Listicle: Which deeply rural Alaska precincts voted mostly for Trump — from South Tongass to Utqiagvik

King Cove, Alaska

Some Alaskans may believe the rural areas of the state are uniformly Democrat, but a look at the precinct results from rural Alaska shows a strong preference in many places for Donald Trump, the New York businessman over Kamala Harris, the San Francisco lawyer for president.

Rural Alaska is not monolithic in its voting, as this list of Trump-favorable precincts shows. Is your community on the list?

Here’s a list of how some rural Alaska precincts voted. (List is not comprehensive. Showing vote totals from Nov. 5, unofficial totals):

South Tongass: 378 Trump to 212-Harris

North Tongass No. 2: 505 Trump to 198 Harris

Thorne Bay: 155 Trump to 28 Harris

Wrangell: 451 Trump to 200 Harris

Klawock: 197 Trump to 134 Harris

Petersburg: 498 Trump to 277 Harris

Sitka No. 1: 466 Trump to 434 Harris

Pelican-Elfin Cove: 24 Trump to 15 Harris

Hoonah: 129 Trump to 108 Harris

Haines No. 1: 316 Trump to 283 Harris

Haines No. 2: 55 Trump to 46 Harris

Kodiak South: 8 Trump to 7 Harris

Port Lions: 51 Trump to 12 Harris

Kodiak Flats: 373 Trump to 169 Harris

Kodiak Mission Road: 854 Trump to 490 Harris

Kodiak Chiniak: 20 Trump to 21 Harris

Egegik: 10 Trump to 0 Harris

Sand Point: 83 Trump to 33 Harris

King Cove: 77 Trump to 21 Harris

Cold Bay: 13 Trump to 6 Harris

Akutan: 24 Trump to 24 Harris

Aleutians No. 2: 288 Trump to 226 Harris

King Salmon: 81 Trump to 40 Harris

Naknek: 88 Trump to 47 Harris

Ekwok: 23 Trump to 8 Harris

Lake Iliamna No. 2: 34 Trump to 23 Harris

Lake Iliamna No. 1: 74 Trump to 28 Harris

Pedro Bay: 8 Trump to 3 Harris

Togiak: 76 Trump to 48 Harris

Manokotak: 70 Trump to 23 Harris

Koliganek: 38 Trump to 31 Harris

Aleknagik: 43 Trump to 18 Harris

Akiak: 36 Trump to 34 Harris

Nightmute: 14 Trump to 11 Harris

Newtok: 12 Trump to 9 Harris

Russian Mission: 25 Trump to 3 Harris

St. Michael: 30 Trump to 22 Harris

Stebbins: 34 Trump to 30 Harris

Gambell: 67 Trump to 59 Harris

Shaktoolik: 33 Trump to 19 Harris

Koyuk: 56 Trump to 34 Harris

Selznick: 44 Trump to 19 Harris

Noorvik: 58 Trump to 27 Harris

Kiana: 28 Trump to 24 Harris

Noatak: 67 Trump to 19 Harris

Kivalina: 25 Trump to 17 Harris

Point Lay: 15 Trump to 9 Harris

Utqiagvik (Barrow): 125 Trump to 109 Harris

Browerville: 331 Trump to 278 Harris

Anuktuvuk Pass: 26 Trump to 26 Harris

Kaktovik: 57 Trump to 12 Harris

Central: 32 Trump to 7 Harris

Eagle: 26 Trump to 19 Harris

McGrath: 63 Trump to 23 Harris

Nenana: 195 Trump to 98 Harris

Dot Lake: 45 Trump to 4 Harris

Gakona: 81 Trump to 20 Harris

Tok: 401 Trump to 89 Harris

Tetlin: 16 Trump to 12 Harris

Northway: 43 Trump to 22 Harris

Chistochina: 55 Trump to 12 Harris

Kenny Lake: 132 Trump to 42 Harris


    • Hopefully this is the case, but keep your powder dry, there are a lot of communities not listed that are likely to go the other way.

      Along with the fact that election officials are not necessarily on the up and up. I personally saw disturbing write in lists from communities I know most of the people whose names were written, but all the signatures were in same handwriting in the Miller vs. Murkowski write in election debacle.

      I would not trust our division of elections for any reason. An ex regional director is big in Nome Eskimo and a particularly crooked individual.

      There is a lot of local power and money on the line, depending on this election outcome.

      Peltola and Murkowski are not in office due to intelligence, intellect or good and decent moral characters.

  1. Is anyone making sure we’re not getting cheated on voting in begich and voting down ranked choice? Why do we stand for the count to stop right before the dems lose?

    • Thats the whole scheme of rigged choice….look how long it took to get the results when rigged choice was introduced to us under a total scam of protecting our elections from outside dark money from buying elections which is exactly who is paying the lions share of keeping it in place.

      Sheep are easily herded by the wolf packs.

  2. This is amazing! tells me technology is getting to the rural areas that lets them have access to freedoms of news and speech! just better upgraded technology!

  3. This is interesting. I wonder why the state Republican candidates evidently performed worse than Trump? I would have expected them to perform better. There must be districts where voters went for Trump but then also the Democrat choice for the state house or senate race. I wonder how the candidates performed in Eagle River and Fairbanks senate compared to Trump?

  4. From what the mainstream media of Alaska prints and publishes, this is a very pleasant surprise. I sure hope they have the same thoughts and likes for Begich III. Is there any volunteers willing to help Harris and Peltola pack their bags?

  5. Does it make sense that rural Alaska precincts, where the majority who voted for President Trump, would vote against repealing Ranked Choice Voting?
    Does it make sense that rural Alaska precincts, where the majority who voted for President Trump, would vote for Democrat legislators?
    What percentage of inaccuracies in Alaska’s outsourced voter rolls might be traceable to rural Alaska precincts where no one’s likely to check firsthand?
    If Alaska’s Division of Elections inspired confidence in what they do, would these questions be necessary?

  6. That tells me that it was quite simply a policy issue. Biden and Harris gave those voters (largely loyal Democrats) four years of bad policy.

    • Yeah. It’s going be an uphill battle. I think any support that makes Putin angry was the right choice. He painted himself into a corner, and Trump will get him out of it. Some policies of Biden were just trash. They will go away with the stroke of a pen. I’m not a fan of taxing imports from Mexico and China, only to be passed down to the american consumer, but hey, if that’s what America wants and voted for, they’re going to have to pony up to the bar.

      • If tariffs can keep some high paying jobs in the USA (John Deere comes to mind) and is coupled with a reduction in income and other taxes, maybe it’s a push. I’m good with keeping my money in my pocket and supporting a more limited government with other forms of taxation.

  7. A remarkable observation. Quite surprising! However, I would point out that small communities on the Interior road system are historically THE most conservative areas of the state. Glennallen refused to serve federal employees in their restaurants and stores after ANILCA.

  8. Thank you for sharing Suzanne. Rural Alaska Trump voter here and you are correct, we are not a monolith. Rural Alaska also has a high native population and we get comments that we’re all dumb natives who don’t vote or blindly vote for dems. That is not true. I see a lot of Trump supporters in my community. Flags on trucks or houses. We may vote dem for our local elections because we believe democratic policies work locally but on a large scale, they do not work and we need less government on the federal side. Lately, there has been too much oversight and strict regulations on our lands and resources from the Biden administration. It’s frustrating for those of us continuing the fight to improve our standard of living. We want to drill in the NPR. This area was designated as a petroleum reserve and has largely been locked up for this past administration.

    • I like you already! Yes, NPR is designated a petroleum reserve and we do want to drill. It felt like Biden hated Alaska more than Iran with the way he handled things.

  9. Wow, just when I thought rural Alaska had been bought out by all the socialist programs sending billions of taxpayer dollars to buy votes it is a relief to see that at least the ones who actually have the common sense to realize the importance of voting stepped up to the plate and made their choices count……and it didnt reflect the dems buyout.

  10. Thanks for this. When it’s all tabulated it would be great to see a reconciliation by community v. candidates.

  11. Yet Kodiak reelected RINO Louise Stutes, who largely engineered the Alaska House Democrat majority. Say goodbye to your PFD.

  12. Be careful overreacting to these vote results! I believe they ONLY include voting on election day at the polls. No early or absentee votes are counted, even now, four days after the election. Furthermore absentee and early votes will never be totaled by precinct and will be lumped into the whole legislative house district thus losing the detail of neighborhoods and communities. Counting only election day votes as these totals to probably skews the results more conservative than ALL the votes (election day+early+absentee votes).

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