Let your heart be full


Dear Readers,

Happy Thanksgiving from Must Read Alaska.

Wherever you are, I hope your heart is filled with gratitude for all we have in this great state — whether you’re sharing a humble Thanksgiving plate or a lavish feast with family. This holiday is not a contest to see who has the most. It’s about the love we share and the gratitude in our hearts. The winner of Thanksgiving is truly the ones who are most grateful for being in the greatest state in the greatest country — in the history of the world.

As for me, I’m thankful for all the support you’ve shown for this Alaska-born project that is a spear tip for liberty, low taxes, our U.S. Constitution, and solid American values of self-responsibility. Your support makes it possible to keep going into the next year!

There will be no newsletter on Friday, Nov. 27, as it’s a travel day for me to be with loved ones. I’ll publish the newsletter again on Monday, and be sure to sign up for the upcoming Club MRAK Legislative Newsletter, which will launch Jan. 2, 2021.

Suzanne Downing


  1. Little noticed in Anchorage’s return to hunkering down is the banning of traditional praying before dinner. Instead all residents must engage in 30 minutes of self-abasement, lead by either a BLM.or Antifa certified instructor.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving to you Suzanne! Thank YOU for being such a good journalist with nothing but the truth in this world is fake news. I hope you to have a wonderful day with your family!

  3. Happy Thanksgiving everyone. They can name call, belittle, insult, shut down our businesses but they can’t break our will and spirit.

  4. You have earned the break Suzanne. We are all better off having your willingness to make the effort and your hard hard work putting MRAK out almost every day.
    Enjoy Your time with loved ones. When you resume know that you have a very loyal and supportive readership.

  5. Thank you for a very appropriate message and thank you for your service. However, I must say, in all my 64 years I’ve never seen anyone trying to make Thanksgiving “a contest to see who has the most.” I can’t imagine where that concern comes from.

  6. To all of you who don’t always agree with me, and to those who do – I wish everyone Happy Thanksgiving, a wonderful holiday season, and a 2021 that’s better than 2020 was.

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