Lance Pruitt files for House


House Minority Leader Lance Pruitt announced today that he is running for reelection for House District 27, East Anchorage. Pruitt said he would file midday, but in advance he has posted a video on his personal Facebook page.

Pruitt will face hardline Democrat Liz Snyder, who ran against him two years ago. The Alaska Democrats have targeted this East Anchorage seat and intend to flip it blue this time with their more-experienced, second-time candidate. Snyder filed for the seat last July and started 2020 with over $86,000 in her campaign treasure chest.

But Pruitt has represented East Anchorage for 10 years and has spent his whole life in the district. While Snyder is a professor of public health at the University of Alaska Anchorage, Pruitt has worked in logistics and transportation in the private sector, before running for office in 2010.


  1. The House IS a disaster because of the Liberal Democrats and RINOs. Johnston needs to resign because of racist beliefs. The rest of the RINOs voted out for being owned by the Unions, Special Interest Groups and managed by Edgmon. The Legislature needs to get rid of the Caucus, go to open debate on the Floor then vote their conscious with regards to their Constituents and Alaskans. Representative Pruitt will always put his Constituents and Alaskans first. Democrats will always put Personal Agendas, Special Interest Groups and Publicity Service Unions first. Republicans are not perfect, no body is, but way better than Democrats and RINOs. Fact: the way Anchorage goes Alaska goes, which is the Liberal Democrats and RINOs way.

  2. Yeah, so much criticism of this legislature and their supposed self serving world view and yet we keep electing and re-electing swamp cronies like Pruitt over and over again. This legislature is a reflection of us and we are delusional to think there will ever be any change as long as the same old tired politicians are elected and re-elected. Just own it people. We are the likes of a political ground hog day. Ugh! Here we go again. The best people stay away from the legislative / gubernatorial morass. The bottom feeders keep rising to the top.

    • So, what is your solution? This post says a lot without saying anything. Tell us something we don’t already know.

      Good luck Lance!

  3. I am so excited he is running. I do wonder if he was thinking a primary run at Giessel would have been a better option.

  4. I Live in his district and have The belief that he Represents his community interest Well!

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