Legislative notes: LeDoux loses committee chairmanship


Notes from today’s proceedings at the Capitol:

  • Rep. Gabrielle LeDoux lost her chairmanship of Military and Veterans Affairs Committee and was stripped of her positions in all committees, because she voted for a $3,000 Permanent Fund dividend, against the wishes of the Democrat-led caucus.
  • Rep. Laddie Shaw, a military veteran, has been made chairman of the Military and Veterans Affairs Committee.
  • Rep. Ivy Spohnholz is notably the only member of the House that is staying away from gender pronouns. She makes a concerted effort not to say, “Mr. Speaker,” but instead says “Speaker Edgmon” when addressing the chairman.
  • Conference Committee appointees are Sens. Bert Stedman, Natasha von Imhof, and Donny Olson; Reps. Neal Foster, Tammie Wilson, and Cathy Tilton. They will meet at 1 pm Tuesday to get organized on the negotiation of HB 39, the operating budget, and HB 40, the Mental Health budget.
  • HB 69, the governor’s bill to repeal the Alaska Public Broadcasting Commission, was heard and held by the House Community and Regional Affairs Committee. It is not likely to move out of this committee, chaired by Democrat Rep. Sarah Hannan of Juneau. The commission’s job is distribute state funds to the various public broadcasting stations, and to serve as a buffer between stations and fund appropriators, to protect stations from political retribution.


  1. What in Hell are we doing in Juneau with the Democratic obstruction on the PFD payouts? Stick to the law as set by the Hammond Administration you want to change it we the Registered voters of Alaska can only change the PFD not you Democratic swamp monsters

    • Albertus,
      The dims (democrats) are against the PFD payouts, as set by law, because they want the PFD for their socialist, insane spending policies. The only way Alaskans can really defeat them now is at the voting booth. All conservative Alaskans must vote next cycle or we’re in deep caca for several more years.

    • My memory is not perfect, but I believe the current statutory average-of-five-years formula for calculating dividends was adopted in the 80’s after Governor Hammond had left office.

      The beloved Permanent Fund dividend had multiple proponents. None was stronger than Dick Randolph of Fairbanks.

  2. Rep. Gabrielle LeDoux lost her chairmanship of Military and Veterans Affairs Committee and was stripped of her positions in all committees, because she voted for a $3,000 Permanent Fund dividend, against the wishes of the Democrat-led caucus.

    Why did she vote against the wishes of the caucus? Because she felt compelled to vote, the way that the majority of the Alaskan citizens in her district wanted her to vote. Apparently Gabrielle LeDoux is the only member that understands what it means to be a Representative.

    For that… I thank her. Regardless of your or my opinion of her decision, she made the right decision. Now the slimy swamp creatures will punish her for not towing their line.

    • That is exactly right. However, LeDoux should be gone for myriad other reasons. It is a tangled web she wove many moons ago.

      • For the record, I am not one of her supporters, nor am I a fan of her record. I am just acknowledging that this time, she chose to do the right thing.

        No member should ever vote their will, over the will of the people that they represent. They were not elected to be leaders, nor are the people whom elected them their subjects.

    • She will pay a steep price for her lack of core beliefs. Now she will be a pariah to both caucuses, a fate which she richly deserves. What a pathetic individual.

  3. Communism/socialism at it’s purest. The dim program. If you don’t agree with their “platform”, you are excoriated, demonized, de-frocked, verbally pummeled and stripped of all accomplishments, no matter if they’re good or bad. Typical dim/wingnut/lib modus operandi. Beware conservatives (and any disagreeing liberals), they’re coming for you too. Woe unto Alaska and Alaskans. The dims are in control and they will stop at nothing to achieve their goals.

  4. And again, nary a mention anymore of Charlie Chan and the Muldoon Marauders rising from the dead to vote LeDoux! What price did she ever pay for that debacle? She was re-elected. Charlie Chan is dead. Is she really a woman without a party? Edgmon was a “D” one day, and an “I” the next. God only knows anymore what can happen in this House of Dysfunction. This has got to be one of the weirdest sessions on record.

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