MAGA no-no: White House press secretary violates Hatch Act again


White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre been accused for a second time of violating the Hatch Act, a federal law that restricts political activity by government officials while on duty or in official communications.

A federal watchdog group, Protect the Public’s Trust, filed a complaint with the Office of Special Counsel after Jean-Pierre’s repeated alleged infractions. Although the OSC initially determined that the accusations had merit, the press secretary will face no disciplinary action over her continued use of the term “MAGA” to describe Republicans, while she is on the clock as an official of the White House.

The controversy surrounding Jean-Pierre’s alleged violations began prior to the 2022 mid-term elections when she made statements during a press briefing that the Protect the Public Trust argued were in violation of the Hatch Act.

The Office of Special Counsel agreed with PPT’s allegation in June of 2023, concluding that the press secretary’s statements did breach the law against campaigning on official time. Instead of imposing disciplinary action, the agency chose to issue a warning.

Along with the warning, the federal agency issued guidance that explicitly prohibits the use of phrases like “MAGA” and other political slogans by federal officials during their official duties or communications.

Despite this, both Karine Jean-Pierre and Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates persisted in using the prohibited phrase in the days following the warning, something noted by Protect the Public Trust.

Bates has used the term “MAGAnomics” repeatedly, as late as last Monday, when he used “MAGAnomics” in the subject line and twice in a memo.

Protect the Public Trust filed a second complaint with the OSC, accusing both officials of blatant disregard for the Hatch Act and the OSC’s guidance. However, the OSC opted not to pursue disciplinary action for a second time.

In a letter dated late October, the OSC claimed that while Jean-Pierre and Bates’s actions were “contrary to our June 7 warning letter and advisory opinion,” they believed that White House officials were now “abiding by the warning letter and advisory opinion,” leading to the decision to close the matter without consequences.

The controversy surrounding Jean-Pierre’s alleged violations is one of several instances where the OSC has faced criticism for appearing to neglect its statutory duty to enforce the Hatch Act.


  1. Democrats are above the law…everyone knows that. Rules for thee not for me.
    This despicable wretch is an arbiter of falsehoods…..don’t believe your lying eyes. So long America… was fun while it lasted.

  2. Yes even agent (Cies) health directors can’t tamper with treaties and negotiate for the people and in lieu of the people who haven’t voted for them. See what I mean. Get that US Constitution back in here. Blink. Blink.

  3. If you look at the polls, MAGA is ahead of saucy pants and the Squad are now on notice. God Bless America.

  4. Don’t worry they will have another do nothing committee that after the next big story this will be swept under the rug.
    The only transparency government has is lying to its people.

  5. Didn’t the left fall all over themselves accusing Trump and co over alleged Hatch Act violations?

    Like it was gonna sink the Republic?

    So, as usual, the left says one thing and does another.

  6. It is a shame about everything the Leftist are doing. Sad that everything that is right and true is a crime.
    Now that the polls are showing President Trump is beating Biden in everything, they have started saying “The voting machines have been breached by the MAGA group and the FBI needs to investigate them due to the machines tally 70% of the votes in America.” Does anyone else find that a little bit fishy? Especially after they have been repeating the same false allegations, “The past 2 elections have been the most secure elections ever held!” is repeated over and over by the left. We need to pack all these folks in containers and ship them to China or North Korea.

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