Letter: A need for our Republican leaders to take a stand


To the readers of Must Read Alaska,   

We are disillusioned, disappointed, and angry that the attacks on President Donald Trump by Democrats and their allies in the media have been incessant and, yet, feebly opposed by  Republican representatives in Congress.  

From Russian collusion to COVID-related criticism and now to election fraud, the rights of Americans are being curtailed or eliminated by hostile groups such as BLM, ANTIFA, the Socialist/ Communist parties and other Left leaning groups. 

The deterioration of our country and way of life is in full progress as the Left boldly strives to eliminate secure borders, defund the police, eliminate our gun rights, stack the courts with progressives, provide welfare benefits and voting rights for illegals, and continues with many other destructive changes to the fabric of our nation. 

It is astounding that the Republican Party, as a whole, has not exhibited a backbone to counter the deceptions, lies, and tactics of the Democrats.  Why haven’t the Bidens been exposed a year ago? Why haven’t the liars in the DOJ been indicted and jailed?  It seems that many of our leaders are intimidated and turn a blind eye to the truth.    

Election fraud is evident as numerous witnesses have sworn affidavits and have provided testimonials. This fraud should not be tolerated; free and truthful elections are the cornerstone of representative government. 

Therefore we urge you to support President Trump and his efforts to overcome the fraudulent election results. With regard to Alaska, the Biden-Harris administration will have detrimental effects on the development of our natural resources, from the North Slope to the Pebble Mine, which is supported by several Native groups, contrary to false narrative.

In addition, our forest industry will be at risk along with our fishing industry. 

The significance of a Trump Presidency is essential to the well-being to the economy of Alaska and to the conservative principles of America. We will know in January.

Calling our elected officials to support Trump would be helpful.  Please do. Senator Dan Sullivan (202-224-3004), Senator Lisa Murkowski ( 202-224-6665), Representative Don Young ( 202-225-5765), Governor Mike Dunleavy ( 907-465-3500)

Thank you,

 Andy Zajac, Robert Caywood, William Quantick


  1. Emailed Dan Sullivan last night and told him Alaskans expect him to stand in the Senate against fraudulent election.

    • Thank you, did the same and will continue. We need to overload their e-mail and melt the phones. Squeaky wheel gets the grease!

  2. I wanted to help out so I formatted this statement into a letter that includes a fax number for each congressional delegate representing Alaska. Please cut and paste.

    To the Honorable Senator Sullivan
    302 Hart Senate Office Building
    Washington, DC 20510
    Phone: (202) 224-3004
    Fax: (202) 224-6501

    Dear Senator Sullivan:

    We are disillusioned, disappointed, and angry that the attacks on President Donald Trump by Democrats and their allies in the media have been incessant and, yet, feebly opposed by Republican representatives in Congress.

    From Russian collusion to COVID-related criticism and now to election fraud, the rights of Americans are being curtailed or eliminated by hostile groups such as BLM, ANTIFA, the Socialist/ Communist parties and other Left leaning groups.

    The deterioration of our country and way of life is in full progress as the Left boldly strives to eliminate secure borders, defund the police, eliminate our gun rights, stack the courts with progressives, provide welfare benefits and voting rights for illegals, and continues with many other destructive changes to the fabric of our nation.

    It is astounding that the Republican Party, as a whole, has not exhibited a backbone to counter the deceptions, lies, and tactics of the Democrats. Why haven’t the Bidens been exposed a year ago?

    Why haven’t the liars in the DOJ been indicted and jailed? It seems that many of our leaders are intimidated and turn a blind eye to the truth.

    Election fraud is evident as numerous witnesses have sworn affidavits and have provided testimonials. This fraud should not be tolerated; free and truthful elections are the cornerstone of representative government.

    Therefore, we urge you to support President Trump and his efforts to overcome the fraudulent election results. With regard to Alaska, the Biden-Harris administration will have detrimental effects on the development of our natural resources, from the North Slope to the Pebble Mine, which is supported by several Native groups, contrary to false narrative.

    In addition, our forest industry will be at risk along with our fishing industry.

    The significance of a Trump Presidency is essential to the well-being to the economy of Alaska and to the conservative principles of America. We will know in January.


  3. I wanted to help out so I formatted this statement into a letter that includes a fax number for each congressional delegate representing Alaska. Please cut and paste.

    Representative Don Young
    2314 Rayburn House Office Building
    Washington, DC 20515.
    T (202) 225-5765
    F (202) 225-0425

    To the Honorable Don Young:

    We are disillusioned, disappointed, and angry that the attacks on President Donald Trump by Democrats and their allies in the media have been incessant and, yet, feebly opposed by Republican representatives in Congress.

    From Russian collusion to COVID-related criticism and now to election fraud, the rights of Americans are being curtailed or eliminated by hostile groups such as BLM, ANTIFA, the Socialist/ Communist parties and other Left leaning groups.

    The deterioration of our country and way of life is in full progress as the Left boldly strives to eliminate secure borders, defund the police, eliminate our gun rights, stack the courts with progressives, provide welfare benefits and voting rights for illegals, and continues with many other destructive changes to the fabric of our nation.

    It is astounding that the Republican Party, as a whole, has not exhibited a backbone to counter the deceptions, lies, and tactics of the Democrats. Why haven’t the Bidens been exposed a year ago? Why haven’t the liars in the DOJ been indicted and jailed? It seems that many of our leaders are intimidated and turn a blind eye to the truth.

    Election fraud is evident as numerous witnesses have sworn affidavits and have provided testimonials. This fraud should not be tolerated; free and truthful elections are the cornerstone of representative government.

    Therefore, we urge you to support President Trump and his efforts to overcome the fraudulent election results. With regard to Alaska, the Biden-Harris administration will have detrimental effects on the development of our natural resources, from the North Slope to the Pebble Mine, which is supported by several Native groups, contrary to false narrative.

    In addition, our forest industry will be at risk along with our fishing industry.

    The significance of a Trump Presidency is essential to the well-being to the economy of Alaska and to the conservative principles of America. We will know in January.


  4. I wanted to help out so I formatted this statement into a letter that includes a fax number for each congressional delegate representing Alaska. Please cut and paste.

    To the Honorable Senator Murkowski
    522 Hart Senate Office Building
    Washington, DC 20510
    Phone: (202)-224-6665
    Fax: (202)-224-5301
    Dear Senator Murkowski:

    We are disillusioned, disappointed, and angry that the attacks on President Donald Trump by Democrats and their allies in the media have been incessant and, yet, feebly opposed by Republican representatives in Congress.

    From Russian collusion to COVID-related criticism and now to election fraud, the rights of Americans are being curtailed or eliminated by hostile groups such as BLM, ANTIFA, the Socialist/ Communist parties and other Left leaning groups.

    The deterioration of our country and way of life is in full progress as the Left boldly strives to eliminate secure borders, defund the police, eliminate our gun rights, stack the courts with progressives, provide welfare benefits and voting rights for illegals, and continues with many other destructive changes to the fabric of our nation.

    It is astounding that the Republican Party, as a whole, has not exhibited a backbone to counter the deceptions, lies, and tactics of the Democrats. Why haven’t the Bidens been exposed a year ago? Why haven’t the liars in the DOJ been indicted and jailed? It seems that many of our leaders are intimidated and turn a blind eye to the truth.

    Election fraud is evident as numerous witnesses have sworn affidavits and have provided testimonials. This fraud should not be tolerated; free and truthful elections are the cornerstone of representative government.

    Therefore, we urge you to support President Trump and his efforts to overcome the fraudulent election results. With regard to Alaska, the Biden-Harris administration will have detrimental effects on the development of our natural resources, from the North Slope to the Pebble Mine, which is supported by several Native groups, contrary to false narrative.

    In addition, our forest industry will be at risk along with our fishing industry.

    The significance of a Trump Presidency is essential to the well-being to the economy of Alaska and to the conservative principles of America. We will know in January.


  5. Because long time politicians have been feeding from the same trough for a long time. There is not a wits difference between Mitt Romney, Lisa Murkowski, Chuck Shumer or Nancy Pelosi. Our country has been hijacked by these people who only seek to serve their own best interests.

  6. I wrote and emailed all concerned. I also emailed the AK republican party. I hope they listen, but I have my doubts. This will determine if any of then get my support in the future.

  7. Thank you Suzanne for publishing this letter. It’s a breath of fresh air to hear a cry in the dark for unity, but I’m afraid it’s a bit too late. The Leftist Mob have already won and they are now in total control of taking over the government. Nothing short of a revolution is going to change the course we are on. Barring a miracle from on High, there’s not a lot we can do, especially here in Alaska. Sending letters, making phone calls and even commenting on this site hasn’t changed the course of the left-wing juggernaut, that’s rapidly gaining steam. We’ve succumbed to dark-money and absentee ballots with the passage of Prop 2. Sad and what’s even more terribly frustrating about this scenario, is that it could have been prevented. We as a whole, conservative-minded and less government, God fearing and country loving people, should have risen long ago by preventing the Socialists from removing God from the public place and in education. A stand that was made, should have been made stronger and should have been kept on going without capitulating! To fight for what’s right takes perseverance, strength and a belief in what you’re doing is far more superior and righteous than what the opponent believes in. That’s the way battles are won. To fight this growing swarm of elitist hypocrisy is going to take real soldiers of faith. Unfortunately, this group of politicians, lack any fortitude of moral decency. They’ll surrender under the so-called pressure of “wokeness” and you pretty much can kiss goodbye any conservative leadership in the state legislature or even our Federal Govt. representatives. ‘Nuff said!

    • I agree with you Jeff in principle but also know President Trump is not giving up and there are lawyers like Powell, Wood and Giuliani that have placed their lives on hold to fight this to the bitter end and we must do the same. Do not think that this President takes his duty to defend the Constitution lightly. I believe he will use the 2018 Executive Order to fulfill that duty. There are mountains of evidence to support his EO. The Insurrection Act would be his last resort to bring in the corrupt. The current NDAA however would effectively limit his ability to use the Insurrection Act which is why the corrupt Mitch McConnell will push to override his veto. Trump needs the people to push back in mass and we can’t fail him as he hasn’t failed us!

  8. Stand up!!! Tell Lying Trash Can Murkowski to get off her can and do the job she said she wanted. Tell Dan Sullivan the same thing. He criticizes the President!!!! Really!!! on the military issues? When my sons were in war and going, when all others in war were actually there and working the scene of war they were given, Sullivan sat on his can behind a desk. I’m sure he was scared, but so were the men and women that signed up and stepped up. So, Sullivan, you have been given a job just like Liar Murkowski and neither of you can cut it. Then comes Pot Head Don Young…the oldest of the three musketeers. Not doing the will of the people and the pledges you made. Time for the State of Alaska to get rid of the Dominion voting machines. Time for a good audit and an accounting of the last few elections and counting…. I’m all for that!! Let’s see if you really are in the job you and the public thought you were elected to be in. I’m all for that, too!!

    • Mr. Braun: I did a comprehensive probability calculation that computed the probability of “the Republicans doing anything useful.”
      The probability assessment was a little difficult given the lack of a definition for the term “useful.”
      In order to complete the probability calculation, a totally subjective definition was adopted that essentially made “useful” a term of art that conflated your entire set of values and principles as being absolutely, without question,, perfect and assumed everything you think should be done as identical to received guidance from divine sources.
      With that in mind, the probability calculation that any or all of the Republicans will do anything useful turned out to be (strange as it may seem to you), marginally more likely compared to any conceivable scenario where you might achieve anything useful in terms of altering the political decision making in the republic.

  9. This is truly a bizarre document. It takes every nasty thing Trump and his henchmen have foisted on the American public and blames vaguely named leftists for it. This is taking recent history and turning it on its head, sending us down a fantastical rabbit hole.
    Russian interference in the 2016 election has been well documented by several world governments, and attempts to intrude on the 2020 election, equally well documented, weren’t effective because they were discovered and counteracted.
    COVID criticism has been justified because the President’s inaction has put the US at the top of the heap of fatalities and numbers of cases, as he fiddled while the virus burned. At least we can say we are number 1 in something.
    Election fraud, as preached by the GOP and the President, is in itself a fraud. No evidence of any significance has surfaced, and it wasn’t for want of trying, as shown by the 50 some cases that failed in the courts. This truly is unbelievable, that people still believe the lies Trumps spews about the election in the absence of any proof whatsoever.
    The fantasy that American rights are being curtailed is laughable. They seem to be based on the belief that wearing a mask or isolating in a pandemic is a threat the innermost tenants of democracy, while the reality is that people are flaunting them while threatening the lives of everyone around them by refusing to take temporary actions that would help control the virus. Firearms sales are at record levels, so it appears the attempt to deprive citizens of their legally acquired weapons is just another windmill at which right wing hoplophiles are determined to tilt.
    What we have here is an ultra-right wing diatribe that bears virtually no resemblance to the reality in which we are living. When I read it, I thought it was a satirical parody, but it appears to be a screed of current, ultra-right thinking. It is disturbing that people actually believe this stuff, and that the more absurd it is, the more determined they are to believe it. Stack the court with progressive? Really?
    Admittedly, these are trying times. The government of the US has been challenged to its core by the dictatorial traits of the current chief executive. Perhaps some semblance of normalcy will return in the next four years, but this collection of lies and distortions doesn’t give me a lot of hope.

  10. Thank you, Suzanne!

    Lisa will do exactly what those who own her tell her to do but the rest of us fully expect Senator Sullivan and Congressman Young to do the right thing by supporting the President. Anything less could be reasonably interpreted as inexcusable support for the trashing of our country and our state.

  11. Local civil disobedience at the Anchorage Assembly is required! Disrupt their ability to further subjugate us with their asinine emergency orders, ruining our economy! Let them understand Thomas Jefferson’s Tree of Liberty and the blood of tyrants. If they cannot legislate fairly, then we cannot let these petty tyrants rule over us!

  12. The time to fight was before the election, not afterwards.

    The GOP as a whole are feckless losers who couldn’t be bothered then, or now. This is the same party that gives us Cathy Giessel and Mitt Romney.

    Really want to fight? Find one, count one, genuine conservative (not Republican) to run for mayor and fight like hell to get them elected.

    Political wars are won by slogging ground games. Not despite Hail Mary’s .

  13. Fellow Alaskans,

    This is a clarion call for action to preserve our American freedom and republic!

    The joint session to certify the presidential election by the US Congress on Jan 6th presided over by Vice President Mike Pence is likely the Last Chance for America to keep our democratic republic in the face of the corrupt 2020 presidential election.
    It’s been eight weeks since this stolen election. There has been plenty of time for legislatures, courts, prosecutors and law enforcement to take proper action. That they have not done so is profoundly troubling and revealing of a widespread deep state sabotaging our democratic institutions.
    The extensive evidence,
    “…of election irregularities and fraud should have been taken more seriously by government officials and law enforcement, and promptly and aggressively investigated. Today, there are hundreds of witnesses, declarations, sworn statements, and videos that continue to raise questions about the integrity of the results.

    “It’s untrue that most of the claims have been dispelled by courts. By and large, there’s been no opportunity for witnesses to testify or present evidence to a judge or jury. More importantly, perhaps, there’s been no way to collect evidence of alleged fraud without the tools of a criminal inquiry, such as subpoenas, depositions, and the ability to compel forensic exams.” — Sharyl Attkisson, 2020 Election Screaming Red Flags That Deserved Criminal Inquiry, Epoch Times [12/22/20]

    You must tell Senators Sullivan and Murkowski, Rep. Young and Vice President Pence that this cannot be allowed to stand if our Nation is to survive. Tell the senators and our congressman that you want them to object to the certified electors from Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Nevada because those electors were chosen via a fraudulent election process. It’s easy to do. Just keep it short and to the point. Phone call, email, whatever. Most important is YOU need to act. Their contact information is listed below.

    The public’s confidence in the 2020 elections, polling, law enforcement, media, and government are shaken to its roots [after Sharyl Attkisson].

    “We are not only at a crossroads; we are also at a precipice. If we go over that precipice by allowing election fraud, whether or not we ever recover is uncertain, perhaps impossible. Free and fair elections may well become a thing of the past.
    “An even worse condemnation will be the thousands upon thousands of lonely white crosses in fields across Europe that will forever stand in silent condemnation of their failure. To anyone who can imagine unspoken words, the voices of our fallen patriots will be loud and clear: We were willing to give our lives for freedom. Could you not at least write a few words?” [Marlo Horne, American Thinker 12/25/20]

    Stand up for America. Don’t fail our revolutionary and war fallen heroes. You owe it to yourself, your children and your grandchildren to write your congressional delegation NOW.

  14. Another Example, Edit and Send and Share. Written the Delegation twice and intend to before the sixth.

    Senator Murkowski, Senator Sullivan, Congressman Young

    Honorable Alaska Congressional Delegation,

    I respectfully request you exercise your Constitutional and statutory authority to object to the certification of any elector from any state that refuses to allow a meaningful audit of the November general election for electors to the Presidency, which includes: 1) a re-canvass of the vote that authorizes independent confirmation of a signature match using the same standards the same election officials use for nomination petitions, recall petitions, and initiative petitions;2) publishing of the ballots for the world to review and observe, as states promised when they wrote large taxpayer checks to election machine companies like Dominion and others; 3) audited review of the voter rolls to ensure only qualified voters cast ballots for electors to the Presidency. If a state refuses to allow an honest audit of the vote, then I request you Congress object to the certification of any electors from that state which has refused such an audit. Presently this includes the electors from Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
    There are reasons for my concerns. The state legislatures in the respective states chose a method for choosing electors to the Presidency that cabined who qualified to vote, constricted the manner in which a vote could be cast, and circumscribed how the vote could be counted. Many of the restrictions and for each of those three were not followed by several of the states in question. President Carter warned in 2005 that absentee ballots posed the greatest risk of fraud. The New York Times agreed in 2012 that absentee ballots posed the greatest risk of fraud. Jurists, experts, and election officials all concurred that mass mail-in balloting posed the greatest risk of fraud. We just had the biggest absentee-ballot driven election in American history. Yet, the very safety guardrails of this election were systemically and systematically removed, often without the assent or consent of the state legislatures, despite the express promise and explicit protection of the Electors Clause to the Constitution. Midnight counts outside the meaningful observation of poll-watchers. 11% signature mismatches according to the Democratic expert in the election contest in Arizona. Votes from dead people, non-citizens, and non-residents found in the research of Matt Braynard and Richard Baris. Is it really too much to ask that states publish the ballots they promised to publish? Is it really too much to ask that states allow an independently confirmed signature match, at least to a statistically significant sample, of the absentee ballots? Is it really too much to ask for the states to affirm that only those qualified to vote cast ballots for the Presidency?
    The Supreme Court directed any remedy to you, and Congress, when it declined to hear the case brought by the state of Texas, a suit joined by the Attorneys General for 18 states included Alaska, representing more than 100 million Americans, 126 members of Congress, high ranking state legislators from the objectionable elections of the states at issue, and public interest advocacy groups representing millions of Americans.
    Will you please do Alaskans the respect of simply objecting to electors under the circumstances herein described. It would give confidence to me and my fellow Alaskans and greater than 74 million Americans who voted for President Trump, that our concerns about this election were taken seriously and meaningfully addressed in the only place the courts have directed remedy can occur: the halls of Congress.
    I am proud Alaska was in support of Texas’s complaint. Did you hear and will you represent Alaska?
    Congress cannot ignore. The election must be investigated. The legitimacy of the electors must be challenged.
    The Constitutional conscience of the country depends upon the choices you make. Thank you for your attention to these critical concerns.


  15. This screed was apparently written by charter members of the tin foil hat wearing collective.
    Somewhere between 77 to 90 percent of President’s inability to exceed the electoral vote total run up by Joe Biden were self-inflicted wounds that caused him to narrowly lose just enough votes in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Arizona. Donald J. Trump’s stunts, antics and lack of personal and political discipline caught up with him, in the end. He wore out his welcome with enough voters and paid the political price any and all elected politicians pay in a democracy when he failed to deliver on promises made. If you have to think of President Trump as a “victim,” then put it down to having victimized himself by not having the ability to control his own actions and by not having the discipline to pay sufficient attention to the job of administering the government of the United States of America.

  16. I wrote to all three instructing them to contest. Don Young wrote back indicating the President should use everything the process provides him, but did not indicate his intention. I suppose this week we should melt down the Congressional phone lines.

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