Some Lathrop High School students in Fairbanks will be standing in front of their school’s entryway on Wednesday. A protest has been called by the Sunrise Movement — a Native group — and Alaska Youth for Environmental Action to have students walk out of fifth-period class and stand against “fascism” and Trump.
“Walk out against Trump”, the flyer advertising the event reads. “Our generation won’t stand for fascism.”
Among the concerns the students have is funding for eduction. They also want access to healthcare and climate action, women’s rights, equality and love.
“Help us create a safe and loving community for those who are struggling at this time,” the group advertises.
Alaska Youth for Environmental Action is a program of the Alaska Center (for the Environment) that trains Alaska’s youth to be radical warriors for the “climate justice” movement.
Among the supporters of the Alaska Youth for Environmental Action is Rep. Genevieve Mina of Anchorage, who is on the board of the Alaska Center and who encouraged students to walk out of classes earlier this year to protest what she felt was a lack of adequate funding for schools.
Lathrop High School has a graduation rate of 73%, and students score just 30% on state reading proficiency tests and 16% in math proficiency.
ROFL, see what happens when history is no longer important in education! Send the brats back in time and see how fast they join the Hitler youth!
As Rush used to opine, “Young minds filled with mush.”
You can bet in the background there are adult Marxists (i.e. “teachers”) behind this foolishness.
2/3 of. Native Americans voted for Trump.
Source for assertion?
Watch news that isn’t (D) biased. It’s was all over the place.
This is why the public school system needs to be disbanded and buried.
We need real teachers not these spoiled wanna be leftest impersonators.
Get your kids out of the institutionalized school system for their own good and education that will amount to something instead of skipping school because who is elected president how dumb is that?
Lathrop has always been the trash-heap, drug dealing school of Farbanks. It doesn’t look like West Valley (the good high school) is doing this. My question is why isn’ Alaska Center for the Environment getting charged with reckless endangerment and contributing to the delinquency of school children?
Not a single school in Fairbanks has more than 50% of their kids that are at grade level for math, science, or reading. Not one. Yet, the FNSB is spenidng about $20,000.00 per kid, per year.
When you are turning out ignoramuses you should expect them to act like this. They take no responsibility for their own failures.
Please make sure there is NO coverage at all. Ignore them. Keep it off social media.
They don’t seem to understand which side has been fascist.
How out of touch. The economy is the #1 issue for voters as always. Next is the border. Climate change is somewhere way at the bottom. The establishment doesn’t have a clue or care about what the majority thinks.
This is how you can tell our kids are being brainwashed!
Well I don’t know what their attendance policy is, but this should be an unexcused absence and if disruptive on school grounds, result in suspensions. They are certainly free to hold rallys and protests on their own time but don’t waste the teachers time and taxpayers money by disrupting school. It’a real shame that they don’t even know the real facts or apparently what facism really is. Our schools are reaping what they sow.
Forget mere suspension go straight to expulsion!!
It would be so much more productive and positive for the kids if they would knock this crap off and just go back to teaching basics like math, reading, writing, accurate history…
That would mean the adults, aka teachers, would have to knock off their crap.
This comes from their teachers, administrators, even Genevieve Mina of Anchorage would all have to KNOCK IT OFF!
With those levels of reading and math proficiency it seems like walking out PERMANENTLY would a good move.
Graduation rate of 70%? What a bunch of stupid idiots. Brainwashed and clueless is about it.
How foolish they are. They do not even know what fascism is, nor that they have fallen for lies by blindly adhering to the dark forces wanting to destroy and take over our country. Blinded by entitlement and dependence which is ultimately selfishness. Persuaded also by the lies of ‘victimhood’ and false justice. The PS system was seen as a vehicle for ‘social change’ over a century ago and has been used to that end too successfully in past decades.
Brainwashing our kids so they will be good social justice warriors and terrible human beings….
Those wimps don’t even know what fascism is. All they know is what some other wimp told them.
Based on the test scores in this article, I think the best thing for those students would be to return to class and read a little history about a country in Europe known as Germany and particularly the history of the 1930s If you really want to know about fascism. Nothing in the Trump administration Points to any Form of fascism.
Our republic survived because we do have an educated electorate. We used our constitution as it was meant to be used to preserve our union. We used democracy to run our election and to select our representation. These students would be better off leaving their cell phones at home and paying attention to the lessons being taught. Further if they have such a low level of trust In our Constitutional system It would be hoove of them to study long and hard about the Constitution so that they can use it to their ends. With that being said , i’m pretty sure that after they study the Constitution for a while they will discover what an absolutely wonderful document it really is!
They need Savanna Fletcher to guide them through these perilous time of Fascism.
Maybe Fairbanks school district should repurpose the school buildings to indoctrination training camps for the purpose of recruiting their youth to become their new elected leaders via rigged choice voting and take everyone with them on their safe climate mission.
Since the performance level of reading and math is low they must be very proficient in science to fully understand the disastrous effects of the climate crisis.
They must take action NOW before it is too late and the natives are very “useful tools” since they got here first and they actually own the land we are squatting on according to the Anchorage ASSembly who rents the native’s land to the people who want to build a house on it.
Now that they have had a native representative in DC who has lots of financial support from everywhere but Alaska the time is ripe to take action.
I thought Junior Hopkin’s job at the teacher’s union was to stand with the little kiddies on the sidewalks and indoctrinate them. Big bucks for Junior. BTW, has anybody done a background check on Junior? Is he really good to the kiddies?
Future FEMA workers being bred in Fairbanks.
Bynotsyf club
Bite Your Nose Off to Spite Your Face club
Granted , there is a “ teacher “ or teachers giving extra credit for liberal shenanigans
What is even funnier to me is the number of people on both sides who do not know that Hitler was a socialist hence the National “Socialist” workers party “NAZI” of which they all belonged.
Surprised that they aren’t protesting for World Peace. Oh, that’s right, the Left generally supports war these days.
““Walk out against Trump”, the flyer advertising the event reads. “Our generation won’t stand for fascism.””
I won’t stand for fascism, which is why I voted for Trump.
Education these days isn’t what it used to be.
Right on. I have to applaud the courage of the young man (I assume he is a Lathrop student) who in the weeks before the election stood on the pedestrian bridge over Airport Way in front of Lathrop High waving at the motorists and proudly displaying his sign which read: “Live Better, Vote for Trump.”
Clearly they’re not learning much in the classroom. Maybe the ones who do stay in class will, momentarily at least, have a chance for a learning session without disruption from the loudmouths and dunces. Except for those unfortunates whose “teachers” will be out screaming at the sky along with those they’re failing to educate.
Just watch, take notes, and suspend them all.
If they are grown up enough to disrupt school, they are grown up enough to not be there.
Most of these kids have no idea what fascism actually is, and are probably hard pressed to find Alaska on a map.
Isn’t that the blob off the Mexican west coast?
Must follow policy.
Go ahead and just drop out. Trump will be the President for the remainder of their HS experience, unless they are held back. See how you do economically.
“Our generation won’t stand for fascism.”
Their time would be better spent getting a real education, and discovering that the Left are the actual Fascists and Nazis…
The truth would hurt their little feelings….
Great example of how our schools are FAILING students.
Dear Youth,
Lathrop High School has had 4 years of love, women’s rights and equality with the Biden/Harris administration; did you feel more love in your school the last 4 years?
Boys are allowed in girl’s bathrooms: is this what you call “women’s rights” and equality?
Health care does not belong in the schools; climate change is an natural organic process of evolution.
Life is about change, about adapting to the changes around you. At your age you haven’t experienced enough life to compare Trump to Biden. Wait a few years, then compare the differences yourself, not through someone else’s ideas, beliefs or fears.
The education system in Alaska, and the Nation is broken. The education system is teaching you to hate any kind of change.
Wokeism is communism in sheep’s clothing. Marxism, Socialism, Fascism, Nazism and Communism are under the umbrella of “Collectivism”. Our spiritual war is Collectivism vs Individualism.
I’m hopeful a Trump administration can reverse the creeping red wave of collectivism in our education system.
Anything to get out of class, right?
Can they spell let alone define fascism?
Agree. The left Dems are radicalizing and corrupting todays youth. This stuff needs to stop!
The Alaska Center for the Environment is lost. They simply do not understand. Or they may, which indicate that they are evil.
“Lathrop High School has a graduation rate of 73%, and students score just 30% on state reading proficiency tests and 16% in math proficiency.”
Perhaps the students should be protesting the fascist indoctrination they are receiving that results in well below MINIMUM standards. When indoctrination centers refuse to teach our children BASIC knowledge required to survive, let alone thrive in today’s world, when do we stop sending and funding our children’s indoctrination?
They are the Hitler youth -I wonder when they’ll start turning on their “ friends “ when their friends say they like President Trump.
Little Leftist Doom Goblins can go stand out in the cold on their immoral high ground.
Isn’t it great that we elected a President that protects our rights to protest?
“students score just 30% on state reading proficiency tests and 16% in math proficiency.”
That ladies and gentlemen says it all! When you can not read well enough to comprehend and math eludes you, you are rife for manipulation. Useful fools!
So they are concerned about education funding, which is primarily a state responsiblity. Since the vast majority of education funding is derived from oil revenue, their call for climate action seems to run counter to that goal.
They want equality and LOVE???? I remember when the flower children just wanted “love”….(well mostly they wanted to get high and have sex, if one is being honest)
Let’s see what the teachers and the school administration do.
Who funds this organization by the way? Are they affiliated with the Sunrise Movement? Considering Lathrop’s academic standing it makes me wonder where these junior activists stand and just have to laugh at their predictable list of what they stand for.
Someone needs to teach these kids that the election is over. Time to get together for the betterment for he country. Even Biden said “we can’t just like America when we win.”
How many of these protesters can explain what fascism is?
Stupidity rules at lathrop. Good job history teachers at lathrop. O ya they don’t teach history anymore because it was ugly.
Morons. TDS is real amongst these misguided youth. Used to be called an “unexcused absence” when we didn’t show up for school and there were enforced truancy laws. Oh well, party on Garth.
Always gotta label something you disagree with. Typical.
They need Trumpenol for their TDS.
It’s DTS. Deranged Trump Supporters. Fixed it.
So what rights are they losing?
There’s a stupid bunch in most every school.
They apparently don’t know a lot about much of anything. Sometimes, some need to be left behind.
The sunrise movement is dangerous. And Alaska would do well in looking into the dark money being dumped into this fascist subversion group and their long term agenda. They are a depopulation advocating group using transgenger ideologies to sterilize a generation for climate agenda goals. Get on this Alaska and root them out. This is how red states flip purple and blue is by allowing these subversive groups to operate in your state, and schools. This group will end up resorting to eco terrorism and violence if allowed to continue their agenda. Alaska you have been warned. Do your research and kick this NGO out now before it’s too late.
So which is it, my Fellow Americans: Fascism of Facism?
I’m guessing the kid who wrote this poster has been subjected to the same education system as the person who scrawled “American Tailban” on my vehicle in the Costco parking lot this summer, in response to some rational (no need to use the word “conservative”) bumper stickers.
Good. It’s always important for the young adults to get involved, no mater what party they prefer.
Does that count for Hitler Youth as well? It’s not always important for the young children (high school students aren’t young adults) 5o get involved. In fact sometimes it’s good that young children are not involved, like when they are being used by misguided adults to do their political bidding…like the aforementioned Hitler Youth.
Yes Steve. Even after WW2, the Nazi party had a candidate run fir president as did the KKK. Even though we didn’t like it, it was important for Democracy and to show the rest of the world we weren’t hypocrites. During the Civil War, kids younger than these served. Yes, they can form an opinion of their own.
Not as much Hitlerjugend as Maoist RedGuards
Please proof-read your comments Greg – this one places you right in the proficiency category of Lathrop High…
Not sure what that means.
Kamala’s final speech after losing her failed election bid has energized youth to fight fight fight.
A very impressive insightful speech for the youth to fight that she used many times over the same as she used for the rioters in 2020 who were burning looting (and some were shot in the head) telling them not to stop until they got what they wanted.
A burned up inner city with massive losses for the downtown area businesses. Car lots with every single vehicle burned to the ground. That was Kamala’s plan for the “summer of love”.
Equality and love? Is that why Trump suffered two assassination attempts? Trump’s inauguration will be in January, let them walk out then. Perfect time to be outside in Fairbanks.
Aww give them extra credit for it and maybe it will bring their grades up.
Wow! A sad testament to how poorly educated our children have become. Modern day Dems are the personification of fascism. They support censorship of opposing viewpoints, they are constantly attacking the right to free speech, they have used the Dept of Justice to target political opponents, they use foreign wars to personally profit themselves and their donors to the detriment of their constituents. They are inextricably joined at the hip with Wall Street and multi-national corporations and banks and act on their behalf and not the public good which is the classic definition of fascism. Obviously, these students are not being taught critical thinking skills.
These children need to be told to get BACK to class and stop this nonsense.
None of them could fight their way out of a paper bag.
Principals need to stand together and tell them NO. It’s a distraction in a high school. Grow up kids! They are the fascists at this point and they don’t even know it!
What would you do next, close down Berkley? How about Kent State?
It’s not as if they’re learning anything when they’re in class; give them their diplomas now. There will always be an underclass, so why bust the budget trying to raise the education standards here on the frontier? So if the dummies learn just enough to read the funnies, consider them a success! Give ’em a pat on the back, and tell them, “Well done!”
If the school day is being disrupted,then the administration needs to intervene. This is not helping improve their proficiency rather than wasting their learning opportunity. Rep Genevieve Mina should face consequences for her involvement. I guess this explains why TJ rural native voters voted for trump! Because they lost all faith and hope in Biden, Harris and Deb Halland, because their lives are so much better 4 years later
Odds are, not a single student will be punished for skipping class that day. Which means free day off. So a bunch of kids that couldn’t care less will walk out in protest.
Makes it look like a handful of activists students actually represent a whole generation.
This is right out of the playbook by the teacher’s union. Expect the little boy mayor, Junior Hopkins, to be right alongside the brainwashed kiddies. He fits in better with juvies than adults.
Kind of reminds me of the J6 protesters that didn’t like the outcome
I wonder if there is more to this than just him standing with underaged kids.
If ever there was a sign that there’s something wrong in education in Alaska, this is it. What they are being taught at Lathrop is evident here. I’d expected this kind of behavior from West Valley. The principal should mark them absent for the entire day after locking the doors and preventing the students from re-entering the facility. The curriculum for the next week should be civics, which is obviously not being taught, or at least taught correctly. And the true fascists who are teaching those students this drivel should be reprimanded or replaced.
I cannot recall a Must Read Alaska column that has had such excellent reader feedback.😄 Thank you Suzanne for reporting the graduation vs test scores of this abysmal taxpayer funded school. I hope President Trump makes Charlie Kirk the head of his Dept.Of Education.
I have no problem with students staging a peaceful protest, as long as it was their own idea. I DO have a problem with the NEA brainwashing students and using them to further their own social or political agenda. I can’t help but wonder how it would go over if a group of students held a demonstration sponsored by Moms For Liberty or another conservative organization.
On November 13 Bikers for Trump need to attend this meeting.
Not sure what educational opportunity that Fifth Period normally brings to these ‘yutes’, but they should be marked absent from Fifth Period and suspended if this gathering creates a disturbance to others trying to learn something. Perhaps as a class project each student should explain in an essay what fascism is and how the duly elected president meets that definition. That usually causes a few stutters and stammers among youthful political firebrands because that would require some original analytical thinking and expression.
Should be fun to watch the attorney general call this mob, Sunrise Movement and Alaska Youth for Environmental Action to account for contributing to the delinquency and truancy (AS 14.30.010. Attendance Compulsory) of minors.
Alaska’s AG might even ask the IRS to audit this mob, Sunrise Movement, Alaska Youth for Environmental Action, and their PAC’s, see if what they’re doing, especially with their political action committees, complies with federal tax law.
Good, plain language explanation shows up at ‘
Why bother? Legal action and IRS audits against this mob might be just what it takes to solve the problem in a way that prevents it coming back …just like any other social disease.
No wonder their reading proficiency is so low. Their time would be better spent learning what “fascism” means & then using critical thinking skills to compare & contrast the current administration with Trump’s. Trump isn’t perfect but the future is bright with an incredibly diverse team- some of whom care a lot more about people & the environment than Biden or Harris (aka Obama) – as shown time & again by their disdain for the peasants & their policies that are killing them.
Amen Rollo
When I was in HS here in the 70’s then trade school after that, if you were late or walked out of class, the teacher would do a snap test for 50% of your grade.
Doubt the teachers anymore would do that, most of them couldn’t spell their own name or stand up amy values.
Public education is socialism.
Fail every one who walks out, fire the so called teachers.
Or, ignore it and watch it disappear.
Genevieve Mina ROFL there’s a reason why her social media is so heavy on optics. Look for a post last year saying Fat Bear Week is the only October election that matters in Alaska.
Lotta comments here; I skimmed thru them…quickly. It breaks my heart to see these ‘young skulls full of mush’ embrace idiot ideology. My alma mater. Phuche! Never would have happened in the seventies. I don’t know what our graduation rate was back then — likely in the high 90%s. What a travesty.
Cap Lathrop would be horrified to know such a high school is named after him. As for these young idiots, let them walk. Who really cares, but the left, anyway? I’m sure there are plenty of level-headed students who will stay put and laugh as they leave. Or maybe all the level-headed ones are being home schooled…?
At least the psychiatric hospital unit is only a couple of blocks away.
Let’s hope the Trump administration eliminates the federal Department of Education (among dozens of other departments).
We must institute vouchers available to all Alaska youth to attend private and parochial schools.
There is nothing “environmental” about any of these groups, and they prioritize working with or through sham “Native” organizations to add legitimacy to their fraud.
I would encourage parents of current Lathrop High students to encourage their children to prepare for and call out their peers for debate involved in this propaganda.
Use this as an opportunity to humiliate these youth being exploited by sick special interests. In fact, it’s an opportunity for cogent students to get right back in their face, man to man, and cogently overwhelm their ignorance with facts.
Turn this pseudo Marxist tactic into a learning experience. Lord knows, our youth needs every opportunity and tool to survive the crappy legacy we are leaving them.
Let`s all pitch in, show our support, and rent them a bouncy house.
Elevate to 30,000 feet. Alaska needs its own Conservative millionaire to combat the Act Blue money laundering that’s pouring into the state. There’s an agenda, a long game and it’s not local. We have oil, only 3 Electoral votes, 730,000 population, and a Republican majority. We need to ask ourselves why all the Liberal Marxist Left political gaming and focus here?
Would someone please educate our young. Just give them facts not propaganda.
Dissent and protest was taught
In my high school as a civil liberty
As was a spirited debate class !
A class which required absorbing both points of view .
If I were teaching that class I would let the walk out complete it’s cycle and then in class , take the opportunity to require students to write essay on the election protest of January 6th
Now you’re talking. A voice of reason without banging the drums of hate.
They can’t even spell fascism.. I guess not only do they need a lesson in history, but also spelling and literature.
Whatever happened to debate class? The education system is falling apart and people are getting therapy rather than having conversations to unify as community through differences in opinions.
There would have been consequences by my father if I participated. Parents are the first teachers and instill values. Everyone talks parents rights. What about parents being parents and taking responsibility for their child’s actions.
I bet there are 6 of them.
That is not a protest. It is placarding. It is not even political speech. A protest is a written complaint with a cover letter of notice to cure written to meet Federal courthouse Rules of Evidence. The complaint answers who, when, where, what why citing correct law that applies following due process. The first process due to the protestor is to deliver a notice to cure and to preserve treble damages inform law enforcement of the usurpation. Has this been done? If not no one is protesting. They are wasting time which is apparently all they want to do.