Linda Boyle: Vaccine Injury Awareness Month coincides with Alaska’s health freedom conference



Vaccine Injury Awareness Month brings an increased focus on the fact that all vaccines come with possible side effects — some of which are deadly.  

The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, signed into law Nov. 14, 1986 by President Ronald Reagan, was designed to provide information concerning the sometimes ill effects of vaccines, so that a change of course can occur if the side effects are too many, too serious, or more unsafe than beneficial.

The act also created the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program to compensate people who are injured by certain vaccines.

The database the act created — Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System — could provide real time information that would help in making decisions for yourself or your children. Sadly, only about 10% of all side effects get entered into the database, as it is a voluntary system. And compensations from the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program are rare and take enormous effort, and usually require the help of a lawyer experienced in the field. If you have serious side effects, at least ask your doctor to submit a report to the database. If he or she refuses, you may file one yourself at this VAERS link

What great timing for our Alaska Covid Alliance conference scheduled for Oct. 26, 2024, at the Egan Center in Anchorage from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.  

We have a powerful lineup of speakers, some of whom will provide you information not always readily available to the general population about certain vaccine side effects, information the mainstream media is reluctant to tell. 

Three of our 10 speakers include:

Lt. Col. Dr. Theresa Long, U.S. Army, a Department of Defense whistleblower and Army flight surgeon, who will be addressing the effect of the Covid shot on perfectly healthy troops. 

Dr. Brian Hooker, the chief scientist from the Children’s Health Defense, who will speak on vaccine injuries particularly with our children.  

Dr. Joel Wallskog, who will discuss people who have suffered vaccine injuries from the Covid jab. Wallskog speaks from experience, having suffered from the Covid jab, after which he founded the React19 organization to provide science-based support for those suffering from long-term Covid vaccine effects.

It is also perfect timing to have October as Vaccine Injury Awareness Month at the  same time the push for Covid and flu shots is being ramped up. You can’t miss the public service announcements heard on television and even in your local grocery store or pharmacy.. 

What is not explained in these public health commercials and advisories is details about effectiveness or possible side-effects. Instead, they continue to tug on your heartstrings and tell you about killing grandma if you don’t comply and get your shots. 

The CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, which recommends vaccines, is still pushing annual Covid jabs for almost all Americans, even while acknowledging the vaccines offer only a small boost in immunity that lasts for just a couple of months, given that most people have acquired immunity from infection or multiple vaccine doses.

According to Johns Hopkins University, “Studies suggest that COVID-19 vaccines are most effective during the first three months after vaccination.” The key word here is “suggest.”

It may hardly seem worthwhile to take it when you consider all the side-effects that can occur and the efficacy of the Covid shot.  

As for the flu shot, the CDC said it doesn’t expect this year’s to be as effective as it has been in the past, citing information from South America, where the flu happens earlier than here. The CDC says the shot offers “34% efficacy against hospitalization, compared to 50% last year.” 

If it is effective 34% of the time in preventing hospitalization, that means it’s about 20 to 25% effective at protecting you from the flu, according to Dr. Meryl Nass. The bottom line would be that based on the risk of side-effects from the shot versus the benefits, you may want to forego it.  

Is there any good news on the  vaccine front? I was pleased to see the FDA put a hold on the application for the Novavax combo flu/covid shot due to one person suffering nerve damage from the shot. Immediately upon stating its research was put on hold, Novavax stock dropped nearly 20%.   

Wow! One person injured. That’s the good news. They should regroup and rethink when a very serious side-effect occurs.  They might have saved a lot of people from serious side effects from the Covid shot, had they considered all the ill effects people experienced, and some experience even today.  But wait: That would have affected the shareholders. How could Big Pharma survive?  

Just follow the money. It’s never really been about your health. 

And remember, this month is Vaccine Injury Month.  Think about what shots you want to take or not take.  After all, it is all about personal freedom. You decide for yourself what’s best for you. 

Do you want to learn more and protect yourself and your children?

The lineup of speakers at the Oct. 26 conference in Anchorage include:

  • Dr Meryl Nass, speaking on the World Health Organization and its threat to our national sovereignty. She will also delve into details on the newest “plandemic” in the making and discuss how the global elites plan to disrupt your food supply.
  • Lt. Col. Dr. Theresa Long, a whistleblower who testified before Congress, will address military vaccine issues and injury.
  • Dr. Stanley Goldfarb, cofounder of “DoNoHarm,” will speak on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in medical schools, and how this policy has affected what new doctors are learning or not learning in their educational process.
  • Dr. Pam Popper will address “Using the Courts to Restore Our Right,”  in which she will discuss vaccine lawsuits that have been filed and what success we have had in this area.
  • Dr. Joel Wallskog, co-founder of React19, will recount his own vaccine injury, and unpack what avenues are open to others who were injured by this vaccine.
  • Dr. Ryan Cole, who had his medical license restricted in the state of Washington for prescribing Ivermectin to Covid patients via telemedicine, will speak about turbo cancers that have occurred since the start of the Covid pandemic.
  • Dr. James Lindsay will speak about culture wars and their effect on our children. 
  • Dr. Peter Breggin will speak on “Thinning the Herd. The pandemic as a global Milgram experiment.”
  • Our own Dr. Ilona Farr will speak on “Finding Solutions To Treat Health Problems Caused by Covid-19.”

Here’s your opportunity to learn more at our “Alaskans 4 Personal Freedom” conference on Oct. 26 at the Egan Conference Center in Anchorage. 

You can even Zoom in from the comfort of your home and have popcorn too!

Click here to register and learn.

Linda Boyle, RN, MSN, DM, was formerly the chief nurse for the 3rd Medical Group, JBER, and was the interim director of the Alaska VA. Most recently, she served as Director for Central Alabama VA Healthcare System. She is the director of the Alaska Covid Alliance.


  1. The Elephant in the room many people are still in the dark about. The COVID Vaccine is a Bioweapon that harms your DNA and suppresses the Immune System. Folks, there is no excuse anymore not to be aware of this. There is more than enough research to prove you can fight off many things without a vaccine and this vaccine is killing people by the millions and severely compromising the health of millions more. It attacks what is called your Ace-2 receptors that message your immune system to go after foreign bodies and disease in your body effectively shutting off your immune system and allowing the Bioweapon to produce the foreign spike proteins that clog up your veins causing blood clots and inflammation. Shame on Carr’s and Safeway that are still advertising for people to get this shot. Shame on our medical system and doctors that continue to promote it. The class action lawsuits that are still working their way through the courts will cast a wide web that will implicate many. Just wait until Trump releases RFK Jr. to go after the corrupt FDA and CDC with all the evidence that is being collected. The Amercian Medical Association will be next for not doing their due diligence in being an advocate for the patients and forcing doctors to violate their oath to do no harm. Pure evil for the sake of the almighty dollar that is currently being decimated by inflation.

  2. As far as I know they will not do an organ transplant from a Covid vaccinated Donor. That says it all. I have been shaking my head at the number of heart attacks, cancer, leukemia, and other bizarre reactions we are seeing. 18 year old high school kids in their prime should not be tipping over on the football field.

  3. Babies can’t replicate antibodies until they are a year old, yet docs want to “vaccinate” at birth and many times in the first year. Turns out pediatricians make most of their money off of parents with infants.

  4. I received my seasonal flu shot and covid booster earlier this month. I had an injury. They gave me both jabs in the same shoulder. One felt like lava going it. It almost put me in convolutions. I think the tech hit bone.

  5. Unfortunately the Native communities overwhelmingly bought into the manufactured fear of “covid” and hype of the toxic injections misnomered as “vaccines”.

    We warned our children, not to get injected, or under any circumstances let our grandchildren be jabbed.

    The death toll from rapidly developing cancers, heart conditions and a variety of what were once “rare” conditions are accelerating amongst extended family and people we know in tiny rural communities.

    There are also large numbers of what had been healthy people suffering from debilitating conditions the “doctors” can’t define.

    The medical/pharmaceutical complex is utterly corrupted from kickbacks for distributing these toxic products, as they were for distributing addictive opiate prescriptions.

    At the height of the plannedemic people were in complete denial and hostile to anyone not “vacced”, now when we talk to relatives ill or dying they are just quiet.

  6. After the Covid debacle, I don’t trust any government organization, let alone anything to do with my health. They have been proven to silence people trying to tell the truth and lie to the people saying the only way is our way. They killed lots of people and lots of grief and nobody’s being held accountable not even Fauci.


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