, Tenn. and Louisville, Ken.
The pilot was treated at a hospital and was quarantining in a hotel. But officials knew that Covid had arrived and was probably elsewhere in the population, undiagnosed and spreading.
One day earlier, President Donald Trump, already in Covid battle mode, had announced a travel ban from Europe. In January, he had banned travel from China for non-American travelers.
By the time the pandemic was under control, Alaska had been seen as a model for balancing the need for a stabilizing health policy and the constitutionally set personal freedoms:
- Second lowest death numbers of any state
- Highest survivability of any state
- First state to vote to get rid of emergency
- Economy was opened in early May of 2020
- No statewide mask mandate
- No statewide vaccine mandate
- Led with other states with court actions to stop federal vaccine mandates under Biden.
But on March 12, 2020, panic was already setting in in Alaska, where medical facilities were not equipped for the expected pandemic, where not enough personal protective gear was available for medical workers, or enough ventilators for the seriously ill. The epicenter of the virus was in Seattle, Alaska’s hub city for travel.
Two days before Alaska’s first case, Gov. Mike Dunleavy had declared a state emergency in anticipation of Covid’s arrival, so that resources could be mobilized for the unknown needs that would soon arise.
Gov. Dunleavy, Chief Medical Officer Dr. Anne Zink, and Alaska Department of Health and Social Service Commissioner Adam Crum had just announced sets of recommendations to help prevent or slow the spread of cases of the illness, the origins of which are still debated today, but which many believe began in a bioweapons project at a laboratory in China.
The Alaska state recommendations were for people to mask up if they were in public. While the governor never mandated masks, most municipal leaders eventually did, including then-Mayor Ethan Berkowitz, who issued a mask mandate in June of 2020.
The first Alaska resident to have died from Covid was a resident of Petersburg, who passed on March 16 at a health care facility in King County, Washington, where he had been admitted for care for a different, but serious medical condition.
On March 27, the first in-state death from Covid was announced. It was a 63-year-old person who was in an Anchorage hospital for treatment for another illness, and who had tested positive for Covid on March 25.
By March 29, the Legislature had given the governor the authority to do what needed to be done to keep the state from going into a Covid crisis, by addressing public health and economic problems that would arise, and to move funds from one area of the budget to others, in order ensure the government was nimble in its response.
The recommendations for Alaskans on this day in 2020 were:
- Wash your hands often or use hand sanitizer if soap or water are not available, before going and out of rooms or buildings, using restrooms, and before eating. Avoid touching eyes, nose, and face, cover coughs or sneezes, stop shaking hands, and regularly clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces and items.
Recommendations for higher risk Alaskans
On this day in 2020, the advice for people who are over 60, and anyone who has serious chronic health conditions was to stay home as much as possible, ask family or friends to bring in supplies and food, avoid crowds and mass gatherings where exposure risk is greater, stay at least six feet away from others who are sick, limit close contact and wash your hands often and telecommute for work.
Leftists and Democrats began clambering for the governor to do more — to enact a statewide mask mandate and order business to close. The Legislature, which was run by progressives, still had a mask mandate in the Alaska Capitol during the 2022 legislative session, and required testing to enter the building. Accusations that the governor was not doing enough came from Democrats in the Legislature and Democrat activists around the state.
By later that year, the Democrats were hammering Dunleavy for not enacting more mandates.
“Public health officials have repeatedly urged statewide policies to slow the spread of the disease, most recently during a House Health and Social Services Committee on October 21,” the Democrat-controlled Alaska House Majority stated in a news release later that fall. “The Dunleavy Administration, however, has failed to enact basic statewide protective measures that we know are effective, like a temporary mask mandate in places where social distancing is difficult, implementing capacity limits in public places, and issuing workplace safety standards.”
The critiquing of the governor was largely from partisan Democrats, showing the ideological differences between their authoritarian style and Dunleavy’s attention to the imperative of civil rights. They said he was killing Alaskans.
Dunleavy said all along he would avoid infringing on the rights of Alaskans.
“I certainly don’t want to infringe on the rights of folks,” he said on July 13, 2020. “We don’t need to take draconian actions here in Alaska.”
Some also criticized him from the right side of the spectrum, saying that he was too quickly led into liberty-infringing policies by his Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Zink.
The governor did order a temporary “shelter in place” mandate in at a news conference, where he required Alaskans to “remain at their place of residence and practice social distancing.” People could go outside and get exercise but were to remain six feet from anyone who was not inter household.
That spring was the first time Alaskans had heard of such a thing called “social distancing.” By that time, many city leaders had already ordered their own “hunker down” mandates.
Three years ago this month, the skies became suddenly quiet as most Americans stopped flying. tracked a 21% drop in air traffic. Airports were empty, reflecting the general panic that had taken hold of the country as the still little-understood virus was spreading and killing its way across the nation.

Although Dunleavy used a relatively light touch, only shutting the economy down for a few weeks, draconian shutdowns ordered by Mayor Berkowitz extended even after he quickly left office in October of that year, under scandalous circumstances. His unelected successor, Austin Quinn-Davidson, continued his policies with mask mandates and bans on gatherings.
By May of 2020, nine Alaskans had died either from or with Covid, and the economy began to suffer from the effects of not only the pandemic, but the reactions to the pandemic.
By June, the state had enacted a traveler testing program. Incoming persons to the state needed to test within 24 hours of arrival or could quarantine for 14 days without testing.
Testing on arrival in Alaska airports identified 951 Covid infections, or one per 406 arriving travelers, according to a report from the CDC from last year “and might have contributed to Alaska’s low incidence during the summer by reducing opportunities for community transmission at travelers’ destination locations.”
Today, three years after the first case of Covid, there have been 282,000 cases of Covid reported in Alaska, with many other cases unreported. The number of Alaskans who have died from or with the disease stands at 1,422 as of March 5. About 64% of Alaskans are vaccinated.

The coronavirus pandemic was a test for the nation and its leaders. Some leaders, such as Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, survived politically, and were reelected two years after the pandemic hit. So did some of the draconian governors such as Gov. Gavin Newsom of California, who also won reelection even after a major recall attempt in 2021, which failed. The president at the time, Donald Trump, did not survive politically, as Covid became politicized and the government responses became part of the election debate that year, and after some states went to an all-mail-in election to stem the spread of the virus.
Have an opinion on this topic? Have memories of that year? Share in the comment section below.
That day I was the only voice in the state on any type of media telling everyone it was bull—-and they were going to use it to destroy you… the same dumb—– are still up there trying to fix what they could not see coming to start with. Y’all should have enough self-preservation to step aside and let the people who saw it coming fix it. We make sure everybody remembers how stupid y’all were
Speaker of the house at that time was telling everyone to travel as normal……..
There was an agenda. Forced mail-in voting only.
Xi and US swamp puppet masters couldn’t withstand another four years of
possibly being drained.
AK floating around rudderless ……. barney fife at the helm.
I would love to see an article written on how much money local businesses took from the federal government during Covid in Juneau alone. How much they took? Who took it? What they used it on. Sure seems like we saw a lot of new trucks being bought and vacations being taken while all those businesses were “trying to survive”
Why don’t you ask Art Sutch about that? Or the owners of the Indian place that closed? Or the Japanese place next to Salt?
How about the guy who runs the Shirt Factory, which had to be open year ‘round for the first time in forever?
Maybe the former owner of Heartside, who barely survived? Maybe the auto mechanics who closed due to loss of business they could never recover from?
We lost a lot of people during that mess. A lot. Many of those “vacations” you think you saw were people leaving. I know people in tourism who had to “vacation” out of state to get jobs to save their homes.
So did those places you speak of close after taking federal money? Or did they close instead of taking federal money. The tourist businesses had to go south to get work? Why didn’t they work In Juneau? Or were they already south and just didn’t come back up because there weren’t any cruise lines operating? You seem to know the details..
I too would like to see an accounting of all the money, every single dollar of the trillions of dollars that the federal government gave to its self and the states. All 50 of them, who then gave money to city’s, county’s and municipalitys across this country. A very significant amount of this so called funding did not go to the small business it was intended for. If it would have, maybe so many small business would not have gone under. There are plenty of people who know how to work the system and I’m sure there was fraud. My question is, where is the accounting from federal and State government officials of all the money? I’m pretty sure one, if not THE first recipient of covid relief funding was our Mayor at the time, to the tune of 250.000 for his restaurants. Maybe more. We will never know. This info only came out because of all of the restaurant owners who didn’t receive a dime! Trust me we were more than pissed. It’s called COOKIN THE BOOKS! In my opinion if president Trump wanted to drain the stinking SWAMP he had a perfect opportunity . All he had to do was follow the money and press federal charges on every level for every state, city and municipal government, politicians and employees.
I got what I later found out was covid in February. It about killed me. I went through 2 courses of antibiotics and about 5 bottles of niquil over 5 weeks before I left the house. Fortunately the school shut down and we all got leave with pay.the second time I got it wasn’t nearly as bad, but I was boosted by then.
Antibiotics do nothing for a viral infection. No wonder you did not get better, wasted prescription.
Glad you got boosted, because that natural acquired immunity surely had NOTHING to do with a second infection being less severe. I am also sure it had nothing to do with the fact that later variants have less severe effect either.
Definitely the booster. No doubt about it.
Yeah. The antibiotics helped with the secondary infection and the bronchial pneumonia which was a bacteria.
So, not COVID then. Got it.
Idiot as usual. Got it. Let me put in words you may understand. The covid is a virus. After it attacks, a secondary infection can occur. This is a bacteria infection usually after the body has killed off the initial infection although they can happen at the same time. Steroids can be given to fight off inflammation. Didn’t mean to ruffle my our feathers……yeah I did. Cheers.
Not a single feather ruffled here Greg…
But, tell me, how do you know COVID was the cause?
Last time I checked, the symptoms of pneumonia also are listed for COVID.
Lots of people tested positive for COVID without actually having any symptoms, but, for some reason, you are absolutely 1,000% double plus sure that it was COVID that caused the pneumonia. Why?
Oh, I get it, you want to play the victim, and justify your adoration of the vaccines and continual boosting.
You were played as a fool, and you refuse to acknowledge it.
You didn’t get better because…You didn’t do anything for yourself like vigorous exercise, healthier diet, vitamin supplements, sleep, and proper hydration. You wanted pills and shots, which prolonged your suffering.
Nope. What you propose can help a healthy person. Not one with a low blood o2 saturation.
The fact that the economy was overheated and the COVID was released to allow for an intervention that would go largely unnoticed for what it really was has never been discussed as a possibility. Nor does anyone seem to believe that the printing of money during and since the “crisis” has largely enriched the banks and pushed the large majority of the population closer to the edge of the cliff. The same financial practices and deregulation that pushed the world economy to be cut in half in 2008 are still in effect today. We were in the midst of another financial meltdown and this COVID crap has allowed for more wealth the be transferred to medical pharmaceutical corporations and their investors, and investment bankers and their investors. The tran, gay, school invasions of porn, and ANTIFA rioting are all distractions perpetuated to take the eye of the public off the fact their wealth is being stolen and the life’s work of their retirements is being taken.
We did not close the business when this all came down in spite of all the foolishness and confusion that came from the mayor and assembly, we applied for nor took any of the PPP offered and no employee missed a days work but we forced to change the way we did business as the supply chains crumbled for equipment and their replacement parts…we still struggle with those disruptions and are just now beginning to see some light at the end of the tunnel if the darn Government would get out of the way…but it will take some time yet for the Supply chain to return to normal.
Three years later, and I still see people in their car by themselves wearing a mask. How long does this lunacy last?
How does people riding in their own car, affect you in any way?
And you are mad about being controlled?
It affects us, Matt, because is it a demonstration of the profound idiocy and lack of critical thinking on the part of those with whom we are forced to share a society.
I have taken to mocking the mask wearers publicly now. “Still clinging to your useless face diaper, lady?”, and other similar comments. Doing so is a public duty on the part of the sane.
So you’re woke now. Stooping to chastise anything that displeased you. You’re not a hypocrite are you?
Got it, so you wish to exercise control over others and do it through mocking or bullying.
It sounds like you are very sane to do that…
No, Matt, you are simply projecting your own radical leftist sociopathy onto me.
I do not wish to control anyone. But I what I WILL do is point out to them their extreme irrationality and stupidity. How they deal with that, if at all, is purely up to them.
I’m curious how we were seen as a model for anything except political excess.
nearly 1/2 of our people (Anchorage) had their most basic constitutional rights brutally violated. For years.
At one point bush communities were basically forbidding entry to outsiders.
Juneau played winners and losers with local businesses for 18 months. While spending an alleged $20,000 on various drag events.
Tourism nearly died. It got set back generations.
Ann Zink was either a stooge or a liar.
The spineless lump of a governor didn’t even attempt to push back on local officials ruling like dictators.
Our kids were forced to go to school (when allowed) wearing diapers. And lost educational ground Alaska can’t afford to lose.
How many of us were forced to get shots we didn’t want or lose jobs?
How about those of us who had family in hospitals we weren’t allowed to visit?
And we’re a model? Of what? Stupidly? Capitulation?
The sad truth of Covid is we get conned and lied to (Fauci), it scared us, and we lost our Republic to soft fascism. Worst, many of us happily gave it away.
I traveled out of Juneau 6 times. I was forced to test for Covid upon returning-or else.
Balance my backside.
Some very sad days in history. Some are still buying the narrative, and will probably be wearing their masks for the rest of their lives.
Then there are we who almost died
Smoke that.
Boost up Greg.
And don’t forget to wear mask when driving in your car – alone.
I see that you’re a woke anti-vaxxer. Never discredit those who are trying to stay alive. I’ve got just about everything wrong with me short of cancer thank God, and as such my immune system is crap. Yes I’m going to boost and keep on boosting if it helps me any at all, which it has. Your mileage may vary, but for me it’s working out pretty good. Back to sleep now for you.
Right. People still say the moon landings were staged too.
I will never forget, nor forgive the media’s silence on, former Mayor Berkowitz’s lead statement in his first press conference related to the Wuhan Virus panicdemic: “I just want people to know that we are NEVER returning to normal”. How did, and does, such an outrageously arrogant, Orwellian and malevolent comment go unchallenged to this very day?
So we were afflicted by a virus that luckily was not worse than it was. Being imperfect Humans, we struggled with how to deal with and defeat it. Ultimately, people’s approaches were mostly defined by their predispositions and politics. With fewer precautions and vaccinations, certainly more would have perished. With more, the economic damage would certainly have been greater.
What else can really be said?
In the end, let’s just say that we did the best we could, in accordance with our own individual judgements. However divided we were then, we now stand united in the hope that another more serious pandemic never arrives.
“We” did NOT do “the best we could”. The majority behaved as mindless sheep to an officially orchestrated, utterly unjustified fearmongering campaign expressly designed to further consolidate power in the hands of the ruling class, and to inculcate submission to tyranny on the part of cowardly and spineless populace.
Jeff everybody has to make their own decision. I’ve spoken with you about this before, and given my situation, which granted isn’t everybody’s, it was the best for me.
Why is your hair, assuming that you have any, always on fire? Chill a little.
Why is your brain, and your senses of decency and justice, assuming that you have them, always stuck in “neutral”?
How many will die from the side effects of said jab? Numbers of the young and healthy people dropping dead are on the rise.
For those that do not understand how our state government works familiarizing yourself with home rule charters is a good place to start. In short in Alaska, home rule charter cities and municipalities have all legislative powers not prohibited by law or charter. The governor can’t simply overrule a home rule charter on a whim, this is a good thing if you believe that local government is the most responsive form of government. However if you believe that a one size fits all government nestled far away from the public serves you best then I can see why you’d prefer centralized authoritarian government ruling by decree in defiance of our constitution and statutes.
That requires more thoughts. Guess it all comes down to elections. The Matsu had a local government that didn’t have the mandates of Anchorage, and came through the mess with the same results, except for the fact that their small businesses were less subject to failure. And their relief money went to where it was intended. There comes a time when having a charter can lead to abuse of power in the wrong hands. Just who has the responsibility of preventing such a local government from passing laws that are unconstitutional and hurtful while squandering relief money for their own benefits? All forms of government need checks and balances. Many of us wanted a higher form of government to protect us and were disappointed. Our only relief was the lack of enforcement because the city workers were ordered to stay home and smoke dope.
“Just who has the responsibility of preventing such a local government from passing laws that are unconstitutional and hurtful” you, us, the people…that’s elected representative government for you and why the smallest and closest level of government will always be the best and most responsive form of government. If we elect tyrants and scoundrels then we will be represented by tyrants and scoundrels. If you don’t like the tyrants and scoundrels your neighbors elect you can try and convince them to elect other tyrants and scoundrels or you can move to where the people elect tyrants and scoundrels that you approve of.
Yes, I will vote to separate Chugiak / Eagle River from Anchorage. Because we don’t have enough representation and you all can just enjoy being ruled by the dysfunctional, much like the Jerry Springer show. I never have considered myself part of Anchorage nor has anyone else out here. We don’t play well with stupidity.
I hope Ms Zink is lawyered up because her day in court for crimes against humanity, along with all the ‘doctors’ who used their authority to become injection pushers, is about to arrive.
I get my shots at the grocery store. There are no doctors involved. Just walk in and tell him you want a shot and you get one. I guess I’m being my own doctor which is kind of the way I like it. The person has to be informed about their own health.
It’s pitiful to see so many people on MRAK disparage Dr. Zink. She is, after all, a well-educated and accomplished woman with a good family, and who spends her life trying to help others. Can you, who constantly belittle her, say the same about your lives?
I know jealousy when I see it, and it isn’t pretty.
I disparage Dr. Zink because her medical specialty is trauma medicine. She is, by education and trade an ER doctor.
When a viral panicdemic hit the state, she decided she knew it all, despite her lack of professional experience in tracking/treating viral spread. Dr. Zink bought into the hype/propaganda hook, line, and sinker.
Had she, as the chief medical officer of the State brought in experts in the field, instead of deciding she knew it all, I would not disparage her. But, she did not.
So, while her accomplishments and her years of trying to help others is admirable, it did not qualify her to run the State’s response to the panicdemic.
And you know what? If you ever roll into her ER in bad shape, she’ll do all that she can to save you.
I wonder what you’ll say then.
By the way, many professionals – engineers, doctors, lawyers, technicians, work in areas related to their primary training, but not perfectly aligned with it. Dr. Zink may be in this situation, but she is backed up by many other specialists at the State and Federal levels. And if it does nothing else, higher education teaches a person how to educate oneself in new sub-disciplines.
The real reason you disparage Dr. Zink is because she promoted vaccinations and masks, neither of which you like. A different Diploma hanging on her wall wouldn’t change your opinion.
I know unjustified hate when I see it, and it isn’t pretty.
I will say “thank you very much.”
And, I will continue to critique her performance during the panicdemic because she simply parroted the meaningless pablum coming out of Fauci and Birx without demonstrating any desire to investigate the narrative.
“The real reason you disparage Dr. Zink is because she promoted vaccinations and masks”
Oh… look who can read my mind. What, exactly did I write anywhere on MRAK that makes you think that is the reason? Please, copy/paste.
Or is that just your projecting a childish level of debating onto me?
And I know tyranny, mindless conformity, and servile compliance with corrupt authority when I see them, and it isn’t pretty.
“Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery”. Aw, Jeffy, you’re making me blush…
And irritation is the sincerest form of radical leftist asshattery.
Research the good doctor’s grandfather. He was an admitted eugenist.
The day the Flu cam to Alaska. It was riveting to live through.
We had just traveled back to Alaska from Florida over Christmas break. I was trying to look back on that time, and right after we got back to Alaska some teachers had to go back to Anchorage for a conference. I drove one of those teachers to the airport and she was coughing and hacking and looked about like she was dying. She went to Anchorage with the other teachers and when they got home they were all sick. The original teacher said that she has never been as sick as she was during that trip. She was houseridden for 2 weeks after she got home. We go over and check on her but she could barely come to the door. I believe we got sick from her. It was around the 1st of February by then. It took me 5 weeks to stop coughing, I ran a fever for 3 days and my blood oxygen saturation got down to 86. They want you to go to the hospital when it goes below 90. But fortunately I persevered. A year and a half later after the vacs came out and testing was available was the first time I was documented but I sincerely believe that I had covid because like the teacher, it was the sickest I’ve ever been.
Greg – if you had Covid why in the Hell did you get boosted? Natural immunity is proven to be much more effective than the clot shot, despite phony Fauci’s protestations. Fauci, by the way, appears to be in deep legal trouble. There was damning testimony last week from former head of CDC Dr. Redfield, at a Congressional hearing that has greased the rails for Fauci’s stay at the Gray Bar Hotel!
The shot was after the first round. Immunity wears off and viruses changed. Thought I was lucky to make it through round one.
You were fine after surviving your first round with it. Your body’s natural immunity system adapted to the Wuhan. Haven’t you seen the study that tells you this?
I am glad you made it through. Most everyone in the state has been exposed at this point. Many were less affected, depending upon their personal health and immune response. Not enough factual information even today to determine whether the shots were anything more than a placebo, but if they made you more confident at the time, then that is great. Didn’t go that route myself and managed to live myself. So what. What continues to be the worst part is the way it all was handled. We all lost equally as a free nation. Don’t be pissed at people who don’t share your opinions, rather at the people who brought this on. We can stand united on that, hopefully.
You bet. Crisis brings on a whole lot of things that might not be acceptable to the individual but might be better for the whole. After 9/11, and the invention of Homeland security, remember they were stringing up cameras at every intersection in the United States and every business and every ATM? Had them all plugged in to a supercomputer complex in Nevada. Looking for bad guys. I’m sure doing that probably saved lives but it took away some of our freedom. The same could be said for some of the tactics used during covid. Everybody panicked including the government and talking heads prevailed. Maybe we learn something that we can apply the next time the super bug comes around, but maybe we didn’t. Maybe it doesn’t matter in the long run. Maybe things just happen and karma is karma.
God Bless.
I’ll say it again:
So we were afflicted by a virus that luckily was not worse than it was. Being imperfect Humans, we struggled with how to deal with and defeat it. Ultimately, people’s approaches were mostly defined by their predispositions and politics. With fewer precautions, certainly more would have perished. With more, the economic damage would certainly have been greater.
What else can really be said?
In the end, let’s just say that we did the best we could, in accordance with our own individual judgements. However divided we were, we stand united in the hope that another more serious pandemic never arrives.
Caught covid just before Xmas in Fairbanks at a hotel filled with Chinese tourists. The state didn’t even know it existed then. They shut us all down after it spread everywhere. Good job. Lets not forget how both the legislature, and then the governor suspended all laws and codes that they may break. We had quarantine and isolation laws on the books and they broke them by sus[ending all laws and codes. They both killed the rule of law in Alaska.
Typical government operation, hold years of emergency planning meetings where the subject at hand is hardly mentioned, wait until it’s after it’s too late, wing it, screw everything up, and then act like they didn’t screw it all up and attack those who criticize them.
Dr. Redfield, former head of the CDC. let the cat out of the bag last week when he told a Congressional oversight committee that Covid most likely escaped from a lab in Wuhan in September of 2019 and that Fauci’s hypothesis that Covid was a natural virus was wrong.
We kind of already knew that when Trump was calling it the China flu. Pretty sure he had better Intel than Dr Mangala.
So we went through the Orlando airport and also the Seattle airport around the middle of January. Both of those locations could have been the entry point. It probably took weeks in Alaska to spread enough to be identified. Possibly and probably it was an Alaska airline jet that brought it in to Alaska. Given that it can take a couple of weeks to incubate while someone is contagious it’s highly likely give or take a week or two.
1. Mask Mandates did absolutely nothing but make people sicker and cutoff their oxygen supply. It was utterly irresponsible of Dr. Zink and the medical community to push these mandates as already recorded science was ignored.
2. Vaccine mandates were a violation of citizens medical rights as well as constitutional rights and were promoted as “Safe and Effective” by the medical community even though there was no scientific safety data to back up that statement. This is called criminal negligence and any doctor or health institution that pushed these mandates should be held accountable to the people they harmed with this poison. The deaths and adverse health effects are just getting started and current estimates worldwide are 1 billion people have been adversely affected by this drug. Let that sink in folks and it is supported by insurance company death claims that have risen 40%. We now have the worst medical catastrophe in history on our hands with no one being held accountable, yet.
Masks work to some degree. They don’t cut off oxygen. Otherwise surgery teams would be dropping like flies. Your stats are not correct.
“Masks work to some degree.”
You have a mistake in that sentence. What you really should have said was “Properly worn masks work to some degree.”
I have yet to see more than about 1% of the population wear their little disposable masks properly.
No, my wording was correct.
Oh, so in your opinion, the person wearing a mask that is loose around the edges is getting some benefit? Really?
Wow, you really are clueless…
No, Greg is correct, he just isn’t staying in the realm of being absolute. Masks work to some degree.
The level of degree varies by mask type, fit and material etc…
You continue to put words in my mouth. Your specialty on here.
Actually masks don’t work against Covid because the virus is smaller than the holes in every mask even the vaunted N95s ….
Wrong! The virus travels in breath droplets and those and the bug get caught up in the mask material. Filter works.
They do not get caught up in the mask filter material if the mask is not properly worn.
Thanks for playing though. I know you actually think the boosters do something, so I am not surprised that you think masks do anything when worn improperly as well.
Such a child.
All the evidence, which was known decades before the Wuhan Virus plandemic, proves you to be wrong, Greg. Your idiotic masks are just a security blanket for the weak-minded and the ignorant.
According to the CDC, the mayo clinic and just about everyone else, they slow the spread of covid by stopping droplets that contains the virus. Your mileage may vary.
“According to the CDC, the mayo clinic and just about everyone else,…”
Did any of these statement talk about how many minutes the mask is effective while worn?
And, who is this everyone else? There are plenty of well educated, medical professionals that state masking is not effective. So, why believe one source over another?
Are you trying to convince me? Or are youself?
You can’t fix stupid but I try.
I was professionally fitted with an N95. They only way to keep out the gas simulation was to go down a size and not move or speak. The mask was intolerably tight, and I could barely breath. Any movement caused the gas to get in, so the cloth masks people draped on their faces were worthless and idiotic.
We all knew that, yet the mandates dictated. I saw a guy in Costco wearing a rebreather. He knew. Hope he sterilized his purchases. But so sure he eventually got it anyway. Went to a garage sale once, the guy was selling all of his survivalist gear. Upon inquiry, he admitted that he didn’t want to survive what he was preparing for after all. Too many movies. The Soviets had a shot to take in case of nuclear attack. Opiates to get more mileage while your skin peeled off. Cheers.
Hahhh. I sold off all my survival gear on eBay after the 911 purchase. Canadian c4 masks with drinking straws, hazmat suits, rations etc. We were downwind from Denver at the time and that scared me. Now, I figured I’m on borrowed time so it doesn’t matter.
Iodine. Don’t forget the iodine to save your thyroid.
So you didn’t duct tape it on then?
We were so screwed. Let’s work together and get our country back. Hold the parties responsible for this epidemic accountable. They are the same ones responsible for the division caused by opening old wounds of racism in order to divide us. Everyone needs to see how we are being played by enemies of our country.
I was at home recovering after having a baby. My doctor called to say, regarding the Covid hysteria that was brewing, “what the hell is going on?!” At one point in the conversation, he said, “I’m not drinkin’ the Kool Aid.”
I knew then I had the right doctor. Deo Gratias!
My doctor took an aggressive route because of my history. He was also doctoring his dad who was also a doctor with covid. He got us both through.
I remember the comments on twitter attacking the governor every single day because he didn’t order a state-wide mask mandate. He also advised people to heck with their doctor. Most of the information we were all getting was wrong. Dunleavy was in the same position. I don’t blame any of the governors for their reactions since any conflicting information was shut down, and continues to be shutdown on a lot of topics including the recent back failures. We need to emphasize getting back a free and unfettered press. The sooner the better. Until then we and our public officials are at the mercy of those globalists promoting one world government.
He’s not entirely innocent though. I remember the education commissioner who I believe works under the governor, shutting down all the schools and in turn gave us all about 3 months worth of paid leave except for people like me who were put in charge of distributing MREs to the students. I remember we had the entire gym floor covered in piles of food sorted by family. Then we went around and announced on the truck radio for people to come out to their driveway and get it off the truck. Then we go back to the school and get another load and on and on and on. This food was paid for by some sort of emergency Grant granted in care of the covid crisis. It wasn’t much mostly prepackaged snack food that was nutritious, box milk and juice and some protein in the form of a pepperoni stick or something like that. Mostly because the school was still responsible for providing School breakfast and lunch regardless if covid was going on.
I know 8 people who died after the jab.Not to mention all the injuries.Dunleavy was no hero he put Ann Zink in charge and she controlled him like a puppet.
After is not because of. Correlation is not causation. I’ve had all 5 shots, along with almost everyone I know, and no one had anything more than a sore arm. And I’ve never had Covid either.
Yeah, Whidbey, there seems to a an unprecedented epidemic of coinciditis and “suddenly died” in the past two years. All of it related to nothing that also happened in the last two years, surely. Nothing to see here, go back to watching MSNBC and CNN and The View.
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