Mainstream media goes ballistic over Trump remarks

Trump speaks at rally in Pennsylvania

The mainstream media is once again distorting the words of Donald Trump as he campaigns for president. This time, the media is reporting that Trump wants the media shot at.

The distortion was so bad that the Trump campaign issued a rare explanation of his remarks, in context:

“President Trump was brilliantly talking about the two assassination attempts on his own life, including one that came within 1/4 of an inch from killing him, something that the Media constantly talks and jokes about. The President’s statement about protective glass placement has nothing to do with the Media being harmed, or anything else. It was about threats against him that were spurred on by dangerous rhetoric from Democrats. In fact, President Trump was stating that the Media was in danger, in that they were protecting him and, therefore, were in great danger themselves, and should have had a glass protective shield, also. There can be no other interpretation of what was said. He was actually looking out for their welfare, far more than his own!” said Steven Cheung, Trump campaign communications director.

“All we really have over here is the fake news, right? And to get me somebody would have to shoot through the fake news,” Trump said in his remarks in Pennsylvania, as he pointed out the bulletproof shields around him, but not around the media, which left a gap in protection for him — and no protection for them. “And I don’t mind that so much.”

The media immediately interpreted that to mean that he wanted them shot.

The media picks and chooses its targets. Last week, it ignored Biden’s compulsive biting of a baby’s leg. On Saturday, President Joe Biden said that MAGA Republicans need to be smacked in the *ss, but the mainstream media did not issue a “Breaking News” alert about that comment.


  1. Trump keeps repeating that all his rallies are full (which they’re not) and that nobody leaves during a rally (which they do). Which connotes one thing: He’s feeling diminished, scoffed at, narcissistically injured, humiliated. SNL destroyed him last night. And Harris was there for it.
    And now, Trump has no answers. Because he’s pathologically malignant, because he cannot pivot, and because – in fact – can barely communicate intelligibly anymore.
    He’s old. He’s shot. He’s in neurological decline. He’s desperate. We’ve seen his last (semi) cogent interview, and we’ve heard his last complete sentence. Women will reject him on Tuesday. Game over.

    • You’re delusional! Women don’t connect with KH because her values are so lame. SNL parent company NBC will have legal troubles over giving her more air time than him which is the law during and election. Oh man you need some serious brain realignment!

      • Donald is going to get “his” grabbed on Tuesday. The biggest takeaway from the Selzer Iowa poll is that she’s leading white women over 65 by forty points. Your wife isn’t voting the way you imagine she is. But those $400 golden sneakers look great on you buddy!

        • OK Sebastian not sure what you identify as but you’re addressing a female! See how blind you are and delusional!

      • There’s a law regulating how much air time a network gives a candidate during an election? Please specify this law. Maybe you haven’t heard of the First Amendment, which states that the federal government cannot tell the press what to do. It’s called “freedom of the press.” You are delusional.

    • Sebastian,
      Trump despite all of the injuries inflicted upon him by his political opponents through a weaponized DOJ is very much viable and is kicking your butt. It’s an amazing thing because Trump is prone to self inflicted injuries on an almost weekly basis. And yet we see his popularity at and all time high. Why is that? Could it be because everybody finds your vapid candidate unpalatable to the point where they will rally behind Donald Trump? Could it be that your parties policies are disastrous and border on insanity? Could it be Sebastian that you and your party have spent four years insulting the American People and the People are rather tired of it?
      SNL, Really? It’s not like you’re talking PJ O’Rouke or Hunter S Thompson is it? SNL hasn’t been funny since the early 80’s.

        • Really Greg?
          Moral compass? You support unfettered abortion, 8 year olds taking puberty blockers and cutting off body parts, masturb….g campaign ads, sex change operations for illegals, men in women’s bathroom and sports teams, burning police precincts in “peaceful protests”, teacher using explicit literature to indoctrinate kids against parents wishes…….
          Please! I think a look in the mirror is long overdue!

        • I Dunno, Greg.

          I am getting serious vibes related unto the 1980 election between Reagan and Carter, and the resultant outcome.

          Perhaps their moral compass has adapted unto a true heading after all?

          Perhaps the lack of moral compass is within your own, and those such within your stance, within reality, after all.

      • “SNL destroyed him last night. And Harris was there for it.”

        The Harris campaign in a nutshell. VP Harris standing around and reaping the efforts of others. No plan of her own, just a scripted sock puppet reading words of others, because if she add lips she still hasn’t said anything after 300 words.

        So Sebastian instead of hyperventilating about Trump every second of every day, tell us why we should vote for Kamala. Tell us her attributes, policies, experiences that you think will move the country forward in a positive way? State your case and convince us, BUT leave Trump completely out of it! The same question goes out to Greg, Bill and AK for freedom!

      • The MSG hate fest will go down as one of the worst campaign mistakes in history from one of the worst campaigns in decades. They thought they had an easy path with Biden and they still can’t figure out how to run against Harris. Complete train wreck that chose transphobia, racism, bigotry, and fear as their themes. The garbage bags are a “fresh look” though!

    • Lol

      ?️ Whoa, bro, that’s some next-level energy right there! ?? I respect the passion, but let’s take it down a notch, yeah? ? We got ourselves a wild ride from Point A to Conspiracy Z in record time! ?️? I’m not saying you’re wrong, but, like…where are the fact-checkers at? ??

      Look, I get it – times are tough, and the news is wilder than a rodeo on Red Bull. ?? But maybe, just maybe, it’s time to step away from the keyboard, grab a snack ?, hydrate ?, and go outside for a bit? ? Nature’s calling, my dude – there’s a whole world out there that doesn’t care about [insert dramatic headline]. ??

      Anyway, keep fighting the good fight…just don’t let it fight *you,* ya know? ✌️

    • You may already…… I don’t know. Do you work? Let me rephrase that are you employed by a fake news agency there Sebastian? Because you got the interjection of your own version of realism down Pat.

    • Sebastian,
      You sound like a jealous old man. Never got the good looking gals. Never made much money in your life. Never were professionally accomplished. Maybe a government employee. Probably lots of health issues. A feminine kind of person. Democrat for sure. I’m betting that Trump would destroy you 30 seconds into the first round, whether it’s with fists, or in debate. You sound like a real loser and whiner!

    • Please take your hate somewhere else – sad when people can’t kindly state a constructive point. Hate is never welcome.

  2. I attended a Trump rally. It was full. Sure, some folks left early. However, many were there from 3 pm – 9 pm on a school night, and they likely had competing priorities.

    Give Trump some grace. He attends up to four rallies a day, including travel time. There is no way Biden or Harris could keep up with Trump’s schedule, let alone answer ANY questions without a monitor.

  3. Americans don’t trust the media. Literally for decades. Democrats get their propaganda marching orders from the media. That’s where we are at today.

  4. Funny how the MAGA media completely ignores his irrational behavior, such is simulating deep throating a mic on stage. Something something party of family values?

    Y’all are embarrassing yourselves.

    • Bill, you are revealing that you know all about deep throating. But lemme get this straight — you don’t mind Kamala blow-jobbing her way to the top but you mind Trump commenting or joking about it.

      Like you said, y’all are embarrassing yourselves. Enjoy your hypocrisy because we are certainly getting a kick out of it.

      • Do you have proof Kamala did that to get where she’s gotten? No, you don’t. Just innuendo from the MAGA media.

        Is there any behavior Trump can engage in that would make you stop supporting him? Because sexual harassment, assault, childish name-calling, shady business deals, mocking Christianity, and serial dishonesty don’t seem to be red lines for you.

    • Oh Bill. Get ready for the wailing and gnashing of teeth. You too may need an emotional support animal. ++

      In your case we all know that will be a slug.

  5. In two days’ time, the Voters will rid us all of this odious and malicious man. And then we will be free of him, once and for all.

    • That post didn’t age well, Whidbey!! You might want to spend time thinking about your views, maybe from tother perspectives

  6. Saying he should have stay in White House after Bob Barr investigated and concluded Trump lost the election is delusional. Trump sounds like bitter candidate that realizes he might lose another election. If he stuck with policy rather than fantasy he would be a sure winner. Nixon was a personal tragedy . Trump is looking pathetic.

  7. > Mainstream media

    There is nothing mainstream about them. They are the state and corporate press. They are the mouthpieces for the oligarchs who rule over us. They afflict the powerless and comfort the powerful. It is impossible for an individual to have too much contempt for them.

    It is wonderful to watch their death throes. The WaPo, LAT and Gannet have been of particular fun lately.

  8. Like a petulant child, Trump is already claiming fraud, which I take as a hopeful sign, because it says to me that he knows he could lose. I still say he’s going to win, but Trump just cannot help himself and millions of his devoted cult members go along with his voter fraud nonsense.

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