Listicle: Where does ‘red Alaska’ rank in Trump Country?


Although Alaska is still a red state whose residents voted 53.1 percent for Donald Trump in 2020, it’s far down the list of the 25 states that had a majority vote for the president in November. (Trump carried the 49th state in 2016 with 51.28% of the vote.)

Presuming Georgia and Pennsylvania will be decided for the Democrats, we’ve come up with the list of where the 25 states ranked from “most red” to least. In terms of percentage voting for Trump, Alaska is fourth from the bottom of the red states, which will make it an easy target for Outside Democrat front groups in future election cycles.

Here’s the list:

  1. Wyoming: 70.4%
  2. West Virginia: 68.6%
  3. Oklahoma tie with North Dakota: 65.4%
  4. Idaho: 63.9%
  5. Arkansas: 62.4%
  6. Alabama: 62.2%
  7. Kentucky: 62.1%
  8. Tennessee: 60.7%
  9. South Dakota: 61.8%
  10. Nebraska tie with Louisiana: 58.5%
  11. Utah: 58.1%
  12. Mississippi: 57.6%
  13. Indiana: 57.1%
  14. Montana tie with Missouri: 56.8%
  15. Kansas: 56.1%
  16. South Carolina: 55.1%
  17. Ohio: 53.3%
  18. Iowa: 53.2%
  19. Alaska: 53.1%
  20. Texas: 52.1%
  21. Florida: 51.2%
  22. North Carolina: 50.1%


  1. Alaska’s status toward the purple end of the red spectrum is nothing new. I recall a program at the Heritage Foundation circa 2009 the premise of which was that elected Rs from red states should rank at the very top of conservative vote rankings. When they presented 2008 data to support that conclusion Alaska was hardly toward the top of the reddest. I need to hunt down the data but my impression is that Alaska has moved toward the purple rather than the bright red since 2008.Perhaps that explains why the Alaska Congressional delegation has historically performed the way it has over time. It wasn’t the answer Heritage was hoping for at the time.

    • Nathan, the data shows that outside the Mat-Su and Kenai, and maybe the Republic of Salcha, the state is basically blue. – sd

      • That may be true, now, Suzanne, but it certainly was not true 20 or 30 years ago. Remember when Anchorage actually had conservative mayors? I know, it seems like 10,000 years ago.
        It is funny, also, how Anchorage managed to achieve a supermajority of far-left assembly members just as mail-in voting came into existence for all municipal elections. Purely coincidental, I am sure.

      • I think we are seeing what we already knew: moderate Republicans (who are the vast majority of Alaskans) are getting tired of “cruelty is the point” policies from the extremists in our party. Where did 56% of the growth in the valley and Kenai come from between 2016 and 2019 according to SOA Dept of Commerce? People moving from Idaho, Arizona and Oklahoma.

        I say we throw up some roadblocks on the Seward highway. Encourage those parasites on the peninsula and the valley to support their local businesses.

        What’s that? You NEED Costco? It’s your constitutional right?

        We can put some signs up for the tourists : Endangered Alaska Hypocrite Snowflakes, North 1 hour, South 2.

        • Actually most of the valley and peninsula growth came from Anchorage. Those that lived in A-town up until mid 90s remember it was a great place. Then it turned into LA and Seattle. So we moved back to our roots in the valley and real Alaska.

      • I love your content. Having not seen the numbers on the 2020 election myself, we appear to be in the category of the group of people who went to bed election night with a 2:1 ration of republican to democrats. Now our numbers weren’t reported overnight like these others, but took 5+ days to reach 80+percent, and another chunk of time to get the 99% number. Which appears too close for comfort on the Democrat catch up for liking to almost EVERYONE I KNOW here. Ballot measure 2 passed with 1% lead???
        One race being disputed was called after an 11 ballot lead tally?? And we run dominion machines now, did not follow laws on mail ins… it really appears as though fraud or human error (intentional or not) is playing a factor in our elections. Do you have the opinion that this concept is wrong? And any facts to dispute it that most of us don’t know about? You appear trustworthy as a person who could answer these questions honestly so that I have an honest answer to give to low information people. Thank you and please continue your magnificent and appreciated work!!! Thank you!!!

  2. The reason for the blue shift is rather simple: Killing the private economy kills off private sector jobs and the entrepreneurial spirit that dominates conservative thought. Dependency and victimization are the nutrients that feed socialism.

  3. Thanks for this statistical info, Suzanne. My concern for the country is that TX and FL are at the near 50 percentile. Combined, that is a huge chunk of electoral votes that could sway the next presidential election cycle, and for many years into the future.
    As for Alaska with it’s 3 electoral votes, there may be an explanation. 50% of the voters in this state are independent and don’t align with either of the two major parties. I know many Conservatives who don’t vote. It’s their exercise of free will. Only when it really nabs them in their pocketbook, will they drag themselves to the ballot box. The question is, how do we convince them to vote now and help save our economy from radical Lefties?

  4. I can tell you firsthand that the majority in the bush prefer blue just because all of the entitlements that come with it. The welfare system has indoctrinated generations of blacks and natives to slavery of the Democrats. It doesn’t matter about political ideas or agendas, the only thing that matters to them is how much free stuff you can give them. Conquered people rarely see eye to eye with Republicans social issues. Republicans care about the country and the direction it’s headed and Democrats only care about themselves.

  5. As petroleum revenue was used to displace the private sector, particularly the private sector that produces goods and commodities, by growing state and local government (not to mention the state population) we have seen a natural political shift to the left, a diminishment of adult workforce participation, a very related growth in dependence on governmental transfer payments, and disenfranchisement of the independent Alaskan so predominant at the time of statehood. The growth of public employee unions, the 37.5 hour workweek, the migration out of Alaska of limited entry commercial fishing permits, the dramatic lowering of school children performance on standardized tests, and the growth of homeless populations in Alaska cities are very related manifestations. We need elected leaders to reduce the size and scope of state and local government, first by an honest reduction in the state operating budget, in order to regain a healthy private sector. That would bring a return to self-reliance, independence and self-respect. A natural shift back toward being more a red state would also come, and that is why municipal governments and other interest groups will soon be lobbying once again for increased state spending. MustReadAK is fighting the good fight.

  6. If these numbers are accurate (and I am assuming nothing in regards to the compromised and corrupted 2020 national election), I can only blame the relatively recent influx of leftists, largely from the West Coast, and particularly from California. Those statist cockroaches infect every place they move to with their demented and insidious neo-Marxist political poison.

  7. People who have a life are leaving Alaska. The Bush is stagnating while driving off anyone who wants to help (Pebble, Ambler Road, etc.) And the cities move left as they continue to shrink. Did you know that the 2020 Census will be the first since Anchorage’s founding where the city lost population? Or that 2020 was the first election since 64 that Anchorage voted Democrat? I don’t think that’s a coincidence? But does Anchorage care that its leftist tilt is driving people away? Apparently not. Alaskans need to stop letting liberal policies kill their state.

    • As I posted in another comment under a different thread, the sad and infuriating state of radical, far-left, nanny-state politics in Anchorage is now causing me, for the first time in the almost quarter-century I have lived here, to consider moving outside of the municipality of Anchorage. I will NOT live in a Portland/Seattle/SanFrancisco cesspool clone!

  8. The problem with Alaskan Republicans is they aren’t really Republicans and they certainly aren’t republicans. The problem with Alaskan Conservatives is they aren’t really Conservatives and they certainly aren’t conservatives. When “Republicans” and “Conservatives” are calling for more government spending and more government involvement, they aren’t republicans and they aren’t conservatives.

  9. Suzanne, Love you girl, but you are starting to sound like the RINO’s who are bailing on Trump. Don’t drink the koolaid! All the elections in this state and the country have been compromised. District 28 had 77% of registered voters vote? Yeah right. Please, stop stating Biden won like its a fact. Until President Trump concedes, Biden hasn’t won. I have faith in our President and you should TOO! You are one of the few voices that we read in Alaska. If you start sounding like mainstream media on this election, you’ll become a trash liner like they are. Encourage the conservatives; don’t be a downer to them. Buck up girl. Stay strong.

  10. Stolen and manipulated vote results. I sent email to everyone involved with Alaska election board and requested an audit for everything tabulated by DOMINION software machines. I hope other Alaskans will, too

  11. MRA the conservative line starts North of Muldoon. This is easily seen in the Anchorage Assembly.
    With all the corruption with Dominion how can anyone say at this juncture what color a State is or leaning toward.
    Recall Biden stating “ He had the most organized campaign on fixing the election in American history “.
    When my wife and I heard him say that we could not believe it.
    Low and behold Biden was telling the truth.
    Only reason Alaska did not carry Biden, it was to difficult to get more of the pre printed ballots for Biden to the cheaters running the election after they sent everyone home on election night.

  12. The only true way to be considered an American is with an in-person, voter ID and signature verified voting system. There is NO way to put any validity into any mail in, electronic operation. Ya might as well order your next elected official from a catalog. And I am tired of seeing them only travel to the highest electoral states. What about the other 40 states? We should all have equal electoral or do away with it like it was done back in the 1950’s.

    • Funny thing. Why is it that people can prove who they are when receiving a pfd check, a fishing/hunting license, subsistence checks, and native Corp money. Tell me why as Alaskans we are unable to verify AND track people’s votes when we are able to do all of these other federally regulated, traceable things ONLINE even??? Our system is practically already set up with tried and true “prosecute the fraudulent people” systems. And here’s the best part. IF we use the same or an equivalent system like myalaska for voting, and you commit fraud, you should be unable to ever collect money from any of said systems again. Seems like an easy fix to me. This whole, we need 27 days to count votes for people outside cities bs.. is just that. B.S. if there is a deadline for receiving money, everyone magically is able to comply. Again, use the same system and ensure against fraud by using it as a punishment for any violations.

  13. Alaska will probably be a Chinese protectorate before too long. Along with the west coast of the US, if these compromised politicians have their way. Who knows how people really feel. We’ve had decades of propaganda making government domination out to be a kind, gentle, caring position while damning people who want to keep their own money as racist and selfish.

    Does it seem rational that most Alaskans are full-on communists? That’s what supporting the Anchorage Assembly as it current stands would imply. The selfish monsters who call themselves “liberal” certainly vote their wallets- it’s just that their wallets fill up from yours through taxation. They are parasites and they style themselves as altruists. “Government worker” is an oxymoron.

  14. Taxes, socialism, communism!? Ha, really? ” You’d better start swimming or you’ll sink like a stone, cuz the times they are a changing” – Bob Dylan

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