Man shot by police after chaotic hostage scene in midtown hotel


Police SWAT members were sent to a hotel in midtown Anchorage on Friday morning, where a man was said to be holding five hostages, including a woman and children. After a long standoff, there was an exchange of gunfire and the perpetrator was shot dead. None of the children appeared to be physically injured.

The shootout occurred in a second-story room at the Hampton Inn hotel. Two people in the room communicated with police, and at one point, one of them shot bullets through the door at the police. Then, police somehow observed a crime being committed against one of the adults in the room, and police entered the room and fired at least once at the perpetrator, killing him.

A woman and children left the building and were helped into an ambulance. In all, there were six people in the room, including the alleged hostage-taker.

This story will be updated.


    • Pipe down, Nancy. Men are talking here.

      All nutbars of this caliber should be put out of the public’s misery and if you’re enough of a db that SWAT is deployed, well Chief… today you feed the tiger.

      All that said though, anyone that thinks they’ll win anything by shooting cops through a door? That sounds a lot like somebody that may be a newcomer to our fine country.

  1. Well wonder what our mayor and assembly are doing now. Maybe a class action lawsuit and investigation into money assembly has given to create this mess!

  2. “then the police somehow observed a crime being committed against one of the adults in the room”

    interesting choice of words SD

  3. We have a mayor who cut the prosecution staff. Criminals are going free as the charges time out due to lack of action by the city.

  4. My family was woken up by the kids and women screaming and crying followed by police banging in my door stating we all needed to be evacuated. It all started about 3:45 AM there were approximately 40 to 50 guests that were evacuated to the lobby area, people were everywhere no shoes, no coat and in PJ’s and hotel didn’t pass out any blankets or anything until well after 8 AM. There were people that needed their medicine that were in their rooms families with children needing diapers and formula and the only thing we were offered were a breakfast bar at 6 AM or a couple bottles of water. There were police everywhere, SWAT team they cut down a tree and it fell on a car. They threw flash bangs, broke holes in wall and at one place looked like they tried to put gas or something through wall, scaring everybody, not telling anyone what was going on, or what to be prepared for. Once they killed the guy with what sounded way more than one bullet, one of guest said they used their room to put kids in and got blood on some of his personal items. People were leaving clearly upset and shaken. Mind you this happened well over 30 hours ago and I have still yet to receive a call from the hotel or corporate. Oh and by the way, I was still charged over a hundred and fifty dollars for the room.
    Understand this is not the hotel fault but the way they handled this with their staff and customers was totally unacceptable.

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