Rep. Katrina Jackson, of House District 16 in Louisiana, had a message for Alaskans as she spoke in Fairbanks and Anchorage this weekend: Abortion is not a partisan issue.
Jackson was the keynote speaker at the annual fundraising banquet for the Alaska Family Council, which stands in the gap to defend traditional values of marriage, God-given genders, and the rights of the unborn.
Jackson was among a handful of Democrats in the room, but she argued that in her state, Democrats and Republicans are united on “life” issues, because lawmakers are informed by their faith.
“If you are 46 or younger, the U.S. Supreme Court says you were a choice,” she said, referring to the landmark decision Roe vs. Wade in 1973, which made abortion legal.
She is the sponsor of a bill that adds abortion providers to the list of surgery specialties that require admitting privileges in hospitals within a 30-mile radius of the abortion clinic. Her bill, which passed 88-3 in Louisiana, is going to the U.S. Supreme Court, and as a lawyer by training, she is making arrangements to argue the case herself.
In Louisiana, even those who remove a mole must have admitting privileges at a hospital in case something goes wrong and the person needs to be admitted. But abortion clinics are more recent developments, and the law had not been updated to include them.
But Jackson’s message wasn’t focused on the legality, so much as the moral and faith challenges of abortion and the fact that in Louisiana, the public is overwhelmingly united on the issue:
“When God got ready to answer the greatest problems in this earth, he did so through a mother’s womb,” Jackson said. “The person who might cure HIV or cancer is going to come through that womb. We never know who, day by day, we are killing.”
In Anchorage, it was a room full of the faithful at O’Malley’s on the Green on Saturday night, and Jackson’s address was attended by mainly Republicans, including a handful of lawmakers: Sen. Shelley Hughes, Sen. Mia Costello, Rep. Cathy Tilton, Rep. Sharon Jackson, Rep. Laddie Shaw, and Rep. Josh Revak. Also attending were Alaska Republican Party Chairman Glenn Clary, former Lt. Gov. Loren Leman, Anchorage Assemblyman Fred Dyson, and candidate for Assembly Rick Castillo.
As if to prove the theory that abortion is not a partisan issue, Rep. Chris Tuck also attended. He is a pro-life Democrat who represents Anchorage District 23, south of Midtown. When jokingly asked by GOP Chair Clary when he was going to change his party affiliation, he said that there needs to be more Democrats elected like him, who stand for the rights of the unborn.

Also featured on the program was Isabella Chow, a former student senator from the University of California, Berkeley, who was kicked out of her own “Student Action” party on campus after she would not support a student resolution that promoted LGBTQ+ lifestyles. She was harassed, bullied, and intensely pressured to resign or face a recall because of her religious views.
[Read about her experience at this Fox News link]
As a young college student at Berkeley, this was especially difficult, but Chow stood fast with her Christian values. She believes some acts and lifestyles are in conflict with the Gospel and are not reflecting what is “good, right, and true.” She explained that although she has no animosity toward those who identify as LGBTQ+, as a student representative, she felt compelled to represent the beliefs of other Christians on campus, even if those views were in the minority.
She was, in loud public forums on campus, berated, called fascist and bigoted and she faced a crowd that held up a sign calling her a “Nazi scum.” Ultimately, she abstained from voting on the largely symbolic bill.
Chow’s story is described in own words in this Prager University video:
Thanks for covering meetings like these Suzanne. You are so appreciated!
No real issues are ‘partisan’ issues. They are made ‘partisan’ by those seeking power rather than solutions.
My hat is off to Representative Tuck.
I also noticed how intently Governor Dunleavy was listening to Representative Jackson. This is because he too focuses on issues instead of party.
Outstanding reporting, that once again we clearly see that God doesn’t limit himself to one nation, one race, one gender, one denomination, or one political party to accomplish His will on the earth.
I did not know Chris Tuck held that position …He is my Rep and I have always considered him useless as tits on a bore hog but will now have to change my total assessment of him…
A fantastically gratuitous smear by former Representative Bussell.
Abortion is just one of many complex female reproductive healthcare issues. To allow religious superstition and moral considerations be paramount in legislation that applies to everyone is just wrong.
She used to be against abortion, but she is now for abortion and calls it a female reproductive health decision. It isn’t anything other than killing a baby. Just a baby killer.
If all Democrats practiced what their party preaches on this subject the sooner the party would die off.
Demonstrating a level of maturity with this comment that is pathetic.
Not all Dems are baby killers. Just like some Dems own guns. Can’t loop them all in one basket.
TLP: White
Titus 3:9
Matthew 22: 17-21
Suggest fixing “Caesar problems”.
Equal treatment? Defending And living the Constitution of the United States? States using “ex parte” without drafting expungements? Helping people by removing $65b from Alaska.
Smart contracts anyone?
Thank you for sharing this story.
Certain issues really define one’s political views, none more than right to life. I applaud Chris Tuck for his stance here.
I look forward to the day when people of differing views can at least agree on one thing, that life is sacred whether in the womb or prison behind bars. I think Wayne Anthony Ross said it best, ” I am so pro- life that I oppose the death penalty “.
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