Make Alaska Great Again: MRAK launches initiative



Must Read Alaska’s “stay-standing model” is built on the 70 hours a week that this producer puts into holding fast for smart public policy in Alaska and keeping the mainstream media on its toes.

All small businesses in Alaska are doing likewise — working hard in uncertain times, trying to be Alaska’s makers, not takers. There’s a lot less money to go around.

Yes, things are tough for small businesses, this one included. Advertising is down, but thankfully donors are helping out because good public policy is what is going to save our economy. (Your donations are so appreciated, more than I can express.)

Today, MRAK launches the Make Alaska Great Again Initiative. It starts with you, the reader. It’s your chance to help support businesses in our communities.

We all are aware of businesses in Alaska that have been dealt a terrible blow by the economy we suddenly find ourselves in. But not all have been forced to close for good. It’s time for us to jump in and save a few.

There are SBA loans and PPP grants, but these are hard to get and are not going to be enough. We can use the power of the Must Read Alaska platform to do more.

Do you know of a small business that could use some advertising? 

Must Read Alaska has a few slots open for free ads — send MRAK the name and contact information for a business you think deserves and needs an ad, and that has a shot of staying alive if only they had some advertising and help with marketing. 

It could be a hair salon or a restaurant or a gift store. Maybe it’s a business the government said was non-essential, and is now struggling to keep the doors open with all the extra-helpful government mandates.

When MRAK runs out of space for the ads, we’ll call on other bloggers to take as many as they can.

Bloggers and webmasters can reach us at [email protected] to be part of this Make Alaska Great Again Initiative.

Must Read Alaska is devoted to helping the private sector economy in Alaska avoid catastrophic failure over coming weeks. The Make Alaska Great Again Initiative is our way to help pump life back into the hearts of our communities and the American Dream. 

There’s no catch, and no contract. If a business needs an ad built for them, our contract designer can do that for a modest fee.

MRAK Nation helped keep Ammo-Can Coffee alive during the worst of this regulatory storm with a super-successful GoFundMe campaign. Who else needs a boost?

A rising tide lifts all boats, and MRAK is here, fighting alongside you to help restore our economy.


  1. Great idea! Keeps the “gene pool” of business and life working in unison! “Wear it! Maintain It! Keep It Going!”

  2. Yes, do all of that but in a safe manner. Help those that don’t want to get sick stay healthy/

  3. Consumerism must have something to consume. The “tide” is mining, agriculture, fish and timber running a motor of manufacturing. Without these there is no service/government sector. The U.S. and Alaska is in the death throes of the consumerism mentality, fully on display when called on to deal with a moment of austerity.


    Times are going to get tough. Get used to it.

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