Linda Boyle: More news about Covid vaccine side effects



A professor of sociology and public affairs at Princeton University wrote a column for the New York Times entitled “We Were Badly Misled About the Event that Changed our Lives.”

Note that the word “Covid” was not mentioned in the New York Times‘ headline.

Tufekci wrote of how Americans were led to believe Covid-19 started in the Wuhan Huanan Seafood wholesale wet market in China.

So strong was this belief that when the EcoHealth Alliance lost its grant to study bat viruses in Wuhan, 77 Nobel laureates and 31 scientific societies lined up to defend the nonprofit. The Nobel laureates asked for an investigation into why the grant was cancelled.

Many people might say that this is all old news. Why still be talking about what happened five years ago? (Read Tufekci’s column at this link.)

We need to learn from these events. Hiding the truth from the public doesn’t give most of us comfort that the government is here to help. The Wuhan Institute of Virology is still doing dangerous research into making bat viruses that are even more lethal to humans.

I haven’t seen anything to tell me the Wuhan lab has dramatically increased its safety measures to mitigate the risks.  

Remember the research or lack thereof for the “vaccines” created to fight Covid-19? We were told the risks were minimal and without the jab, you would die.

Then-President Joe Biden stated, “Look, the only pandemic we have is among the unvaccinated.”

That also didn’t turn out to be true.

As we move into an era where so many people no longer believe in the safety of vaccines, we need more transparency and earlier reporting of what major side effects can occur. No vaccine is without side effects—some are fatal.  But we must be able to evaluate the risk versus the benefits without waiting years to find the truth.

A newly published peer-reviewed study in Science, Public Health Policy & the Law strengthens the link between the Covid-19 jab and a variety  of fatal adverse events.

Nicholas Hulscher, MPH, reviewed 325 autopsy cases from 44 published studies and found that “73.9% of deaths were adjudicated by independent physicians as being directly caused by, or significantly linked to, COVID-19 vaccination​.

The leading causes of death included:

  • Sudden cardiac death (35%)
  • Pulmonary embolism (12.5%)
  • Myocardial infarction (heart attack) (12%)
  • Vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT, 7.9%)
  • Myocarditis (7.1%)
  • Multisystem inflammatory syndrome (4.6%)
  • Cerebral hemorrhage (3.8%)

Most of these deaths occurred within the first two weeks after the jab—the highest concentration was in the first week.  

This peer review study was originally withdrawn from Science Direct by the editor-in-chief due to concerns raised over the research and its conclusions.

Not to be deterred, the authors republished the study following a successful peer-review in the journal Science, Public Health Policy, and the Law.

In her New York Times article, Tufekci stated that to give the appearance of agreement, some officials and scientists just hid or understated critical facts, “misled at least one reporter”, and created a coordinated campaign of “independent voices” to tell the same story.  These scientists even wrote notes to each other on how to hide communications so the public would not hear the truth.  

Data that contradict mainstream media perspectives should be made public, not suppressed.    

Unless Health and Social Services Secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr. can break up the deep state and begin to provide true scientific data concerning vaccine side effects, I don’t believe most people will be lining up for any of the new “vaccines” that are being developed. 

I believe it will take a long time, unfortunately, for people to believe they can trust what they hear from the government when it comes to vaccines.  

The current measles outbreak is a symptom of our mistrust in the government and Big Pharma.

It’s hard to trust someone or some agency again once you know they deliberately lied to hide their involvement in the creation of a pandemic.

Linda Boyle, RN, MSN, DM, was formerly the chief nurse for the 3rd Medical Group, JBER, and was the interim director of the Alaska VA. Most recently, she served as Director for Central Alabama VA Healthcare System. She is the director of the Alaska Covid Alliance/Alaskans 4 Personal Freedom.


  1. When will Trump, the Health and Social Services Secretary and/or Congress get rid of the PREP Act Program and eliminate the blanket protection from lawsuits enjoyed by the makers of COVID “vacccine”?

  2. The conspiracy theorists tried to warn everyone, but everyone said “we have to trust the science”. Well, behold, the consequences of your uninformed actions!

    It truly is a mad world. One of which we did not breed zombies which we could morally dispose of. No, we bred a bunch of NPCs we still have to call “neighbors”.

  3. The journal, Science, Public Health Policy, and the Law, claims to be “peer-reviewed” but lacks the hallmarks of a legitimate scientific publication. It isn’t indexed in major scientific databases (such as PubMed or Scopus), has no credible editorial board, and does not follow traditional quality control measures. Predatory journals are publications designed to look like real scientific journals while bypassing quality control mechanisms, like the rigorous peer-review process that ensures research quality.


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