Rep. Jesse Sumner, who was once considered a conservative in Wasilla, has now joined the cause to keep ranked-choice voting going in Alaska elections, something that few conservatives in the state support.
Sumner’s name showed up on the ad disclosures that are part of the public files at radio stations. He and Bryan Schroder (law partner of the father of Alaska’s ranked-choice voting system Scott Kendall), as well as political strategist Art Hackney make up the Conservative Majority Fund, which is not registered with Alaska Public Offices Commission but which is clearly attempting to influence voters to defeat Ballot Measure 2.
Ballot Measure 2 provides Alaska’s the opportunity to get rid of the jungle primary and ranked-choice general election system that installed Sen. Lisa Murkowski and Rep. Mary Peltola.
Schroder, some Alaskans may recall, is the former U.S. Attorney for Alaska, thanks to Murkowski, and is also part of the Lisa Murkowski’s extended family, through marriage. Ranked-choice voting, advanced by Murkowski surrogates, was designed to get her around the Republican primary election, which she was no longer able to win.

Earlier this month, Sumner submitted an opinion column that he signed his name to, which supported ranked-choice voting. Must Read Alaska ran it. Sumner did not disclose at the time that he was part of the group intending to sway elections.
The Conservative Majority Fund is telling people that “smart conservatives” will vote to keep ranked-choice voting, and claiming that if it had been in place in an earlier era, Sen. Ted Stevens would have beat Mark Begich. But the ads offer no proof, only wild speculation.
The group can run issue ads to influence the election and it doesn’t have to disclose where its funding comes from just yet because it’s not yet 60 days before the general election, when the matter comes before voters. But this ad is actually running within 30 days of the first military, overseas, and remote Alaska ballots being in the mail. Technically, the group may be advertising legally, but this shows the loophole in the APOC laws governing issue advertising and transparency.
Sumner recently dropped from his race for Alaska House after serving just one term.
Cha Ching?
Bottom line on RCV:
It precludes a closed Republican Primary, which Lisa Murkowski has lost two of. Joe Miller and Kelly Tshibaka were the winners. Republicans hate Lisa Murkowski and RCV. RCV is the dream child of Scott Kendall and the Democrats.
Don’t forget the PM radio host.
MA; Republicans love the Senior Senator from the great state of Alaska Lisa Murkowski, with no difference in politics than another great Alaskan Senator Ted Stevens, both pro choice and anti pebble and who never seen a defense spending bill they didn’t like.
She brings in more money than any other state per capita, money that would have been spent anyway, also a true born and raised Alaskan unlike Kelly.
Barf! Lisa Murkowski is a lost little child without her mommy and daddy to guide her.
So the Democrats stepped in. Lisa told them, ” I’m now one of you.” And RCV was born in Alaska. Lisa’s out of wedlock child.
Total BS, turd gen. Every Republican district chair in Alaska has denounced Murkowski. How do you think that makes Daddy Murkowski feel?
No wonder he and the missus are hiding out in Wrangell.
You forgot the (/sarc) tag. Cheers –
wow.. ya kinda on a false rant, eh.
They chose the name “Conservative Majority Fund” because they want conservatives to vote for it, not because it is conservative.
Likewise, Sumner declared his conservative bona fides because he wanted conservative voters to vote for him, not because he wanted to fight for a conservative agenda in Juneau.
Many Republicans in Juneau gave up fighting for conservative values long ago. All that’s left are the labels they choose for themselves and want you to vote for.
The left demands voting records that reflect their values. Until conservatives demand the same our legislature will continue to make Alaska more progressive with each legislative session.
Yup. It didn’t take long to see that he was another Murkowski/Kendall RINO. His withdrawal from his race is interesting. He must have a new role planned with the RINO Party.
It is indeed plaisible that Uncle Ted would have defeated Mark if ranked choice voting were in place in 2008. The margin between Mark and Uncle Ted was 3953 votes. Looking at the
DEM 151767 (Begich)
AI 13197 (Bird)
NA 1385. (Gianoutsos)
LIB 2483 (Haase)
REP 147814 (Stevens)
Certified final results from
Does one really think that Bob Bird’s 2nd or 3rd choice votes would have gone to Mark?
You just pretty well illustrated why RSV needs to be defeated. It isn’t voting. It is a computer program shell game. Voting is one vote for one person.
Ya, that election didn’t have any FBI interference with a well-timed “investigation”
Uncle Ted would have defeated Mark Begich if it were not for the sham charges and absolutely ridiculous trial/conviction.
Murkowski’s name always comes up when the topic is RCV. It is very apparent that her buddy from Maine influenced her strategy on the implementation of RCV in Alaska. Now with the results the Uber Left were wanting, it is all hands on deck to protect their precious RCV. Why, simple only way they can win against a credible candidate.
What gets me is the voters under the normal election process, still can vote in a candidate that they feel most comfortable with. All you have to do is recall the 2010 Federal Senate election. Murkowski lost in the Primary and won in the General election with a write-in campaign. Of course, that leaves too much up to the electorate.
Their ads are bovine scat.
Another RINO! Infuriating for sure. ?
We knew he was a rino a long time ago. Why we can’t yank their a$$es out of those seats when they are blatantly working against us is beyond my comprehension.
At least Sumner knows he’s an idiot, and is willing to state it publicly. Murkowski hadn’t figured it out yet. It took her years just to learn how to cheat and pass the Bar Exam.
And I paid for the da– thing.
Six times.
I thought it was seven.
They are showing me just how much disdain they have for their fellow Alaskans. “The Conservative Majority Fund”…. ?”There’s a dead skunk in the middle of the road?,
An’ ‘es stinkin’ to high heaven”?
-Loudon Wainwright circa ‘72
I’m not resuming voting until they stop RCV in it’s tracks. It’s CHEATING!!!
That is the proverbial shooting of one’s own foot to spite themself. We still need to vote. Only rank the red if there is more than one conservative. If everyone refused to vote just because of rigged choice voting, we would be stuck with it forever. You need to go to the polls to get rid of it. Then – rank the red!
If you don’t vote, you can’t help rid us of RCV.
daisy mae jones you may want to vote in november because repeal
rank choice voting will be on the ballot oh and it’s a presidential election so you might want to vote for that too. never stop voting.
The leftists thank you for your service.
It would be best if you voted on November 5th to get rid of RCV, however.
Daisy Mae, that is about the most destructive attitude that you can have. YOU ARE THE “THEY” THAT IS GOING TO STOP RANKED CHOICE VOTING. If you stick your head in the sand, when you pull it out you will find a gun to your head because the commies will have taken over. Get in this fight and vote because your life does depend on it.
“………that is about the most destructive attitude that you can have………”
Worse is voting for the Democrat in your second choice because you hate the other Republican. Yeah, it happens in significant numbers, and Murky loves it.
never vote democrat, just don’t rank!
Not voting helps the Democrats. By committing to this action you’re only hurting yourself.
Then don’t complain when Mary gets re elected.
I am seeing more and more of this BS.
It is nothing but another coordinated attempt to convince conservatives that voting is a waste of time. Thereby allowing the leftists to flood the polls.
Well Daisy liberals win. Doesn’t seem like good answer to me. Please vote this time. Do t rank and vote yes on 2. That gets rid of RCV. If people like you don’t vote it stays!
Daisy ….. we have to VOTE YES ON ballot measure TWO.
To get rid of Ranked stink voting ….. wake up please and re-think this.
If WE don’t vote, do you think the Dem/libs will get rid of RCV?
Please vote with us and end the nightmare.
Never forget that there is an active effort by democrats to suppress the conservative vote every single election. Daisy’s note is either an example of that campaign’s success or democrat trolling in an attempt to convince us their campaign of despair is successful.
Solutiion? Get out and vote. Get your friends, family and neighbors to vote. Help the rest of us remove the rot from the body politic. Cheers –
Good insight about Daisy agimarc. Thank you for sharing that!
Another useful idiot!
With RCV the tail no longer waggles the dog, this has conservatives understandably upset
Oh “Frank”
How, exactly is the tail wagging the dog?
Simple… With RCV HIS tail is wagging.
It’s fortunate that Sumner has shown his true colors and is no longer a legislator. The majority of Alaskans are too smart to listen to a pro-RCV group that uses the word ‘conservative’ to justify supporting RCV. The notion that RCV would have enabled Stevens to beat Mark Begich is ludicrous. Duplicity and lying by democrats got Begich elected. A one term mistake. Now it’s time to send a message to Kendall and his operatives like Sumner that RCV is bad for Alaska and vote it out. We will most likely increase electoral participation because people won’t feel their elections are rigged.
HA- He was a failure for the Mat-Su, A failure in the Legislature, and now he’s withdrawing because he knows he will get beat. Look at the ridiculous developments he does in the valley! Junk!
Is Mike Porcaro advocating for the support of Ranked Choice Voting AGAIN? It sounds like his voice on the radio commercials we hear IF we tune into KENI radio. If he is making this commercials again, it shows us all that he has no principles or ethics and is only interested in raking in more and more money (no matter the topic, or reason, or job). He complained about RCV and now he appears to love it!
I’m floored Sumner would support this crap. Very disappointing. I saw his original article on RCV and thought it was a joke. Very discouraging. I think he just outsmarted himself. Or someone paid him off. ???
Current (soon-to-be Former) Rep. Jesse Sumner has agreed to debate me on Sept. 21st or 22nd on X Spaces. It will be moderated by a fantastic nationwide host and moderator. I highly recommend anyone that is not on X, sign up and join the conversation. Elon Musk and President Trump had a conversation on X Spaces not too long ago and it is also worth a listen. This will be my 3rd debate, I have debated Andrew Halcrow in Anchorage at the Captain Cook in March 2023, I debated the “Father of RCV” in Oakland and San Francisco in June 2024, so this should be very educational and entertaining for all that participate.
~Phil Izon, my X account is @907Honest
I hope that he does it. But, he is a slithering snake. He probably agreed just to get you off of his back.
Those that don’t vote are part of the problem. It’s all we have left as citizens. Vote against the RCV, vote for your candidates, and be part of the movement to rid Alaska of the RCV once and for all.
RCV is an abomination.
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