Libertarian Billy Toien has running mate in Carolyn Clift


Libertarian Carolyn Clift, who ran for governor on the Libertarian ticket in 2014 and became the spoiler who handed Bill Walker the governorship, is the person who will fill the vacant lieutenant governor’s spot on her party’s ticket in 2018.

Billy Toien is running as the Libertarian candidate for governor; he was unopposed in the primary and there was no one running for lieutenant governor on that ticket. Without a running mate in place by Sept. 4, his name would have to be dropped from the ballot.

Clift made the announcement on Twitter on Thursday, but the party’s executive committee met in June and unanimously voted to advance Clift as the running mate for Toien.

She also made this statement in opposition to the Office of Children’s Services:

A retired teacher, she is a former secretary of the Alaska Libertarian Party. During the 2014 Primary Election, she won 10,436 votes for governor, 16 percent of all votes cast. In the General Election, 8,985 Alaskans chose her, some 3.2 percent of voters.

It could be said that she cost Republicans the election. Clift drained off enough votes from Republican Sean Parnell that he lost to Bill Walker by 6,223 votes.

Update: Libertarians contacting Must Read Alaska say no party meeting has been called, as required, to add Clift to the ticket, and therefore there is still no official ticket. This story will be updated.


  1. Calm down, we are going to win. A great way to fight your paranoia is keep busy making phone calls, going door to door, and any other way you can support Mike Dunleavy.

  2. How quickly the Republicans on top forget about the voters who voted their party out of office in the last election. The Constitution Party alone garnered more than the 6,223 votes needed to sink Parnell/Sullivan’s chances, and would have been much more likely to vote Republican than the Libertarians. You might start mending those fences before you decide a second time that their votes don’t count and aren’t even worth taking note of. They may just decide not to vote Republican…again.

  3. First, Care Clift is not on the executive committee of the ALP. It is noteworthy though that she was unanimously removed from the ALP executive board two three years ago for violations of the ALP bylaws. This ticket will not peal away any republican votes. They will be lucky to receive any Libertarian votes. Care Clift is the modern day Margaret Sanger and one conversation with Billy Toien will have your head spinning. As Mike Alexander stated…calm down!

  4. Yes, I called Michael Chambers a Yahoo three years ago. He really took it seriously. Bwahahaha! The Libertarian Party is “Pro-choice on Everything” and has been since 1974, before Michael ever joined. That doesn’t make me a trained nurse. It was the Republican Women who pushed to legalize abortion back in the early 1970s, before Roe v.. Wade. Alaska was one of the first states to legalize it. Polls say that around 63% of Alaskans do not want stricter abortion laws. U.S..polls say that number is closer to 70%. Wow… only 30-37% will vote for the pro-life candidate. But wait, Bill Walker is Pro-life! I wonder how those two will split that 37%? We will take votes from everybody because we are fiscally responsible (like Dunleavy) and socially tolerant (like Begich) and if more people had known that, Parnell would have won in 2014.

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