Liz Vazquez is new head of Violent Crimes Comp. board


Liz Vazquez is joining the Department of Administration as the director of the Violent Crimes Compensation Board.

Vazquez has extensive government experience, including work with the State of Alaska, the federal government, and the Alaska State Legislature. She is also an attorney.

Vazquez started her career in public service in the federal government, in the General Counsel’s Office in both the Department of the Treasury and Comptroller of the Currency.

She had a long career with the State of Alaska as a prosecutor, assistant attorney general in the Department of Law; administrative law judge, and quality assurance coordinator in the DHSS Commissioner’s office. She also served a term in the Alaska State Legislature.

Vazquez’s law degree is from the Cornell Law School. She has two masters degrees in business administration and certifications from the National Judicial College in three subjects: Administrative Litigation, Dispute Resolution, and Mediation.

The Department of Administration said farewell to Kate Hudson for her many years of committed public service as the Director the board. In restructuring the office to better serve the interest of public safety, this position has been moved to Anchorage, where Vazquez will have a greater ability to work with other agencies that serve victims, such as Standing Together Against Rape and Victims for Justice.