Livestock costs aren’t chicken feed, but there’s a grant for that in Alaska


The State of Alaska has opened up a grant application period for individuals and organizations who raise livestock in Alaska (both small and large animals) who have been impacted by the significant increase in livestock feed costs, including the reduced availability of local hay and grain.

More than $570,000 in funding is available through a special round of the Micro-Grants for Food Security Program, funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and administered by the State of Alaska’s Division of Agriculture.

DNR is targeting this competitive grant opportunity at Alaskans who raise animals to feed their families and local communities, and who are struggling with Alaska’s significant increase in livestock feed costs over the past year. This grant is tailored to especially help the individual livestock owner.

“My administration continues to focus on advancing food security across the state, and this program ensures livestock farmers can keep raising animals in Alaska,” Gov. Mike Dunleavy said.

The grant application period opened Monday and closes at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 15.

Applicants must meet eligibility requirements and currently own livestock – the grants are for existing operations and may not be used for new animals. Fixed awards will be granted to purchase feed for:

  • Small animal operations (poultry, eggs, rabbits): $2,000
  • Large animal operations (cattle, goats, pigs, reindeer, sheep, elk, yak, bison): $5,000

The department tutorial on how to fill out the micro grant application is here:


  1. The price of a new pickup truck in Alaska is at an all-time high. I think a subsidized truck manufacturing plant located in state would be a good idea.

  2. Looks like bidenomics in action…..”let’s spend our way out of this bad debt.” What’s a few more coins coming the from taxpayer pocket to subsidize….amiriite?
    Good job 81 million, see you on the bread lines.

  3. We have a very significant problem in alaska and it will show itself if we wind up in any crisis. No food supply. Anchorage morons have 3 days food. Of course they are democrats so maybe a good purge wouldn’t be so bad.

    Water and food are sort of important commodities.

  4. My chickens have advised me that they do not want government subsidies. They prefer to find their own grub the old way. Independent birds they are.

    • Amen! Asking for “help” from the government is a great way for the government to build that list of who has what livestock!

  5. The objective is to get people used to used to asking the government for money, not the market. Soon, those of us who survive, will stand in line for our daily bowl of gruel and be grateful and appreciative.

  6. Good luck! Dealing with the “anonymous” Dept of Agriculture employees in the grants department is very difficult. Applicants and grant recipients should not expect easy answers to their reasonable questions. The women who work in that department seem to think they are too good for efficient phone conversations. Their preferred processes are NOT “user-friendly” and they make no exceptions.

  7. Stealing from one group of people (either directly through taxes or indirectly through inflation) is still theft. Politicians that create this crap need to be criminally prosecuted for their part in the crime.

  8. A basic law of finance states that anything “helped” by the government goes up in price. See student loans, schools, food, medicine. Please stop helping us! We can’t afford any more.

  9. Anchorage is great not only can you get free needles , for slamming your fentanyl but you can get free lube and condoms While you interact with your Anchorage Assembly 🙂

  10. The sytem has been hijacked so it can be destroyed. Government raised taxes on the best geographic area to raise food in the Valley so the farmers couldn’t afford to farm it, so it was sold to developers. Alaska is in the crapper if the supply chain breaks.

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