Linda Boyle: Meet the military doctor who stood up for our warriors and against mandatory Covid shots

Dr. Theresa Long


Everybody has a life story—some more challenging than others. Dr. Theresa Long is one of those people.  

As a homeless teenager on welfare, she joined the Army when she was age 17. Thirty years later, this young soldier became a physician and is a phenomenal flight surgeon who will soon retire from the US Army as a Lieutenant Colonel.  

But that is just the tip of the iceberg to this story.  

Watch her speak at this November 2021 roundtable panel of Covid whistleblowers

Although diagnosed with dyslexia, Dr. Long was able to graduate from medical school. She attributes her success to her deep belief in God who has guided her on every decision. She hears Him speak and follows His guidance. 

One of her close contact with God occurred when she was an inexperienced family physician and a patient told her he was going to die. She listened to that small voice inside her head and got a surgeon in the local hospital to see him. In fact, the patient had a bowel problem that had been undetected by the military hospital—he almost died on the operating table but came through the surgery. 

Many hospital medical personnel  asked how she knew something was wrong. Dr. Long replied, “I didn’t know. God knew.”

Having earned her master’s degree in public health, Dr. Long had received specialized training in infectious diseases, which positioned her well for the 2020 year of Covid. 

Dr. Long already believed the Covid-19 virus was not a great risk to young, fit, military personnel; it was more of an issue for the older generation that had multiple co-morbidities. And the military population she treated were pilots — a relatively healthy subset.  

She became aware of the multiple side-effects her military patients were suffering from the Covid vaccine. This was in a healthy population under 30 years.   

She also knew medical and health agencies weren’t infallible. That fact became clear to her when she suffered a medical crisis following the birth of her first child.  

During a recent symposium, she cited data that speaks volumes about medical mishaps. Approximately 440,000 Americans die every year from medical mishaps.  

During the Covid pandemic, Dr. Long also saw an increase in serious medical diagnoses in healthy military members. In her research, she learned of the America’s Frontline Doctors group and others who were speaking out concerning side-effects from the shot.   

Because of her involvement with the Frontline Doctors, she was sought out by its attorneys who were challenging the shot mandates in the military. They asked her to provide sworn testimony about what she knew and where she found that information concerning shot injuries in military members. 

As any military person would know, that is a hard “moment of truth.”

Yet Dr. Long had taken the military oath that clearly states you are to obey “lawful” orders given by superior officers and the President of the United States.  

Dr. Long believed the forcing of military members to take an experimental shot that had multiple side-effects and long-term effects was unlawful. She again felt God intervening for her to do the right thing.  

She became a whistleblower, fully aware of the ramifications.  

Almost immediately after sending her sworn testimony into the lawyers who asked for it, she began to feel the military pressure. She was told to stop seeing patients immediately. Her military emails either stopped or were censored. Suddenly her presence on Facebook was literally wiped out. “The level of censorship was very frightening,” she said.

In her testimony to Sen. Ron Johnson’s Covid panel, Dr. Long stated, “No leader at the highest levels of the military has ever called me.”

She further said, “After I reported to my command my concerns that in one morning I had to ground three out of three pilots due to vaccine injuries, the next day my patients were canceled, my charts were pulled for review, and I was told that I would not be seeing acute patients anymore, just healthy pilots there for their flight physical.” 

But the response to her speaking out was not all met by the darkness of the powers to be.  

She concluded, “People are so hungry and desperate to see leaders rise up and see people tell them the truth.” 

Several current and former military officers told her she was ”a beacon of light in a world where darkness seems to be spreading.”

Because of her whistleblower protection, Dr. Long can continue to stand up and speak the truth. As much as the military would like to stop her, they can’t. She answers to a higher power.  

You have a great opportunity to hear Lt. Colonel Long’s personal story at our Annual Alaska Covid Alliance event. Come hear her speak truth to power.

We don’t have many opportunities to hear a federal whistleblower and witness someone with the courage to risk all.

This is your opportunity to listen and learn. Get your ticket at

And tell your military friends about this opportunity.

 “Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain’t goin’ away.” —Elvis Presley, singer

Linda Boyle, RN, MSN, DM, was formerly the chief nurse for the 3rd Medical Group, JBER, and was the interim director of the Alaska VA. Most recently, she served as Director for Central Alabama VA Healthcare System. She is the director of the Alaska Covid Alliance.


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